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Option's for PAF ?

yeah Like yours News are much authentic and god word

While a number of IAF aircraft took part in the Kargil campaign, it was the cover provided by the MiG-29 Fulcrum armed with beyond visual range (BVR) missiles that exposed the PAF’s plight. Analyses by Pakistani experts revealed that when the rubber met the road, PAF simply refused to play any part in support of the Pakistan Army, angering the latter,” says the report.

“While PAF fighters did fly Combat Air Patrols (CAP) during the conflict, they stayed well within Pakistani air space. On occasions, IAF MiG-29s armed with the deadly R-77 BVR air-to-air missiles were able to lock on to PAF F-16s, forcing the latter to disengage. In the absence of a PAF threat, the IAF was able to deliver numerous devastating strikes on intruder positions and supply dumps.”

The situation changed little during the 2002 border crisis between India and Pakistan. Strategy Page adds: “One Pakistani military expert observed that the PAF’s perceived inability to defend Pakistan’s airspace and even put up a token fight against the IAF was the biggest driver for Pakistani leaders’ warnings that any Indian attack would lead to an immediate nuclear strike by Pakistan. It would be no exaggeration to say that after the Kargil and 2002 experiences, PAF’s psyche took a big beating.”

MiGs over Kargil: How the Fulcrum buzzed the Falcons | Russia & India Report

Your post made me laugh. What "experts"? Unnamed experts can say anything.

Indian security experts said the Indian Army's performance in the Kargil war was unsatisfactory. One such expert said "They simply didn't have the nerve to face the Pakistan Army. They just refused to leave their barracks. In the end it was decided that Indian Government will use diplomatic and international pressure to make Pakistan vacate the posts".

Another security analyst had an even worse opinion "It was a wake up call for India. They realised they will not be able to use military force to make Pakistan vacate the posts. There were reports of soldiers saying they would rather eat shit than go face Pakistan".

There. Take your unnamed "experts" up where the sun don't shine. Oh, by the way, check the newspaper's name.
it's solved due to Russian economic crisis also we are directly importing RD-93 from Russia.

We are talking of J 10 and NOT JF 17

J 10 is powered by AL 31 which RUSSIA has refused to sell under INDIAN pressure

JF 17 is powered by RD 93 ; that is available

Once WS 10 engine is ready only then J 10 can be sold to Pakistan
2 sqds of J-11Bs.

More F-16s (even second hand ones-MLU).

Invest in JF project.

Save money for 5th gen.
Pakistan should join hand with China on j-31 instead of wasting money on 4 and 4.5 gen aircrafts.
1)if we go for F-16 then it's just like coming from showroom because we know all in and out of that aircraft,we have a large dedicated overhaul facility for that jet.
The IAF also knows that aircraft inside out thanks to frequent pilot exchanges with Israel, USAF and the RSAF.

Oh and there is a squadron of Royal Singaporean Air Force F-16 Blk.52s housed at an Indian airforce base 365 days of the year that the IAF conduct regular air exercises with so......

2)if we go for j-10c it will be a difficult option because we have to train pilots,crew and necessary facilities for induction but still it will take less time as compared to Rafael because it's in full production,production line is running 24/7 and currently CAC is only producing for PLAAF,while Rafael is being produced for French Air force and Egyptian Air force and then Indian production rate is not high today.
They are not producing anything 24/7, no production line in the world can sustain that outside of the most extreme situations i.e. wartime. India will get these 36 within two years this is coming from the Defence Minister of India as part of the govt-govt agreement between India and France.
Pakistan should join hand with China on j-31 instead of wasting money on 4 and 4.5 gen aircrafts.
why would china join hand with pakistan on j-31. when they know you have no other option.
India is buying both t50-fgfa and f35. so china will give you j-31 whenever they want only after fulfilling their requirements..
We are talking of J 10 and NOT JF 17

J 10 is powered by AL 31 which RUSSIA has refused to sell under INDIAN pressure

JF 17 is powered by RD 93 ; that is available

Once WS 10 engine is ready only then J 10 can be sold to Pakistan

That might not be the case any more under chinese pressure
...............to NOT pick up a fight with India.

You're suggesting an intelligent, zero cost, long term, net positive option? How stupid of you. Everyone knows that such a thing doesn't exist! Besides, your option has severe toxic side effects like a growing economy, better fed people etc. What makes you think a country can handle that? Naïve man!
That might not be the case any more under chinese pressure
yeah Like Indian pressure won't work on Russians.
I challenge you that bookmark my post Here itself Even with Indian signing MMrCa deal Russians will Never sign Anything Sophisticated to challenge Indian superiority.They Knew What will be the Economic ramifications of it.
What people don't realise is that it will be years before the Rafales are inducted in numbers and become operational.
Who knows by then, what else would be out there.

let make a wild guess, what would be out there ? :lol:

a bankrupt country :omg:
Like indian pressure worked for engines for jf17 for pk or j10 ; j11; j31; j20 for chinese...
China is far bigger economy than india is
why would china join hand with pakistan on j-31. when they know you have no other option.
India is buying both t50-fgfa and f35. so china will give you j-31 whenever they
want only after fulfilling their requirements..


Welcome to the forum. J31 was designed with pakistan in mind.

Any and every conventional weapons system is available to pakistan from china at this time if pakistan so desire And that also on very soft loans.
Like indian pressure worked for engines for jf17 for pk or j10 ; j11; j31; j20 for chinese...
China is far bigger economy than india is
your talking about Pakistan here.Engines are no path breaking technology Come here when PAF can Acquire Flankers or Migs from Russia directly


Welcome to the forum. J31 was designed with pakistan in mind.

Any and every conventional weapons system is available to pakistan from china at this time if pakistan so desire And that also on very soft loans.
he is troll he got you :lol::lol:
What makes you think that J-31 is better than Rafael, let alone FGFA?

Or that it would be ready by 2020?

It think it is a " I cheerlead for China" syndrome.

Edit: @Gabriel92 @Taygibay : Could you gentlemen illuminate our Dear cheerleader about Rafael's philosophy and its semi stealth capability (low RCS and EW warfare).

Lol - even Russian experts have admitted that J-31 is a very good stealth design.

China will incorporate a 2nd gen AESA radar into the production aircraft and the WS-10A when it is ready
which should provide super-cruise.

J-31 will wipe out Rafale and will be superior to PAK-FA due to better stealth.
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