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Hersey iyi güzelde madem kasetler gercek degil neden basbakan Youtube ve Facebook'u kapatmak istiyor, niye tamda kasetler ciktigi zaman?
Demekki kasetlerde birsey varki yayilmasini önlemeye calisiyor.

Bir yandan bunları yaparken, diğer yandan halkın özgürlüklerini kısıtlıyorlar. Yok kaset doğru veya yanlış bile olsa, çözüm youtube'u kapatmak mı. o yüzden kimse ak kaşık değil arkadaş. Kimisi yasaklıyor, kimisi darbe yapıyor, kimisi hükümeti, devletle karıştırıyor vs.
Bir yandan bunları yaparken, diğer yandan halkın özgürlüklerini kısıtlıyorlar. Yok kaset doğru veya yanlış bile olsa, çözüm youtube'u kapatmak mı. o yüzden kimse ak kaşık değil arkadaş. Kimisi yasaklıyor, kimisi darbe yapıyor, kimisi hükümeti, devletle karıştırıyor vs.
Türkiyenin en büyük sorunu zaten bir kac istisnalar disinda hic adam gibi politikacisinin olmamasi, seninde dedigin gibi bu gitse yerine kim gelecek, al birini vur ötekine.
facebok ve youtube'nin bende kisitlanmasina hatta yasaklanmasina karsiyim. ama özgürlük derken kanunsuz bir ortam olmayacak oralardada. Atatürke hakaret ediyordu pkklilar ve ermeniler, kimse youtubeye o videolari sildiremiyordu. bumu istedigimiz hürriyet ve özgürlük ? bence bu anarsi ve kaosdan baska birsey degil. küfür, hakaret, iftira ve yalan özerine özgürlük insaa edilemez, sadece kin ve nefret körüklenelir ama bazilarinin istedigi ve yasam felsefesi bu zaten, sorun yok.
Youtube da 15 yaşında osuruklunun biri saçmasapan bir video hazırlıyor, şimdi aklı başında biri bunu niye site kapattıracak kadar kafaya takar ? gül geç abi ne var yani ne olacak ? eğer hakaret varsa gerekli şikayeti yaparsın video kaldırılır, kaldırılmıyorsa buna yönelik çalışma yaparsın, komple siteyi kapatmak nedir, bunu bu devirde yapanlar 1) dinle imanla kafayı bozmuş aşırı alıngan üçüncü dünya ülkeleri 2) koltuklarını kaybetmekten korkan baskıcı yönetimler.
Dude things are more complicated than you might think.
There are ministers sons and AKP politians among the arrested people.

But is @Leader true in saying police in Tukey is politicized? It thats the case, then this just a charade, not a proper investigation. I m sorry I m not aware of whats going on in Turkey.

From the outside, it looks AKP has done a fantastic job at reviving Turkey in the last decade. Before that, it wasn't very different from what Pakistan is now under corrupt and inept leadership.
But is @Leader true in saying police in Tukey is politicized? It thats the case, then this just a charade, not a proper investigation. I m sorry I m not aware of whats going on in Turkey.

From the outside, it looks AKP has done a fantastic job at reviving Turkey in the last decade. Before that, it wasn't very different from what Pakistan is now under corrupt and inept leadership.
If police was politicized, akp's corruption scandal wouldn't have been discovered. The police is just doing it's job. Or you could be right that the police chief ordering those searches was politicized by Gulen. Everything is possible..
What's going on is a clash between akp and the Gulen movement (long story, but in short it's a struggle for influence since people of this movement are known to have high influential positions in various organizations, which they use for own advantages), which is also believed to be behind the tipping of the corruption issue to the police and also bringing out those recordings. IMO, It makes sense though, right before the elections this issue becomes public (revenge of Gulen's movement against akp) and now the opposition and Gulen are both dandy and working together to get rid of Erdogan through such games, because they now finally have real munition against akp, otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance during the elections, which the akp probably will win, with less votes due recent developments, anyway. Though, it must be said that Erdogan is no angel and has many mistakes on his account too, though he did also good things. It has basically come to the point where we need to choose between less devilish politicians. Either a corrupt guy who also did something for the nation or another party which has not proven itself yet or failed in the past, thus they dont have so much trust outside their loyal voters. Then there is the question whether Gulen's movement will be erased or not? If not, they will have influence bwhind the scenes in the future again. It's a difficult situation and people don't know what else is more playing behind the scene.
@usernameless you fail to mention that around 1000 police officers all around Turkey were replaced and that these new policemen refuse to execute warrants. So yes the police is politicized and so is the judicary.
But is @Leader true in saying police in Tukey is politicized? It thats the case, then this just a charade, not a proper investigation. I m sorry I m not aware of whats going on in Turkey.

