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Breaking News : Firing at LOC

And the best part is that by sitting at Siachen you can't do anything about both Karakorum and the Waters.

Then why so much fuss about siachen?

There is no such thing as "indian" mujahdeen in kashmir, kashmiris are a distinct race from indians.

There are more than 100 races in India who are Indians including Kashmiris. May be you are talking about religion. IM ia a terror organization, of course not in Kashmir, I correct my self. I was referring to the sale of arm to Mujhahideens in Kashmir.
It is only about country's interest. Kargil is a strategic location for Siachen and Siachen is a strategic location for Karakoram and Waters.
see? now we are talking

its all about preservation of state, its future and economy and what not

which leads us to the point where w ask ourselves ..should we continue to loose our sons over myopic and short sighted stands or think beyond our balls and see how we can benefit with both hands in this part of the world.

Russia has recently grown balls.. China is in confident position.. power centers are shifting ...

we have to meet somewhere in the middle if we have the vision and the courage.
It has got nothing to do with the new government or what not. Are you trying to tell me that Indian Army will sleep until a new government comes in? Armies on both sides of the border have a free hand to deter each other regardless of who is in the government. As usual India playing the lame victim card. One wonders why this doesn't get highlighted if India is indeed being fired upon at will?
thanks dear

thats the kind of counter view I love to see in PDF

I wish more Indians follow you
I dont engage in debate with you for no reason.

Thanks..thats actually nice coming from a respected member like you

a tourist approval didnt justify a military incursion after mutually agreed demilitarization and peace. we had Indus water treaty why not setup a joint office for that reason? get a joint visa?

It was a pre emptive measure taken by Indian army . Below is taken from the book ..

At army headquarters in Rawalpindi, Pakistani generals decided they had better stake a claim to Siachen before India did. Islamabad then committed an intelligence blunder, according to a now retired Pakistani army colonel. "They ordered Arctic-weather gear from a London outfitters who also supplied the Indians," says the colonel. "Once the Indians got wind of it, they ordered 300 outfits—twice as many as we had—and rushed their men up to Siachen

Cover Story: War at the top of the World - TIME

in Pakistan our elections are not anti India centric .. unlike India where its a central point. and our military is more concerned about Afghanistan and the effects of WoT rather than India. even before that the so called decrease is "funding" will work both ways.. wont Indian military loose much more? as for military only now our COAS mentioned the K word and it sent the entire India on an overdrive whereas its own military chiefs have been making provocative remarks about Pakistan.

To be honest , other than "all modi haters being sent to Pakistan" comment. I heard nothing more in the election and it certainly is not even 1% of the topic during elections . Any thing you hear in media from Modi and others are simply responses asked to questions

why same argument cant be applied to Indian military? countries like Sweden, Belgium , South Africa etc contain military and have substantial expenditures although they don't have any bogeymen.

India wants to be a regional power house while improving its economy, and considering India's economic situation (bad as it maybe right now) allows India to concentrate on both military and economy. Same can go with the countries mentioned above. But can economy and military go together for Pakistan ?

let me also share few facts with you. apart from 2 infantry divisions. that are deployed along China.
your mechanized infantry, entire armored divisions and and regular infantry divisions all 33 in total are deployed along Pakistan. do check all your airforce bases too

Correct , but shouldn't your nuclear weapons provide enough deterrence, considering India has more to loose in a nuclear war ?

do you think our military really needs to make an effort to justify its funding with or without the Kashmir settlement?

Funding isn't really the problem , its just that some of the funding reaches in the wrong hands which eventually ends up in blood shed on our side
see? now we are talking

its all about preservation of state, its future and economy and what not

which leads us to the point where w ask ourselves ..should we continue to loose our sons over myopic and short sighted stands or think beyond our balls and see how we can benefit with both hands in this part of the world.

Russia has recently grown balls.. China is in confident position.. power centers are shifting ...

we have to meet somewhere in the middle if we have the vision and the courage.

But Pakistan is not timid in accepting LOC as IB. India is a larger country and a responsible state, if India steps back from Kashmir calls its military back it will give a bad signal. Similar situation is with Pakistan because Pakistan now is a nuclear weapon state. No one is ready to step back.

Unnecessary expenses. Unnecessary loss of life. That's why..

