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A plane full of Indians behaving badly

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Situation normal for Indians.

Maybe in your delusional world, but hey no gives a shyt.
Ur wishful thinking but accept it. PAKISTANIS are pariah to the west and we Indians become victims of Pakistani's acts.

Otherwise I dont understand, maybe ur intelligent *** can explain us all why INDIANS are abused by da word **** in UK?

We have accepted Pakistani expats as our own. We have accepted the abuses thrown on them too. We have accepted someone calling us Pakistani too.

Ur existence is coz of us. U call urself Indians when someone is looking for ur sorry *** to kick.

Dont talk bout NORLAM SITUATIONS or DELUSIONAL WORLD coz I can throw innumerable video proofs where u wud be ashamed of being called a PAKISTANI.

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The fact is that westerners will feel safer travelling in a plane full of unruly Indians as compared to travelling in a plane full of silent Pakistanis with suspicious looks on their faces :D

You may believe in anything if it makes you sleep better but here is how they really feel

There are a smattering of Pakistanis and Sri Lankans. Both exhibit quite different behaviours which are more acceptable to my western ideals
Actually the author met Pakistanis in da plane and mistook them as Indians as every subcontinent person is Indians for them. @Windjammer as always fucked up in comprehending. :D :D
The only thing ''F'' ed up is your reading ability as the author clearly distinguishes by his experience. :cheesy:
The only thing ''F'' ed up is your reading ability as the author clearly distinguishes by his experience. :cheesy:
I not only have better reading ability but also much much better comprehending abilitities.

A westner will never distinguish between Indian and Pakistani or Bangladesh. Until n unless hes acquainted to the region.

Until any westner talks bout Indian and specifically mentions Pakistani, its understood that Indians for a gora is always Indian Subcontinent.

Dont agree?

Ask Pakistani Expats on this forum.
He became an elite member after reaching the target by posting the same garbage. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
And the situation clearly represents as how you have excelled by leading the hunting pack....also known as the Trolling Devi.
And the situation clearly represents as how you have excelled by leading the hunting pack....also known as the Trolling Devi.

When the Bhartis start attacking the OP, start dragging in Pakistan have nothing to say on topic, you can be sure they are burning at both ends.

they just cant handle criticism, and all the way start posting against Pakistan ... this is common in almost all indians
Some Pakistani with a western pseudonym creates a blog to insult Indians and the Pakis here are having a field day quoting from it :D
and it didnt rain in India today and the birds didnt fly....the cats didnt Meow....the cows were sleeping all day....the grass wasnt green...stars werent shinning last night and reasons for all these odds things are Pakistanies:enjoy::p:
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