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They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

"palestinians are a created people in an artificial land much like yours. That's why you have great affinity towards them." <------- That's what you call hate. The topic is about india and israel not arabs or palestine. Save your so called real talk for your own forum.

" BTW, she hates Indians like yourself and says you guys really smell bad..."<------- That's what you call rampant racist comment.your buddy(pakistanisage) said that Indians "smell bad" and you thanked him for this racist tone.endorsing it.
A dentist friend of mine once told me this story that has stuck with me all these years. Now keep in mind that she is a devout Christian lady who happens to be Blond with blue eyes, in other words very Caucasian looking. She said that when she was 20 and a junior in college, she went to Israel with her classmates. She was excited especially because she had an opportunity to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem in the holy land. Also she was excited about being with the Jewish people as she always carried the biblical context of Jews and that Jesus was a Jew, according to her.

But to her consternation, when in Israel, she found Israeli Jews to be rude and condescending. Every Jewish shop she entered in Jerusalem treated her like a pariah. If she asked any shopkeeper about the price of any item she got dirty hateful looks like why are you wasting our time. At one time she asked them if they would lower the price somewhat as she was just a student and could not afford the hefty price but she did want to take the item as a gift for her mom and the shopkeeper rudely to told her to get out of his shop.

On the other hand she remembered how kind the Arab shopkeepers were to her. They offered her tea and told her she could pay whatever she could afford as she was their guest. The Arab women constantly hugged and kissed her and she felt like she was with her own family. To this day when she meets an Arab or a Muslim, she is reminded of her trip to Israel.

Needless to say, she gives me a pretty good discount on my dental work.:D

matalab achha karm kisi aur ka aur faida apka :whistle:

On Topic> we should not generalize the Israelis due one such article, but if this the view most Israelie tourists hold, then we must take steps to change it and if they still behave rude they need to be reminded that they are in foreign nation
HAHAHA.......LOL...........If I am not wrong these very indians used to worship Israeli's for all their rights or wrongs, now that they have said the truth about indian ***** and primitive nature, you have stooped so low to not only talk about holocaust you are threatening them another repeat of the same? Shame on you selfish indians.

There are some permanent jew citizens living in India. How they act??
. .
and where the hell did you get that from?

Ill put my money on you having never visited India or ever seen the interaction between Indians and Israelis in person....
But Ill wait for your tale about the "this one time"
I'm not going to write any tales. It's right in front of you. Go to any Israel related topic on this forum. Indians are protecting them more than Israelis themselves.

I have said this before, Israel only cares for itself. They don't want any friends. They even double-cross the US for their own benefit, so what is India to them?
&#7716;ashsh&#257;sh&#299;n;4450145 said:
I'm not going to write any tales. It's right in front of you. Go to any Israel related topic on this forum. Indians are protecting them more than Israelis themselves.

I have said this before, Israel only cares for itself. They don't want any friends. They even double-cross the US for their own benefit, so what is India to them?

doesn't matter what they think of India. They have helped India in many occasions.Help in military is well known. They have also helped Indian farmers in agriculture with high end solutions meant for increasing the production,the Israeli firms offer high end security systems in cyber tech etc etc...the relationship has been beneficial until now,it is better that we continue to Maintain that relation.If they want to break that relation,fine then,it will be the call of Israelis to make.

As for one Israeli bad mouthing Indians, well, who doesn't do it? don't the Pakistanis bad mouth Arabs, don't the Arabs bad mouth Pakistanis? whatever it is,this relationship has been beneficial to Indians in general in lot many ways.so i'm all for the relation. we are not expecting the Israelis to embrace India nor to hail Indians as their true brothers, just that we can achieve much more by being united than declaring them as their enemy. And this what even the rational Pakistanis want.
This quote is particularly upsetting. What an uncivilized couth.

Bad words choosed by them............but that is reality you can't deny...........In whole Arab world who is working in Arabs houses, as mads, drivers, cleaners etc. mostly are Indians.

Although i personally against this what Arab do with those foreign workers...its unjustified system in whole Arab world.
" BTW, she hates Indians like yourself and says you guys really smell bad..."<------- That's what you call rampant racist comment.your buddy(pakistanisage) said that Indians "smell bad" and you thanked him for this racist tone.endorsing it.

I thanked pakistanisage for making a rebuttal against a real racist.How he feels about indians is none of my concern. Plus he is not even in my friendl list so don't call him my buddy aight.

I don't hate indians, I hate hindu-supremacists and islamaphobes who consider themselves superior than other races while all they do is talk sh*t on the internet.
But India is a dirty, ****** country, and that's the truth no matter how many times you want to deny it. And unfortunately Indians themselves are the cause of this ***** and dirt, they don't care about their own country. Their houses will be nice and clean but they will dump all their ***** in the street below.
But India is a dirty, ****** country, and that's the truth no matter how many times you want to deny it. And unfortunately Indians themselves are the cause of this ***** and dirt, they don't care about their own country. Their houses will be nice and clean but they will dump all their ***** in the street below.

It's because of the development level in India.We are still a poor developing country.

Even with a low population , your European countries too were dirty and ****** at the same development level as India today in the 19th century.
Israel.... India's best friend.... tells what it really thinks about India.

Israel is being kind.... Russia has an even lower opinion of India.

USA.... Japan.... Vietnam.... everybody thinks the same :azn:

The truth is.... the whole world knows India is just a third world hole that likes to boast about its shupa-powa.
:lol: smoked ganja with them in Goa. Nice people they were. Funny to see people generalising an entire race/country due to behavior of a few dikheads :coffee:
India needs Israel more than Israel needs India, Israel helped India in defence technology heavily well that is what India wanted.

No its not. Its mutual. Israel needs India for international support and diplomacy, considering we have the 2nd largest muslim population in the world. India's support outweighs Israel's help in Defence technologies, for which we do have other sources.
I have some good Israeli friends, and I love the boldness of their women, they know what they want, and get it, they will often make the first move, refreshing compared to some others.

I think it is mainly the slave, bowing, fawning culture of some indians that makes people from outside have contempt. The shaking head from side to side and the apu accent.

But then again have some good indian friends - so should not generalize.

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