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A plane full of Indians behaving badly

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and it didnt rain in India today and the birds didnt fly....the cats didnt Meow....the cows were sleeping all day....the grass wasnt green...stars werent shinning last night and reasons for all these odds things are Pakistanies:enjoy::p:

Nope, those things happen without interruption in India. But search the internet. You will be certain to find some Pakistani with a western pseudonym claiming that the birds in Pakistan chirp more respectfully than those in India, the cows moo with a more martial tone , the grass in Pakistan is greener than that of India and the stars in India are really fake stars as compared to the ones which shine in Pakistan :D :azn::p:
Ur wishful thinking but accept it. PAKISTANIS are pariah to the west and we Indians become victims of Pakistani's acts.

Otherwise I dont understand, maybe ur intelligent *** can explain us all why INDIANS are abused by da word **** in UK?

We have accepted Pakistani expats as our own. We have accepted the abuses thrown on them too. We have accepted someone calling us Pakistani too.

Ur existence is coz of us. U call urself Indians when someone is looking for ur sorry *** to kick.

Dont talk bout NORLAM SITUATIONS or DELUSIONAL WORLD coz I can throw innumerable video proofs where u wud be ashamed of being called a PAKISTANI.

kiddo, like i said, you can bark all you want, no one really gives a shyt
teri qasam :sarcastic:

Nope, those things happen without interruption in India. But search the internet. You will be certain to find some Pakistani with a western pseudonym claiming that the birds in Pakistan chirp more respectfully than those in India, the cows moo with a more martial tone , the grass in Pakistan is greener than that of India and the stars in India are really fake stars as compared to the ones which shine in Pakistan :D :azn::p:

Hence any source that points finger at Indians is Pakistan influenced.....damn these Pakistanis are taking control of all the influential establishments, including WHO, which was also praising Indians for their outdoor activities.
Normally, I don't like to post in threads like (we're better than you) this. I can bet that the author has never traveled on PIA (Pakistan international Airlines), otherwise he would not be just pointing fingers at Indians.

In any case, making sweeping statement/generalization is wrong,it shows his prejudice.
Some Pakistani with a western pseudonym creates a blog to insult Indians and the Pakis here are having a field day quoting from it :D

And kept on writing masquerading as a westerner to this year just to write that one article against Indians 2 years ago... It was all part of his evil scheme to pass as legit...
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