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Option's for PAF ?

it best dog-fighter in the world including all planes that are under development. only way of beating it by detecting it before it detects you.
It is not a compeletly stealth plane....and AWACS can detect a non stealthy plane.....
By the way I am more interested in an opponent fighter plane
a serious question from Indians...as Rafael is 4 or 4+ generation plane.....it is not invincible....
which plane do Indians think, can match Rafael?
Why we match our own plane?
Please clarify on what basis you vow to say that Russia will not sell engines to Us.

The price of an AL 31 engine must be 5 to 6 Million dollars
If Russia sells 100 such engines ; WHAT will it get just 500 Million dollars

But we DONT want you to get J 10 ; J 10 is more advanced than JF 17
SO we have put pressure on Russia not to ALLOW RESALE of AL 31

China BUYS AL 31 for its OWN USE
But it cannot sell you a J 10 because it is powered by AL 31

It is also NOT in Russia's interest if J 10 is sold
Then the sales of MIG 29 will be affected

SO it is in the interest of Both India and Russia that Pakistan does not get AL 31

When China can complete WS 10 ; then you can but J 10

But it will FIVE more years for China to get WS 10 ready
The price of an AL 31 engine must be 5 to 6 Million dollars
If Russia sells 100 such engines ; WHAT will it get just 500 Million dollars

But we DONT want you to get J 10 ; J 10 is more advanced than JF 17
SO we have put pressure on Russia not to ALLOW RESALE of AL 31

China BUYS AL 31 for its OWN USE
But it cannot sell you a J 10 because it is powered by AL 31

It is also NOT in Russia's interest if J 10 is sold
Then the sales of MIG 29 will be affected

SO it is in the interest of Both India and Russia that Pakistan does not get AL 31

When China can complete WS 10 ; then you can but J 10

But it will FIVE more years for China to get WS 10 ready
First of all dude bookmark this post in order to see your precious opinion on Al-31f and Chinese engine in future,Russians are pissed of really after India is sleeping more with west knowing that west is pissing Russia on daily basis,Chinese have just singed 400 billion gas project with Russia+In 2014 Beijing and Moscow signed a 150 billion yuan central bank liquidity swap line agreement to get around American sanctions on their behaviors+their total trade value is 100 billion so all Indian things are peanuts in front of this all.My friend china can't piss us and Russia can no way piss china today.So if we desire then we are going to get F-10c fighter in less then one year but still J-31 is flying and J-20 is going to see production in no time,dude china has invested 100 billions in Engine technology in last 10 years WS-10 and 9 are being tested on J-10 and Jf-17 let see in future.
why would china join hand with pakistan on j-31. when they know you have no other option.
India is buying both t50-fgfa and f35. so china will give you j-31 whenever they want only after fulfilling their requirements..
China and Pakistan both are strategic partners and friends. And as far as my knowledge China is developing j31 for themselves as well as their allies with their collaboration
Please clarify on what basis you vow to say that Russia will not sell engines to Us.
india is buying 3 sqs of f-35 for navy. if russki piss them off a bit too much they might cancel fgfa and go in for more f35 and develop their own amca.
Do you wan't pakistan to match India, 1:1 aircrafts?
Pakisyan has never done so and will never be that stupid. However to sit quietly and not do anything is suicide. We need to maintain a credible defence against your acquisitions. Realistically the only options are either more bl.52s or wait for J31s while building JFT more. J11Bs are not going to cut it for this purpose and we will hurt our fledgeling relationship with Russia as well. The other more tasty offering if the red bear plays ball with us would be SU35s. A couple of squadrons would revert the scales for the next 5 to 10 yrs. However the most realistic option would be J31 or a similar iteration. The question to ask is what would be the most favourable long term answer to the problem. Response from PAF would depend on the finances, and availability options from the Chinese and what the US response to the request would be. In either case the contract is not yet signed and even after signature of the contract there would be a lag period so we do have time although the options should be sorted with a plan B and C.
Your post show you don't know what a air war is and how small forces can defend their self. I m not talking about attacking Indian air space and dominating it I m talking about PAF maintaining air dominance over Pakistani skies.

And he has some points .At conflict scenario ,Pakistan will always at defensive mode.Of Course you have SAM system .But there is reason for Nirbhay's development .
Recently tested drag 1 ton bomb weapon can travel 100 km .And Su can mount 8 of those weapon in their hardpoints.
Just look at the distance of Pakistan major cities from our border .Air defense between border and cities will oblierated at first SEAD ops.Then we have Brahmos A .Of Course Pakistan can also do that at our border but sheer size of our nation will help us for reinforcement .
Pakistan can maintain that superiority until the online status of your Air Defense.
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