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Why Indians don’t like there neighboring countries?

In the past means when I was a novice kid.:P Every child born in BD have positive impression about
Bharat until they grow some brains and starts to live in the real world.:)
Okay look, there is no need for any animosity between us or our countries. I don't know from where you have heard about those things you earlier stated but let me assure you, it could not be any farther than the truth. I agree we made some mistakes, but we have learnt from them or we are atleast are trying to. Hatred and anger has never benefited anyone before and neither will it in the future except for some stupid war mongerers who make their living by spewing hatred amongst us common people. I hope you are getting my point.
i think some Indians don't like Bangladesh and Pakistan because they together broke India into 2 Pieces. Specially India Lost Huge reservoirs as K2 and Baluchistan. But bad thing is Pakistan never used These huge reserves (Coal, Gas, Gold) etc.
Potential and Talent are on both sides.
But there is a difference.
Army Ruled 60 years in Pakistan.
Democracy Ruled 60 years in India.

May be some Indians also hate Pakistanis due to our Army dictators in past.
But in other any countries, Indians and Pakistanis lives as Brother.

Indians hate for neighbor is fully understandable.

There is no alternate of Peace life.

No country can become super power If there is unrest in neighbor.

Have a peace on all sides. Lol
Why Indians don’t like there neighboring countries?

Read the comments of Indians in Times of India & Hindustan Times‎, when news related to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal & Maldives published; Foreigners can see how Indians don’t like neighboring countries by the comments of Indians.

Indians them self sending wrong messages to the news readers from neighboring countries.

Why Indians so much negative about there neighboring countries?

Instead of creating an intelligent thread following data from the surveys made by market research agencies, and comparing it with corresponding data from other countries, your purpose seems to be creating one more thread based on some comments made by anonymous users on websites. For all you know these users could be paid information warriors, we have tonnes of users here too who are false flagged and their objective is to create hatred, don't know why.

If you are not one of them, then use your brains and make a more logical argument than ''look at the comments made by them'' as I can show you hundreds of horrible comments about indians too. If not then there is no difference between you and the famous chinese drama queen who only uses those comments to justify his own racist hatred.
i think some Indians don't like Bangladesh and Pakistan because they together broke India into 2 Pieces. Specially India Lost Huge reservoirs as K2 and Baluchistan. But bad thing is Pakistan never used These huge reserves (Coal, Gas, Gold) etc.
Potential and Talent are on both sides.
But there is a difference.
Army Ruled 60 years in Pakistan.
Democracy Ruled 60 years in India.

May be some Indians also hate Pakistanis due to our Army dictators in past.
But in other any countries, Indians and Pakistanis lives as Brother.

Indians hate for neighbor is fully understandable.

There is no alternate of Peace life.

No country can become super power If there is unrest in neighbor.

Have a peace on all sides. Lol
Most Indians have no idea about our history with Pakistan or it's current state neither do they bother much about[as it is they have too much on their plate or actually too little]. But people who have actually read about things such as Terrorism emancipating from the pakistani side or Indo-Pak wars aren't too pleased with Pakistan either. It's got nothing to do with Baluchistan or Partition or Army rule. A lot of hate, mistrust is actually misplaced because of our media[ratings hungry].
I guess that if the saner more educated members in the society make a conscious effort, than all this animosity can be easily cured.:tup:
Why do I feel every bangladeshi worried about 'sikkim tragedy' (ok don't ask me what it is, i don't know) also denies 1971 genocide?

Whats with the religious nutjobs and denying past attrocities of shocking scale?
Actially I used to have a positive impression about the indians in the PAST. But after I came to
know about all the
1)aggressive wars they fought with PAK & china
2)The hatred they have for muslims
3)Kashmiri genocide
4)War mongers like Indira gahdi , nehru and patel
5) The tragedy of Sikkim
7)Killing of our beloved president ZIA ur rahman
8)Constant meddling in our politics
9)Their attitude in sharing common rivers
8)Sabotage and insurgency in PAk & in the past SL
9) Their Akhand bharat policy
10) And last but not least their pathetic arrogant attitude
I really hate INDIA now. These indians deserve to be hated. They make life hell for their
neighboring countries. Considering their arrogant attitude its natural for them to hate their
neighbour. They are the most racist & most xenophobic kind along side their white masters in the

First learn counting instead of spurting **** out here.
Exactly, we helped them and instead of being our friend they hate us. We have to raise barbed wire border with huge vigil along Indo-Bangladesh border and start deporting illegal immigrants.

