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Bajrang Dal men strip, beat up pastor in MP

Wow @Joe Shearer what intellectual gymnastics. Taking my post from a completely unrelated thread and pasting it here totaaly out of context.

BTW just to clarify I dont support Bajrang Dal or VHP lunatics. It may be a difficult concept for you to grasp but there are many supporters of BJP/RSS who do not support extreme right wing members of sangh parivar like VHP or Bajrang dal

Not out of context. Very much in context. Someone wanted to know how seriously to take the scumbag he quoted. I wanted him to see that there were several others.

I don't think you get it about supporting Bajrang Dal or VHP lunatics. As I mentioned in my own post, it's your sickening brand of paper-thin justification for the superficially tolerable that allows those mental cases their social oxygen. Mere sophistry in trying to chop and dice your affiliation can take you just so far before disgust at your hypocrisy takes over.
The pastors are paid resource who uses the economic means for conversion. They have targets to achieve. I have lived as room partners to one budding pastor myself. Well Sonia ( a christian) gone, the protection cover has gone. The peril of doing conversion in remote land especially is well known to pastors. They are lucky to survive as this is India. In neighboring countries, they would be an extinct species.
I know the admin of this forum very well. Hope they wont ban me for speaking truth and I don't wish to troll. Thanks.

Then we need not worry about giving you bad ratings for every nauseating post. Good. That's settled then.
The trouble is that these creeps create the atmosphere for the real trouble-makers.
Yes, indeed they do. I sometimes wonder how hard it would be for such people to tolerate others and get along.
There are so many more important things in life like education, financial stability to worry about. It astonishes me how these people manage the time and energy for such futile causes. It just boggles my mind. When I see such people (not limited to Pakistani and Indians), I wonder if I have moved up the evolutionary ladder.
Yes, indeed they do. I sometimes wonder how hard it would be for such people to tolerate others and get along.
There are so many more important things in life like education, financial stability to worry about. It astonishes me how these people manage the time and energy for such futile causes. It just boggles my mind. When I see such people (not limited to Pakistani and Indians), I wonder if I have moved up the evolutionary ladder.

I think the error we make is to imagine that these are causes. Not even for these Neanderthals. For them, these are mental itches, prejudices which must be scratched to get relief. That is why trying to reduce these urges to rational bounds is such a difficult task. Frankly not worth it. Whoever else has moved up the evolutionary ladder, it is not these.

I thought Secularists and JNU professors did that for maoists, Kashmiri and Islamic terrorists. Case in point "Bihar ki Beti" Ishrat Jahan.

Case in point: you. Every time you are challenged, you run away whining. Every time a moderator confronts you, you bow and scrape and swear never to troll again, and think you have done something brilliant and got away with it.

The truth is, you aren't worth the trouble.
These idiots should be stopped...... They are not doing anything good for their community as they assume.... Infact they are bringing bad name to the community and they are giving perfect opportunity for the other side to take on......

One need to understand why the Conversion is happening???? Instead of thrashing the paster, they should have done looked at the reason for those who got converted, and worked on improving their life to avoid such things.......
These idiots should be stopped...... They are not doing anything good for their community as they assume.... Infact they are bringing bad name to the community and they are giving perfect opportunity for the other side to take on......

One need to understand why the Conversion is happening???? Instead of thrashing the paster, they should have done looked at the reason for those who got converted, and worked on improving their life to avoid such things.......

I thanked you, notice?


What did you mean - I am honestly curious and wish to know, this is not some kind of trap - by saying,".....and they are giving perfect opportunity for the other side to take on....."

What other side? What is their objective? Are they organised? Do you think, seriously, that two unseen but dimly-known great conspiracies are fighting it out, and these acts of violence are incidents in their much greater battle in the background? And why should I or you or anybody else bother about who converts from what to which? How is it important?
I thought Secularists and JNU professors did that for maoists, Kashmiri and Islamic terrorists. Case in point "Bihar ki Beti" Ishrat Jahan.

Patna: Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Monday claimed that he never described Ishrat Jahan as 'Bihar ki beti (daughter)' and threatened legal action against the media houses for "putting words into his mouth."

"Show me any piece of evidence that I ever described Ishrat Jahan as the 'daughter of Bihar'.

"I am very cautious in using words and making comments on anything and will not tolerate anyone putting words in my mouth to defame me. Why will you put others' statement into my mouth," a visibly upset Nitish said.

And ever since no mai ka lal came forward and showed mirror to NIKU on his alleged words namely Bihar ki beti.

Bjpians are the best liars who malign political opponents.
Case in point: you. Every time you are challenged, you run away whining. Every time a moderator confronts you, you bow and scrape and swear never to troll again, and think you have done something brilliant and got away with it.

The truth is, you aren't worth the trouble.

Run away whining? Really? Only one I see running away whining is your friend @danger007 who when confronted runs into your arms for some secular comfort.
Patna: Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Monday claimed that he never described Ishrat Jahan as 'Bihar ki beti (daughter)' and threatened legal action against the media houses for "putting words into his mouth."

"Show me any piece of evidence that I ever described Ishrat Jahan as the 'daughter of Bihar'.

"I am very cautious in using words and making comments on anything and will not tolerate anyone putting words in my mouth to defame me. Why will you put others' statement into my mouth," a visibly upset Nitish said.

And ever since no mai ka lal came forward and showed mirror to NIKU on his alleged words namely Bihar ki beti.

Bjpians are the best liars who malign political opponents.
Did I say Nitish Kumar called her Bihar ki Beti?

JD-U leader Ali Anwar has called Ishrat Jahan as 'Bihar's daughter' and pledged to get justice for her.
What did you mean - I am honestly curious and wish to know, this is not some kind of trap - by saying,".....and they are giving perfect opportunity for the other side to take on....."

I believe, these morons are a small section of society........ And their acts are always highlighted in our society (it is true that this get more headlines than the other setions, and that doesn't mean that these morons are right)..... These guys bring more bad name to the society than anything good......

What meant with "Perfect Opportunity"..... Let us not forget we have a decent population of Owaisi, Maadani and gang in our country, who are looking for opportunity to drive their ideologies and their way of religious freedom......These kind of acts gives them the reason for spreading their ideologies......By doing that both the groups are driving 2 societies to 2 different directions and that is not going to be a good news for our so called "Unity in Diversity"......

What other side? What is their objective? Are they organised? Do you think, seriously, that two unseen but dimly-known great conspiracies are fighting it out, and these acts of violence are incidents in their much greater battle in the background? And why should I or you or anybody else bother about who converts from what to which? How is it important?

The other side i already mentioned...... Their objective??? I guess I do not know, because they have almost everything they should be having, even then....
Are they organised??? Yes they are much more organised than these vanara sena's.......It is easy to break this vanara sena's, but not the other side i mentioned...... I have more knowledge on that subject, but i do not wish to discuss it further on a forum like this.....
i do not believe the conspiracies are fighting out, i believe 2 ideologies are fighting out......

Why should i bother who converts or not??? - Personally i do not care much about religion, and for me religion is a personal matter, having said that, there are very few like me, and when the conversion is happening only in one direction, it is natural that the side which is being converted feel threatened and take necessary steps to avoid it....If conversion is fine, then avoiding that also should be fine right???? But the problem i see is, What method is been used to stop this conversion..... Beating the paster is not the method i would prefer, i would prefer these groups to brain storm to find out the top reason on paretto for conversion.... Once they see the reason, i am sure they can find better ways to avoid such conversion.......

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