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They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

You are a blind fool if you believe Israel needs India in any way shape or form. As long as America stands on this earth, Israel needs no other nation for international or diplomatic support. America has both veto power in the UNSC as well as the most influence over world states. India? What exactly has India ever done for Israel internationally or diplomatically? Last I checked you abstained or voted in favor of upgrading Palestinian statehood in the UN.

All i will say to the above is that any nation no matter how big or small can never have enough friends...since in world politics there are only interests and one never knows when a friend can change colors (case and point US-Pak, US-Iran relationships)

Israel has trade relations with us ie. we provide their economy fuel and they provide us security equipement...its a co-dependent relationship...
Israel is not providing us something we cannot get from others through a few tweaks on our part nor is India hell bent on becoming a strategic ally....
India will never politically take a stance thats pro-Israel...

However, If Israel can afford to alienate and **** off 1/6th of humanity against them, then that makes their lives and survival harder...it is their struggle for survival...NOT ours...and they will need all the help they can..

Out of the 10 Muslims states that have recognized Israel, India helped ease tensions in NONE OF THEM! (Egypt, Jordon, Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) Delirious Indians. You aren't worth much too any country in the world. Though from this forum I have gotten the feeling that you believe you are critical players in world affairs. You failed to serve the Soviets during the Cold War, and now you're nothing more than cannon fodder against China.

If you think a nuclear armed country with the second largest manforce and the 3rd largest standing army is irrelevant in the world, then all I can say is you're delusional
Its our choice to stay neutral as far as "others" wars are concerned...
Why would we serve the Russians or the Americans? Cold war was your war, you should fight it...we serve our interests and our interests only...and if that makes us irrelevant, then so be it..

Besides, I would any day be a neutral bystander than become another Pakistan or Cuba....
All i will say to the above is that any nation no matter how big or small can never have enough friends...since in world politics there are only interests and one never knows when a friend can change colors (case and point US-Pak, US-Iran relationships)

Israel has trade relations with us ie. we provide their economy fuel and they provide us security equipement...its a co-dependent relationship...
Israel is not providing us something we cannot get from others through a few tweaks on our part nor is India hell bent on becoming a strategic ally....
India will never politically take a stance thats pro-Israel...

However, If Israel can afford to alienate and **** off 1/6th of humanity against them, then that makes their lives and survival harder...it is their struggle for survival...NOT ours...and they will need all the help they can..

Easy there muchacho....

If you think a nuclear armed country with the second largest manforce and the 3rd largest standing army is irrelevant in the world, then all I can say is you're delusional
Its our choice to stay neutral as far as "others" wars are concerned...
Why would we serve the Russians or the Americans? Cold war was your war, you should fight it...we serve our interests and our interests only...and if that makes us irrelevant, then so be it..

Besides, I would any day be a neutral bystander than become another Pakistan or Cuba....

The bold part is BANG ON !
And why is that?

Modi has been accused of lack of action during the Gujrat riots...

US and many of its citizens takes its human rights issues pretty seriously...which i applaud them for.
Well, we are immune to that! Internet heroic warriors can say whatever they want to say, but things in reality are different ;)

True but some of them need to be taught a lesson. Arabs,Iranians,North koreans,Indonesians didn't do anything to deserve criticism from them.
As many of you know my family and I were in India for a holiday a few months ago and so I have seen first hand how Indians treat others and how they treat their own country. I am not posting this on here in a put down/insulting type of way, India is an amazing country, but even my little girls were saying how ****** Indian people are and how they don't care or respect their own country or each other.

Indian posters can take this any way they want, but Indian posters on here also know that I speak the truth, I take both sides of the argument when it comes to India. As a foreigner who visited the great country I was impressed with a lot of things and so was my wife and kids, but we were also disgusted and saddened with the ***** and disregard that Indians have to women, and their nation as well.

