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Breaking News : Firing at LOC

Why do you call him a "Shaheed", it's an Arabic word used for people/soldiers who sacrifice their lives for "Allah" and last I know, you guys don't believe in Allah. Further according to your beliefs you guys get 7 lives (born 7 times), so what does your Hindu soldiers who lay their lives for country born as in next life (Janam)

In that case I am sorry we do not share culture here.... Yes If a soldier is died protecting the country then he has been called shaheed and there is a purpose for his sacrifice..... But i dont see that in this case..... and We can not celebrate this and we will be sorry about this incident....
Why do you call him a "Shaheed", it's an Arabic word used for people/soldiers who sacrifice their lives for "Allah" and last I know, you guys don't believe in Allah. Further according to your beliefs you guys get 7 lives (born 7 times), so what does your Hindu soldiers who lay their lives for country born as in next life (Janam)

It is used as some one who laid down his life for his country..... There is no religious meaning behind that word when we use it.... And let us keep religion out of this.... You know nothing about Hinduism and similarly thats the case with me on islam.....So let us not get in to that....
there are good moves if done in letter and spirit. but do mind that those that have fought Indian forces in Kashmir wont like this peace even without the support of our military.

case in point.. the 2002-3 stand off which saw our divisions moving into war positions and that alleged calls done by Ilyas Kashmiri to start a war between India and Pakistan.

If majority is ready to vote then it is understood that they are accepting the constitution and leaders. And this time BJP. That means people are frustrated with the freedom fight too. Their business is down due to freedom fight in Kashmir. If some of them are pulling them back to 20 years old mission then they are snatching away future of kids in Kashmir. There is no other option apart from political method.
Why do you call him a "Shaheed", it's an Arabic word used for people/soldiers who sacrifice their lives for "Allah" and last I know, you guys don't believe in Allah. Further according to your beliefs you guys get 7 lives (born 7 times), so what does your Hindu soldiers who lay their lives for country born as in next life (Janam)
i think they have taken this word from Muslims ... although i know less about Hinduism but i dont think by Shaheed they mean he has got eternity , after all they have to burn him...
Your army barely crushed anything being 7 times as powerful. Second, the people of Kashmir on your side are oppressed. Not ours. You have 7000000 soldiers to control your part of Kashmir. We dont. :-)
well actually more than 50% of budget in Pakistan is spent on Military against India. Have a Life!
So what is really going on in Kashmir as well on the whole border???
Over confidence?? Is it??

You were the one who brought up kashmir...so i guess you should open up a new thread on this.
And if you think you're the lion then you would face a tigress.

lol okay.. but do keep in mind that the lions always dominates "tigresses"..
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lol okay.. but do keep in mind that the lions always dominates "tigresses"..
Indian Emblem, it is a Lion :)
We need to be on guard in the next few months as militants will be more active at this time of the year.
LOL......How do you keep religion out of a religious thing?

It is used as some one who laid down his life for his country..... There is no religious meaning behind that word when we use it.... And let us keep religion out of this.... You know nothing about Hinduism and similarly thats the case with me on islam.....So let us not get in to that....

We don't conversely it's the Indian military, media, and the state that keeps harping fear trumpets all the time despite size and quantity advantage.

your standard of Life could have been much better if your Military did not fear India. 8-)
Guys, their was incident where as one rouge PAk army commander bring around 20K soldiers into kashmir but surrounded by one lac solider and PAK asked India to keep this incident secret .
lol okay.. but do keep in mind that the lions always dominates "tigresses"..

yes agree , but their is no Lion in this world...... its tigress who always kill lion....
Guys, their was incident where as one rouge PAk army commander bring around 20K soldiers into kashmir but surrounded by one lac solider and PAK asked India to keep this incident secret .



yes agree , but their is no Lion in this world...... its tigress who always kill lion....

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