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Bajrang Dal men strip, beat up pastor in MP

@Joe Shearer This is has to be sarcasm, correct?

Are you a Pakistani secular Muslim?

Then sorry to say but non mainstreamers like you and Joe Shearer belonging to the communist camp another foreign ideology to India. Both are despised and a liability for each respective countries.

Pakistan is Islam. Islam is Pakistan. By professing anti Islamic ideologies like secularism and activities you are only bel mining a liability.

Similarly the majority dislikes these pastors and Joe Shearers who are involved in proliferation of non Indian ideologies from the last 70 years. One day shit hits the fan. Today is the day.
Run away whining? Really? Only one I see running away whining is your friend @danger007 who when confronted runs into your arms for some secular comfort.

See your nonsense didn't stopped even though I blocked you... get well soon..
That missionary had it off pretty easy considering the madness these missionaries promote in my region.

Bajrang Dal guys sound more aggressive than they actually are.
Are you a Pakistani secular Muslim?

Then sorry to say but non mainstreamers like you and Joe Shearer belonging to the communist camp another foreign ideology to India. Both are despised and a liability for each respective countries.

Pakistan is Islam. Islam is Pakistan. By professing anti Islamic ideologies like secularism and activities you are only bel mining a liability.

Similarly the majority dislikes these pastors and Joe Shearers who are involved in proliferation of non Indian ideologies from the last 70 years. One day shit hits the fan. Today is the day.

Don't get hysterical. Go see a doctor. Or a shrink. You probably need both. One for tight pants, that make your voice turn quavery, one for the tight mind, that makes your voice turn quavery.
BTW just to clarify I dont support Bajrang Dal or VHP lunatics. It may be a difficult concept for you to grasp but there are many supporters of BJP/RSS who do not support extreme right wing members of sangh parivar like VHP or Bajrang dal

In this particular case I do.

I have seen the nastiness of these "holy men"....
I have also seen the impotency of police and local politicians in controlling these "holy men".

So, when the syetm fails you...all u have left is the Bhajarang dal and VHP to fall back on.
These idiots should be stopped...... They are not doing anything good for their community as they assume.... Infact they are bringing bad name to the community and they are giving perfect opportunity for the other side to take on......

One need to understand why the Conversion is happening???? Instead of thrashing the paster, they should have done looked at the reason for those who got converted, and worked on improving their life to avoid such things.......

Exactly these extremist guys are the ones that are making things difficult to the Govt.

If they are converting they can just do a Ghar wapsi with out force.
If they are converting they can just do a Ghar wapsi with out force.

Sir, that has been tried and the "seculars" did not like it. Probably we should look at some debates in NDtv and co couple of years back :)
Are you a Pakistani secular Muslim?

Then sorry to say but non mainstreamers like you and Joe Shearer belonging to the communist camp another foreign ideology to India. Both are despised and a liability for each respective countries.

Pakistan is Islam. Islam is Pakistan. By professing anti Islamic ideologies like secularism and activities you are only bel mining a liability.

Similarly the majority dislikes these pastors and Joe Shearers who are involved in proliferation of non Indian ideologies from the last 70 years. One day shit hits the fan. Today is the day.
Caring for people of all religions makes me a communist, now? I read something interesting every day....
Don't get hysterical. Go see a doctor. Or a shrink. You probably need both. One for tight pants, that make your voice turn quavery, one for the tight mind, that makes your voice turn quavery.
I am leaving this thread and I believe you should too. By being here you and I will only lower our respective IQs.
Caring for people of all religions makes me a communist, now? I read something interesting every day....

I am leaving this thread and I believe you should too. By being here you and I will only lower our respective IQs.
They are Lunatic Mullas of Hindu India.......................
Yes, well, I find you in very strange company sometimes,

:lol: :lol: :lol:
So @SpArK is it you or me whose "strange" company seems to be influencing @nair? I want to believe its sparkyy. :ashamed:


This news won't make the national media until the abusing pastors are beaten up by the villagers.
thank the lord that these villagers filed a case instead of thrashing these sick pastors....otherwise, the Hindus who were being provoked daily would have been made the villains and the crazy pastors as some divine heroes.

Also, the Hindus were clever and got the proofs in this case.

Wonder how it is going for Hindus who are being provoked all over India by these pastors.

Please watch the video and let me know your thoughts. Imagine if the scenario was reversed. This happens in thousands of temples in India. This happens in Lakhs of Hindu homes in India. This happens to millions of Hindus on daily basis in India.

@nair @ranjeet @Levina @Sky lord @Soumitra @Nair saab @Tridibans @JanjaWeed@danger007

I wanted to tag the crazy liberal here but I am afraid he will start abusing me.
If the scenario was reversed the so called presstitutes (majority of whom are hindus.Ironically!) would have got this news printed on the first page of every newspaper out there. :coffee:

Why is this news so important? Is it because a man from Bajrang dal was involved in the incident? or is it because an "ostensibly" innocent pastor who managed to influence a few down trodden hindus to convert?

Frankly, not so long back i would not even have bothered to read this piece of news but now that I know conversion is rampant in India i have started to take notice of such news items.
I really dont know whats more worrying? rise of bajrang dal? or rise in conversions?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
So @SpArK is it you or me whose "strange" company seems to be influencing @nair? I want to believe its sparkyy. :ashamed:
If the scenario was reversed the so called presstitutes (majority of whom are hindus.Ironically!) would have got this news printed on the first page of every newspaper out there. :coffee:
Why is this news so important? Is it because a man from Bajrang dal was involved in the incident? or is it because an "ostensibly" innocent pastor who managed to influence a few down trodden hindus to convert?

The news is important because there was a violent act and because the law was broken. Is there any need to look for more? Is that not enough?

Frankly, not so long back i would not even have bothered to read this piece of news but now that I know conversion is rampant in India i have started to take notice of such news items.
I really dont know whats more worrying? rise of bajrang dal? or rise in conversions?

The rise in violence.

Here is the basic difference, and here is the strangeness.
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