The lack of hygiene and the seeming tolerance to ****** conditions should be a cause of massive embarrassment to Indians, I mean if my two young daughters one 5 and the other 7 can see this and comment on it I don't understand why Indians don't do something about it. Indians like to beat their chest about almost everything, but why don't they actually clean up the country, it's a pig sty and disgusting, sorry if this angers Indian posters on here, but this is the truth.
Now now, don't forget your place as a religious nutjob convert and run to your arab master to teach the ancient indian a lesson. This is not the 7th century.

Move along, and try to be less pathetic.

Move along?? This is a :pakistan: forum! Guess what I am half pakistani, So don't bark orders at me Fool.
You know what's really pathetic You calling me a religious nutjob convert, when I am agnostic.
I was having a discussion with yzd khalifa there is no need of interference from you.If you have a problem with what i said try approaching me with a little decency so we can talk it out but i guess your Italian masters didn't teach you manners.
As many of you know my family and I were in India for a holiday a few months ago and so I have seen first hand how Indians treat others and how they treat their own country. I am not posting this on here in a put down/insulting type of way, India is an amazing country, but even my little girls were saying how ****** Indian people are and how they don't care or respect their own country or each other.

Indian posters can take this any way they want, but Indian posters on here also know that I speak the truth, I take both sides of the argument when it comes to India. As a foreigner who visited the great country I was impressed with a lot of things and so was my wife and kids, but we were also disgusted and saddened with the ***** and disregard that Indians have to women, and their nation as well.

The lack of hygiene and the seeming tolerance to ****** conditions should be a cause of massive embarrassment to Indians, I mean if my two young daughters one 5 and the other 7 can see this and comment on it I don't understand why Indians don't do something about it. Indians like to beat their chest about almost everything, but why don't they actually clean up the country, it's a pig sty and disgusting, sorry if this angers Indian posters on here, but this is the truth.

Agreed on all counts. Don't worry, Indians are also some of the most self-critical people around, nobody is going to be angered by the truth.

It's frankly disgusting how Indians treat matters of hygiene and cleanliness. Even my own bedroom is a mess :(
In my opinion, remain neutral...especially since the Iran-Israel tussle has become more about religion than politics in my view...

I wonder how so?
believe it or not our only real problem with Iran is their nuclear weapons program, which is the only current threat that can destroy the state of Israel.
Yes, we have some problems with them helping Hamas/Islamic Jihad terror groups as well as Hezballah. But really this is much much more minor as these threats cannot destroy Israel or even inflict severe damage.
We have worked with countries who have provided aid to fighters against us in the past.

So basically I am asking you to explain your opinion, since it is an opinion there is no absolute right and wrong, I just want to hear your rational.

thanks :)
I wonder how so?
believe it or not our only real problem with Iran is their nuclear weapons program, which is the only current threat that can destroy the state of Israel.
Yes, we have some problems with them helping Hamas/Islamic Jihad terror groups as well as Hezballah. But really this is much much more minor as these threats cannot destroy Israel or even inflict severe damage.
We have worked with countries who have provided aid to fighters against us in the past.

So basically I am asking you to explain your opinion, since it is an opinion there is no absolute right and wrong, I just want to hear your rational.

thanks :)

To Israel, the tussle with Iran may be about their possession of nuclear weapons or attempt at acquiring the same, however from the Iranian side, this has become an extremely religious war akin to the crusades...and it makes sense since the country of Iran has very little seperation between church and state operations...

If we side with Israel against Iran, we alienate our largely muslim population and to a large extent much of the Arab world which India has had great relations with...
Besides, Iran has not done anything to harm Indian interests...I dont believe that india can afford to adopt and foster foreign wars since our priorities are very different..

I do not see why israel-India or India-Iran relationships should be held hostage or India asked to choose sides...it doesnt make sense to me...India can and should have independent relationships with each country based on mutual benefit without any Political or religious leaning...

PS: Israel is in a position of strength currently when it comes to Iran and that balance will absolutely change once Iran has WMDs...
If I were Israeli, I would take a lesson from the current India-Pak chapter to gauge how things might brew once Iran possesses nukes..Ill let you draw your own conclusions..
i plan on returning home to do my part in making sure modi wins :tup:

Broheim, first off..long time no see...hope you're keeping well..