Then Pakistan should ask its military leaders that accept India's offer of declaring LOC as IB. There is no other solution that's all.
Then Pakistan should ask its military leaders that accept India's offer of declaring LOC as IB. There is no other solution that's all.

Pakistan's wish for peace in the region shouldn't be taken as a sign of weakness by India. Pakistan's traditional statement for any such "solutions".
Martyr ? is there any thing in your relegion which suggests martyism or have you converted to ISlam

There was a 20 page thread on this issue a few days ago on PDF. the Simple answer is that you consider matrydom or Shahadat an islamic concept and we do not link it to any religion. the hindi version of Shahadat is "veergati ko prapt hona" but both are used interchangably (Shaheed is used more)
@Windjammer @Abu Zolfiqar I havent even bothered to question absurdness of the story of militants planting the mines which the Indian army some how missed out and then decided to send few men to clear it and got fired by Pakistanis.
if that was true then the commander of that sector needs to be recalled and made answerable for double blunders. (provided if this version is true).
@Irfan Baloch, It's bewildering how the militants were precise in planting these mines but then when they can bring missiles out of area-51 and place them in IOK, then anything is possible.

Lethal Solar missiles recovered in North Kashmir
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But Pakistan is not timid in accepting LOC as IB. India is a larger country and a responsible state, if India steps back from Kashmir calls its military back it will give a bad signal. Similar situation is with Pakistan because Pakistan now is a nuclear weapon state. No one is ready to step back.

Then Pakistan should ask its military leaders that accept India's offer of declaring LOC as IB. There is no other solution that's all.
I share your views. a part of our training was think from the opponents perspective to better appreciate and counter move it.

making the LoC an IB might be the last solution. making the border completely irrelevant and allowing free movement is another (much more ambitious and specially hated by militants who dont want peace)

in the end its the human cost of Kashmiris we are talking about. sell them the Indianhood not through over 1 million troops but something less brutal.
a tourist approval didnt justify a military incursion after mutually agreed demilitarization and peace. we had Indus water treaty why not setup a joint office for that reason? get a joint visa?
What you had attempted in Siachen is called legal fait accompli. Even today, in some circles, it is claimed that since it was Pakistan that gave visas, Siachen is legally Pakistan's. That needed to be stopped before it was too late.

But that is beside the point. What stopped Pakistan from informing India about foreigners erroneously seeking visa from Pakistan? After all Simla Agreement made it obligatory to both the parties to 'peacefully negotiate' issues. You continued to merrily grant visas for a decade or so. Why did Pakistan, instead of setting up 'a joint office', start preparing to militarily take over of Siachen once they realised that India had gotten wind of their subterfuge?

The rest of your post is just infantile tripe.
I respect you very much but dear I must dress you down a bit
credibility with what country?
the country that funded and supported an insurgency in Baluchistan and East Pakistan?
the country that sneaked in and made Siachin an unnecessary war zone?
country that sneaked into Sir Creek ?

do we not know that the Kashmir is a disputed and unresolved territory? how can Kargil be wrong if Siachin is correct?

I am not here for a moral debate but letting you know that all Pakistanis including its military are not warmongers and believe in preservation of life as much as you folks do.

Alas Alas Alas .. that no matter how intelligent and how logical and how rational you are in your country. you seem to unanimously agree that the entire Pakistani nation and its military (that is sourced from the same country) just wants war and doesnt want peace see our families destroyed?

those like me who have spent time on the front dont boast and dont do warmongering. I have fought with your countrymen and I have taken them down too and my unit has had flag meetings as well to exchange dead bodies in one occasion when even a CO of your 4 Jaat regiment personally led an assault on our positions along river Taavi. And I am sure that our Indian counterparts are also human and are no different. GHQ or ISI doesnt make your soldiers to turn their guns to their fellow soldiers in kashmir do they?

please note once again that I am not celebrating the death of your soldier. but I will like to quote one of your Indian warmonger blowhard who told me some time ago on this forum that FC personnel were a legitimate target because they are fighting the BLA.

the lesson of 1962 taught you guys that never to pick a fight with a bigger force and only go after countries that are 5 or 20 times smaller than you

I respect your input but you have to call a spade a spade. LOC was clearly demarcated when Kargil took place. In case of Saichin it was not, so it was no mans land. We had as much right to it as you guys but we took control first.
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