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They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

If there is anything I have learnt about people on Internet, its that they say a lot of things. That racist brush is held by everyone and it aint goin any where. Another thing to keep in mind while browsing through forums is that if you take any random person's silly comment to heart/ seriously then you are equally involved in a moronic conversation.

My point is that be the thread about Indians, Pakistanis, Israelis, or Muslims, when you use an example like brush here, treat everyone equally without a mention of which ethnicity the topic is currently targeting because now it only shows double standards not hidden well.

Sir, there is no double standard regarding myself here. As I have not made a single comment here judging any one religion and/or culture here. All I said was people shouldn't paint with a broad brush. if my comment bothers you so much, that is a shame. Nothing I can do about that. My opinion and thoughts on the matter still stand. Thank you
Sir, there is no double standard regarding myself here. As I have not made a single comment here judging any one religion and/or culture here. All I said was people shouldn't paint with a broad brush. if my comment bothers you so much, that is a shame. Nothing I can do about that. My opinion and thoughts on the matter still stand. Thank you

It really does not bother me, I am used to seeing people standing tall for justice or at-least pretending and a few posts later their true self comes to picture. You talked specifically about Israelis and I added Muslims to the picture, it seems modification towards equality if anything. If you truly care so much about people as a whole, I don't understand why you are taking offense in place of a suggestion.
Most foreigners consider those people trash who go head-over-heels to bow before them.

That's common even in Europe and Americas.

If you're polite but self-respecting, you will be respected back.

Most of our tour guides or shopkeepers or even hotel staff, bow until their noses touch the floors and sing and dance around tourists and foreign visitors as if they are for their entertainment.

That's why we see quotes like what that Israeli guy said above.

Start respecting oneself, start respecting our ancient culture and traditions and see how the world respects India.

Be polite but respect oneself if you expect to be respected.
How can it be racist. Pakistani's and half the Indians(North Indians) have the same race.

Entire subcontinent is the same race dude. The south Asian genes is unique in a way that even Tibetans and entire NE matches the genes of north and south India.

The whole 'race' thing is bullcr@p.

Also, don't call Pakistanis as a similar race to us Indians.

It offends them as they feel they're closer to Arabs, Persians and Turkics.
No wonder Israelis are viewed most positively by Indians ,the sheer amount of Israeli defending by Indians in this thread is epic.
No wonder Israelis are viewed most positively by Indians ,the sheer amount of Israeli defending by Indians in this thread is epic.

Israel as a nation is widely admired by common people in India.

Reason is simple - we see Israel does not take crap from Muslims. If the mard-e-momins try to mess with Israeli citizens, Israel pounds them back to their creator. And for every one life of an Israeli taken, Israel kills 50 mard-e-mujahids.

The determination and guts of that nation is amazing.

Where as in India, when Pakistanis come and kill Indians, we tell them we wont play cricket with them.
Not hate speech it's, as they say, real talk.

"palestinians are a created people in an artificial land much like yours. That's why you have great affinity towards them." <------- That's what you call hate. The topic is about india and israel not arabs or palestine. Save your so called real talk for your own forum.
Reason is simple - we see Israel does not take crap from Muslims. If the mard-e-momins try to mess with Israeli citizens, Israel pounds them back to their creator. And for every one life of an Israeli taken, Israel kills 50 mard-e-mujahids.

Israel has beef with some arabs in the middle east why are you dragging muslims into it???
if anyone does that today it will raise questions on their secular credentials :lol:

Personally, I proudly call myself a communal for continuously loving and protecting my ancient culture and custom of Vajrayana path in Buddhism. :D

As for you guys, it is upto you whether you want to defend your identity or cower down as servants of organized religion.

Israel has beef with some arabs in the middle east why are you dragging muslims into it???

The entire Islamic world i.e. countries that call their constitutions based on Islam, boycotts Israel.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, entire Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei and now slowly, Turkey.

Heck! Even deobandi muslims of India do.

If this is not Muslims then what is.. :what:
The entire Islamic world i.e. countries that call their constitutions based on Islam, boycotts Israel.
There is a difference between boycott and messing! A country can boycott anything or anyone it wants as long as they are not messing with anyone plain and simple.

If this is not Muslims then what is..
Jordan,saudi arabia,qatar are allied with israel, You can even find some muslims who work for israel. So like i said stop dragging muslims into it.

Arabs are the WASP of the Muslim world.

what do you mean wasp?
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