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Breaking News : Firing at LOC

Dying for the country in line of duty is martyrdom in my country.Dont know what it constitutes of in yours

Concept of Martydom comes from relegion Islam Is this new way of motivating your troops to die for your country (Akhand Bharat)
Concept of Martydom comes from relegion Islam Is this new way of motivating your troops to die for your country (Akhand Bharat)
Who gave you that idea?
so according to you martyrs started existing only after Prophet Mohammad preached Islam.No soldier before that period died for his king.
Modi and his follower should know that We Pakistanis are not afraid of a dalit leader.

I am only laughing at the indians claiming that it is a Pakistan response to test the dalit but it actually is the pakistan response to the indian public that you may change your leader but you can't change your gene's.You were *aped for centuries by minority and you did nothing.
I hate these RIP comments.

How can a person's soul rest in piece if his killer are roaming free ?:mad:

I would say give a fitting reply that would send chills down enemy's the spine.:sniper:

Life of Indian soldiers are not so cheap.
Ok veggies give it a try...you have already tried once and end up loosing the poor soul.
What is big news about it, when someone becomes a soldier he is fully aware that he may get killed one day or the other. There is always some soldier dying somewhere at the borders , it is just reported intentionally at critical times for political purposes like in this case where indian army and media want to incite Modi with so-called 56 inch chest.
RIP soldier. MAy be Pakistan is trying this just to enforce the idea that nothing changes and we are also enforcing the same idea, nothing is going to change too as far as shouting of our Pakistani friends is considered.
Modi and his follower should know that We Pakistanis are not afraid of a dalit leader.

I am only laughing at the indians claiming that it is a Pakistan response to test the dalit but it actually is the pakistan response to the indian public that you may change your leader but you can't change your gene's.You were *aped for centuries by minority and you did nothing.
Very proud of your barbaric ancestor,aren't you?What happened to their glorious motherland?
Oh wait,it is a s***hole in which americans drop bombs and jihadi clowns kill their own religion on a daily basis.
Modi and his follower should know that We Pakistanis are not afraid of a dalit leader.

I am only laughing at the indians claiming that it is a Pakistan response to test the dalit but it actually is the pakistan response to the indian public that you may change your leader but you can't change your gene's.You were *aped for centuries by minority and you did nothing.

In battle of umbarkhind, 30 thousand mughals were defeated by just 1,000 Martahas.

Marathas not only fought mughals but bled them, finally Aurangzeb died without achieving his objective. This war lasted 27 years and made mughals near bankrupt.

After his death mughals were gradually reduced to a small kingdom by Marathas.

Sikhs did same to mughals in north, albeit on smaller scale.

However Pakistan after partition used to believe that it is superior to India and can easily conquer it. :lol:

Reality was quite different and came down crashing after misadventure by your nation.

So in lets do the total.

In 1940s you tried to take land of kashyapa rishi but lost 2/3 of it to India.

In 1980s you were beaten again by us when you tried to take siachin, I have not named our biggest victories yet.

So tell me, despite all those superior genes, how did you lost all these battles?
What is big news about it, when someone becomes a soldier he is fully aware that he may get killed one day or the other. There is always some soldier dying somewhere at the borders , it is just reported only sometimes for political purposes like in this case where indian army and media want to incite Modi with so-called 56 inch chest.

Good observation.... Now my question to you is......Would you say the same if it was a Pakistani soldier who lost his life in firing??????
Good observation.... Now my question to you is......Would you say the same if it was a Pakistani soldier who lost his life in firing??????

Yes I will say the same, indian media just wants to create hysteria in the minds of indian public. In military disputes, the death of soldiers is a routine thing since thousands of years. If you care so much about the lives of your soldiers then simply solve the kashmir dispute according to the wishes of kashmiri people of the valley which is the main affected area due to this conflict.
Yes I will say the same, indian media just wants to create hysteria in the minds of indian public. In military disputes, the death of soldiers is a routine things since thousands of years.

I am happy if you look or feel that way.....

Now with media being hysterical...... Yes i agree few of our Media houses are looking for this breaking news too keep their 24/7 channels running..... But there is also a difference..... We Indians take every death of a soldier seriously and feel bad about it.....

Now you are right when you say men in military get killed in disputes or wars.... But we are talking about a boarder/LOC where both countries are agreed on seize fire .....
When Modi comes in, the response will be double the Pakistanis. We will conquer these people and make their women dance for us. We are their masters.
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