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Breaking News : Firing at LOC

the lesson of 1962 taught you guys that never to pick a fight with a bigger force and only go after countries that are 5 or 20 times smaller than you

Wrong, the lesson India learned was to be offensive and make decisive actions.

I respect you very much but dear I must dress you down a bit
credibility with what country?
the country that funded and supported an insurgency in Baluchistan and East Pakistan?
the country that sneaked in and made Siachin an unnecessary war zone?
country that sneaked into Sir Creek ?

do we not know that the Kashmir is a disputed and unresolved territory? how can Kargil be wrong if Siachin is correct?

Kargil could have been right, only if Pak had won the kargil, but you lost it.
I respect you very much but dear I must dress you down a bit
credibility with what country?
the country that funded and supported an insurgency in Baluchistan and East Pakistan?

Baluchistan is just a conspiracy theory and whole East Pakistan debacle you were asking for it after you sent SSG's to Kashmir in 1965

the country that sneaked in and made Siachin an unnecessary war zone?
country that sneaked into Sir Creek ?

Everything was fine until Pakistan allowed Tourists to go to Siachin after India declined the same tourists to enter Siachin as it was a no go area . Giving an Image that Siachin was under Pakistan

do we not know that the Kashmir is a disputed and unresolved territory? how can Kargil be wrong if Siachin is correct?

Kargil happened like a month after "peace talks"..

I am not here for a moral debate but letting you know that all Pakistanis including its military are not warmongers and believe in preservation of life as much as you folks do.

Alas Alas Alas .. that no matter how intelligent and how logical and how rational you are in your country. you seem to unanimously agree that the entire Pakistani nation and its military (that is sourced from the same country) just wants war and doesnt want peace see our families destroyed?

To many assumptions , am sure Pakistanis aren't war mongers .. But my point of view is that Pakistan Army and ISI will loose much needed funding if it does not keep up to the "India evil boogeyman" Image

those like me who have spent time on the front dont boast and dont do warmongering. I have fought with your countrymen and I have taken them down too and my unit has had flag meetings as well to exchange dead bodies in one occasion when even a CO of your 4 Jaat regiment personally led an assault on our positions along river Taavi. And I am sure that our Indian counterparts are also human and are no different. GHQ or ISI doesnt make your soldiers to turn their guns to their fellow soldiers in kashmir do they?

I have no clue what you are trying to say here...

please note once again that I am not celebrating the death of your soldier. but I will like to quote one of your Indian warmonger blowhard who told me some time ago on this forum that FC personnel were a legitimate target because they are fighting the BLA.

Right , you are just defending killing of Indian Soldiers within their own territory especially while they were trying to evacuate the wounded . If you would stop sending terrorists to Kashmir , Mumbai and stop shielding know terrorists like Hafeez sayeed and Dawood Ibrahim.. Life would be easier .. We aren't shielding BLA or TTP men in India are we ? The terrorists both of us are fighting are ironically your own men ...
Its funny how Indians by default think that their army doesn't violate the ceasefire. 2 of them were injured by an IED.

Give us good and logical reason why wud IA so called violate any ceasefire when theres no govt. Also give us a good reason why IA wud want to unecessarily create issues when it enjoys the status quo?
Not exchange but shot by pakistani troop when trying to rescue an injured indian soldier inside indian boundaries.

You are just trying to give this incidence some legitimacy by calling it a fire exchange.
A blast followed by some Indian Army personnel rushing the LoC, all i see there is an attempt to provide cover for terrorists trying to cross the border - this was nothing more then an "Accident" and not "Incident"
Wrong, the lesson India learned was to be offensive and make decisive actions.

Kargil could have been right, only if Pak had won the kargil, but you lost it.

almost agree to both points there.

I said almost because we are not debating the morality of war. why Pakistan should have been right if it maintained the Kargil positions? why fight along LoC has to do anything with right or wrong? lets leave war out of the scholarly debate otherwise Mongol carnage of the east will stand as dont the right thing because they pretty much remained unbeatable. Mahmud made 17 assaults on Sominat and finally managed to desecrate the Indian temple and looted away the spoils.. his final assault was no more "right" as his previous failed attempts were.
There will be appropriate response of any misadventure.
There will be appropriate response of any misadventure.