But even then we will be their for you in crisis like back then

Some fun facts about Afghanistan & Pakistan. There are currently over 3 million Afghans living in Pakistan right now. Pakistan has also been the economic (exports & imports) partner of Afghanistan, including the 'wonderful' poppy they keep sending to our country.

Pakistan also has China as its neighbor from the North, & we know what Pakistan-China's relationship is like. So the only real problem is India.

When a country that 'helped' the other get independence is disliked more than the country they got the independence from, you know something is seriously wrong.

Not to mention more than 2 decades of India training, funding, arming & supporting Tamil suicide bombers & terrorists who killed tens of thousands of people in a country with the population the size of Karachi today.

Afghanistan is not your neighbor, & it is India that has illegally occupied Kashmir (read the UN resolutions). The government of Nepal might not present India problems, but the Maoists from there certainly are. Sri Lanka I have already explained. Bhutan is ok with India. Myanmar (like Bangladesh) is also involved in the North East India insurgency that is giving India headaches.

Afghanistan: I just want to tell you that when NATO killed your 24 soldier. " NATO did best thing in whole 10 years" one of them said. According to many(every) survey, pakistan is most unfavourable nation to them. 4 million afghan living in pakistan but they celebrate when India defeated pakistan in WC semis. They are dependent on you but surely they don't like(they use all slang word which we made for you) .

Bangladesh: we can say the same thing about your relation with afghanistan. Pakistan librated afghanistan from USSR. 4 million afghan living in pakistan. And still they hate you know something is seriously wrong.

Sri lanka: they killed our PM in 1989( could be in 88 ). U know something is seriously wrong between us Thats why they killed our PM( and they were active till 2008 without our help). someone please post the video where their PM were saying that always India comes than china or other country( that video was posted by lanken ranger)

Myanmar: Ask bangladeshi. They will explain you better who always say we helps myanmar against them.

Kashmir & afghanistan: as I said if( agian here If) pakistan didn't occupied( legaly or illegally thats depend on whose version that person using. I was using Indian version) P O K than afghansitan would be our neighbour.

Nepal: they are one of the most friendly nation. They use to come india for work( how can we forget gorkhas). Nepal is friendly nation.

Maoist and millitancy in NE: If Maoist succed somehow than only different for pakistan is they will face a communist India instead of democratic India. Thats all( they believe that they are working for betterment india). So don't worry about them. Most wing of ULFA already signed peace treaty and millitan of Manipur is too less for any influence. I also live in NE and I never ever gone outside NE and I never ever heard any Bomb blast or sound of firing bullet. So don't worry about them too.

Most Indians have no idea about our history with Pakistan or it's current state neither do they bother much about[as it is they have too much on their plate or actually too little]. But people who have actually read about things such as Terrorism emancipating from the pakistani side or Indo-Pak wars aren't too pleased with Pakistan either. It's got nothing to do with Baluchistan or Partition or Army rule. A lot of hate mistrust is actually misplaced because of our media[ratings hungry].
I guess that if the saner more educated members in the society make a conscious effort, than all this animosity can be easily cured.:tup:
There is also huge part of bloody Politicians who does Bad politics and spreads fire on Oil of Pak/india relationship just for seats.
Pakistan politicians are maturing now, that's why they gave India
favorite nation status for trade. I hope we will never see Army rule in country. Pakistani media and people are also maturing. They will never allow army rule in Pakistan. I bet...
I hope relation will improve b/w China, india, Pak, and other neighbors.
Here is bright future in South Asia.
Old Indian Saying

" Neki kar aur dariya main daal" :D

These stinking people were well suppressed where their women's were raped and their people were killed by their so called thekedar of muslim ummah neighbor. It's all our fault that we liberated them.
Why india only? Lets talk about our neighbour.

Pakistan: they have 3 neighbour. They hate indian and afghan so much. Nor enemy nor friendship realtion with iran. 66% hostility with neighbour.

Bangladesh: they have 2 neighbour and they hate both of them. Which means 100% enemity towards neighbour.

Sri lanka: I don't think that there is anything more than fishing ground dispute between us. If they are our enemy as author said than again 100% hostility towards neighbour.

China: let me count. 1. Vietnam 2.ROC 3.philipines 4. Russia 5 japan 6. India 7 korea( could be more). They fought wars with Korean, vietnam, japan, russia, ROC.

Lets talk about India's other neighbour. We have good relation with burma, nepal, bhutan, sri lanka( I beliieve), afghanistan( If pakistan did not illegally occupaid P O K), which means 50% of our neighbour are our friend. And india never attack its neighbour first. Unlike china( especially) and pakistan.

China has 14 neighbors
Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.

India is the only neighbor that we have land dispute with.China maintains good relationship with most of its neighbors.
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