Im neutral as far as political parties are concerned, though I do think Modi (not taking into account other factors) is the most able administrator and possibly the least corrupt politician in India...
Nevertheless, some of his actions have to be questioned...which I believe is what has tarnished his run for PM

when i think of the indian political landscape I see that both Congress and BJP have had their hands soaked in blood...so if we are going to choose between the two horns of the devil, Id rather choose the one that can provide us hope for maximum development...which is why I think Modi wouldnt be a bad option..
But of course time will tell....
If we side with Israel against Iran, we alienate our largely muslim population and to a large extent much of the Arab world which India has had great relations with...
Besides, Iran has not done anything to harm Indian interests...I dont believe that india can afford to adopt and foster foreign wars since our priorities are very different..

I do not see why israel-India or India-Iran relationships should be held hostage or India asked to choose sides...it doesnt make sense to me...India can and should have independent relationships with each country based on mutual benefit without any Political or religious leaning...

I fully agree, the best thing for India is probably to stay neutral atm. Indian's know what's best for themselves better I believe.
This kind of attitude not possible in Bangladesh. I am proud to be a muslim and my country known to be a muslim country.
All i will say to the above is that any nation no matter how big or small can never have enough friends...since in world politics there are only interests and one never knows when a friend can change colors (case and point US-Pak, US-Iran relationships)

Israel has trade relations with us ie. we provide their economy fuel and they provide us security equipement...its a co-dependent relationship...
Israel is not providing us something we cannot get from others through a few tweaks on our part nor is India hell bent on becoming a strategic ally....
India will never politically take a stance thats pro-Israel...

However, If Israel can afford to alienate and **** off 1/6th of humanity against them, then that makes their lives and survival harder...it is their struggle for survival...NOT ours...and they will need all the help they can..

If you think a nuclear armed country with the second largest manforce and the 3rd largest standing army is irrelevant in the world, then all I can say is you're delusional
Its our choice to stay neutral as far as "others" wars are concerned...
Why would we serve the Russians or the Americans? Cold war was your war, you should fight it...we serve our interests and our interests only...and if that makes us irrelevant, then so be it..

Besides, I would any day be a neutral bystander than become another Pakistan or Cuba....

Israel can survive without India. This is a fact. As to your point about changes in relations between nation’s states this is only partly true. America will never abandon Israel; the defense of Israel is a key part of the national debate in even the Presidential elections. Obama and Hagel may have toned it down somewhat, but Israel’s special relationship with America will always remain. For better or for worse. As for Israel not providing you something you cannot get elsewhere, that is a two-way street. Israel can easily take its markets elsewhere as well. Remember Israel doesn’t need your “economic fuel,” as much as you need Israel’s advance military equipment. Germany, UK, America, and a host of other nations remain vital trade partners with Israel.

**** off 1/6 of the world’s population? Israel has pissed off more than that. They’ve continuously pissed off about 2 billion Muslims, so yes, they can live with pissing you off. Again you overstate your worth and value. Finally to your last point North Korea also has Nuclear weapons and a ten million man army, yet when it says something it has more weight than anything India says. Regardless of your military size, most of your equipment is dated and aged. You’re still using old Soviet junk, and your force projection power is laughable. You can barely take on your neighbors, even with your massive size and population. Oh and you were never “neutral.” You should do some historical reading into your nations history, you served the Soviets, and you picked your sides. You directly opposed us in Afghanistan, supporting the Communists.

You mention Pakistan and Cuba, yet they both will be better off after what we do to you. Remember you are nothing more than cannon fodder for us against China. Israel, and Western Europe, run by our dictation, your “economic boom,” is reliant upon us. When we pull the plug India goes back to the 7th Century. You will serve your purpose and be cut down in time. Finally, maybe you should brush up on your spelling and grammar, don’t insult my language. And oh, seeing as how your true loyalties lie with India, maybe you should move back there? We don’t need you here.
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