Pakistani soldiers are also not wearing bangles on their arms, there will be tit for tat response in case of agression from indian soldiers.
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Give us good and logical reason why wud IA so called violate any ceasefire when theres no govt. Also give us a good reason why IA wud want to unecessarily create issues when it enjoys the status quo?
its a very tense and claustrophobic place

I mean it in military terms.. we are at some places so close that we can hear each other coughing. over a million strong army is deployed along the longest disputed territory int he world with all the weapons that money can buy

reasoning can take a back seat.
not every incident , every fight, every assault has to have a political or some covert motive. its a completely different world out there and aty sector level you dont wait for Dehli or Islamabad to tell you what to do.
you are trained, educated, seasoned and conditioned and equipped to take charge and improvise and take command and do what is necessary.

both armies make new positions and abandon some war is a fluid concept yes there is a cease fire but the war is not over and like wolves both armies pounce on each other when they see the opponent off guard.

@Windjammer @Abu Zolfiqar I havent even bothered to question absurdness of the story of militants planting the mines which the Indian army some how missed out and then decided to send few men to clear it and got fired by Pakistanis.
if that was true then the commander of that sector needs to be recalled and made answerable for double blunders. (provided if this version is true)

why do you keep civilians along LOC then?
Lala gee
they are Kashmirs .. they live there.. its their home.
Baluchistan is just a conspiracy theory and whole East Pakistan debacle you were asking for it after you sent SSG's to Kashmir in 1965

Everything was fine until Pakistan allowed Tourists to go to Siachin after India declined the same tourists to enter Siachin as it was a no go area . Giving an Image that Siachin was under Pakistan

Kargil happened like a month after "peace talks"..

To many assumptions , am sure Pakistanis aren't war mongers .. But my point of view is that Pakistan Army and ISI will loose much needed funding if it does not keep up to the "India evil boogeyman" Image

I have no clue what you are trying to say here...

Right , you are just defending killing of Indian Soldiers within their own territory especially while they were trying to evacuate the wounded . If you would stop sending terrorists to Kashmir , Mumbai and stop shielding know terrorists like Hafeez sayeed and Dawood Ibrahim.. Life would be easier .. We aren't shielding BLA or TTP men in India are we ? The terrorists both of us are fighting are ironically your own men ...
thanks dear

thats the kind of counter view I love to see in PDF

I wish more Indians follow you
I dont engage in debate with you for no reason.

reference to your highlighted points

a tourist approval didnt justify a military incursion after mutually agreed demilitarization and peace. we had Indus water treaty why not setup a joint office for that reason? get a joint visa?

in Pakistan our elections are not anti India centric .. unlike India where its a central point. and our military is more concerned about Afghanistan and the effects of WoT rather than India. even before that the so called decrease is "funding" will work both ways.. wont Indian military loose much more? as for military only now our COAS mentioned the K word and it sent the entire India on an overdrive whereas its own military chiefs have been making provocative remarks about Pakistan.

why same argument cant be applied to Indian military? countries like Sweden, Belgium , South Africa etc contain military and have substantial expenditures although they dont have any bogeymen.

let me also share few facts with you. apart from 2 infantry divisions. that are deployed along China.
your mechanized infantry, entire armored divisions and and regular infantry divisions all 33 in total are deployed along Pakistan. do check all your airforce bases too

do you think our military really needs to make an effort to justify its funding with or without the Kashmir settlement?

finally the BLA terrorist leader has agreed and even boasted his links with India and has traveled outside with Indian passport when he escaped to Afghanistan. Hafiz Saeed? sorry its a weak case I dont agree and Dawood Ibrahim? make an extradition case and take him away I dont care .. if it pleases you I will like to be treated as Dawood and Hafeez to settle the score if in the end it can earn the peace to over 1 billion people in this little part of the world.

no sacrifice can be worth more than earning the meaningful peace in subcontinent. but your think tanks suggest that India can maintain the tension and the hyper war hysteria because it has deeper foreign reserves. in the end its a self harm and self defeating strategy which wont be sustainable.
almost agree to both points there.

I said almost because we are not debating the morality of war. why Pakistan should have been right if it maintained the Kargil positions? why fight along LoC has to do anything with right or wrong? lets leave war out of the scholarly debate otherwise Mongol carnage of the east will stand as dont the right thing because they pretty much remained unbeatable. Mahmud made 17 assaults on Sominat and finally managed to desecrate the Indian temple and looted away the spoils.. his final assault was no more "right" as his previous failed attempts were.

It is only about country's interest. Kargil is a strategic location for Siachen and Siachen is a strategic location for Karakoram and Waters.
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