From the outside, it looks AKP has done a fantastic job at reviving Turkey in the last decade. Before that, it wasn't very different from what Pakistan is now under corrupt and inept leadership.
I have nothing to add to usernameless post, he explained it good.
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@usernameless you fail to mention that around 1000 police officers all around Turkey were replaced and that these new policemen refuse to execute warrants. So yes the police is politicized and so is the judicary.
how do you know that the replacements are all akp guys?
do they undergo a check on their political status before they are assigned their post??
how do you know that the replacements are all akp guys?
do they undergo a check on their political status before they are assigned their post??

They took a guy from some town with couple hundred thousand population and appointed him to the head of Istanbul's police force, a city of 15 million. Besides, he had no prior experience for such a job.

This is the guy, with the new interior minister:

So it doesn't matter if the all 1000 were AKP sympathisers or not, since their new head is.
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how do you know that the replacements are all akp guys?
do they undergo a check on their political status before they are assigned their post??

You are very delusional if you believe that a single one of those replacement officers is not a Tayyipci.
how do you know that the replacements are all akp guys?
do they undergo a check on their political status before they are assigned their post??

the whole point of replacing is to put your own people where you want them to be, so they won't prosecute crimes commited by you. as an example, police directors who were appointed to İstanbul Police Dept. after December 17 refused and stalled arrest orders given by prosecutors. i agree with @what saying you're delusional if you believe what you wrote. also i believe that the number of replaced police officers is around 6000. only in maraş and antep they replaced 300+.
my opinion is that the akp could have done this purging before starting the conflict against Gulen's movement way back when the corruption issue was not public. why should they purge folks if there wasn't a problem? they could have purged the top positions long before to make sure that there was no possible single leak, and the media at that time surely would have noticed such a possible too. Erdogan is a former ally of Gulen, he could have known that, but probably didn;t expect it. Thanks to the recent developments you can see that Gulen indeed is influential, perhaps too much. in that case i can justify the purgings, because there is a reason to do so, so this movement will get curbed for good, not only for the good of a party, but for Turkey in general. or are you saying that Erdogan waited all the time for Gulen to make his move, so that Erdogan finally had a 'valid' reason to do these purges after the damage was actually already done? When the Akp is gone, another party would like to see like-minded people at top positions too, that's only natural when you have power, but at least i don't want to see a shady movement influencing stuff without us common people knowing about it. i can understand when you guys think i am delusional and whatnot, but don't you guys see that besides akp there is another threat, perhaps an even bigger one than the akp? again, Erdogan and co must be punished when needed, but we also shouldn't close our eyes to the rest. None of them is rosy as they claim to be.
my opinion is that the akp could have done this purging before starting the conflict against Gulen's movement way back when the corruption issue was not public. why should they purge folks if there wasn't a problem? they could have purged the top positions long before to make sure that there was no possible single leak, and the media at that time surely would have noticed such a possible too. Erdogan is a former ally of Gulen, he could have known that, but probably didn;t expect it. Thanks to the recent developments you can see that Gulen indeed is influential, perhaps too much. in that case i can justify the purgings, because there is a reason to do so, so this movement will get curbed for good, not only for the good of a party, but for Turkey in general. or are you saying that Erdogan waited all the time for Gulen to make his move, so that Erdogan finally had a 'valid' reason to do these purges after the damage was actually already done? When the Akp is gone, another party would like to see like-minded people at top positions too, that's only natural when you have power, but at least i don't want to see a shady movement influencing stuff without us common people knowing about it. i can understand when you guys think i am delusional and whatnot, but don't you guys see that besides akp there is another threat, perhaps an even bigger one than the akp? again, Erdogan and co must be punished when needed, but we also shouldn't close our eyes to the rest. None of them is rosy as they claim to be.

Exactly, Gülenists in the state's institutions must be dealt with asap. Though, while Gülenists have some tendency to operate within the law, newly apointed AKP partizans don't give a damn about it. Instead of dealing with them through legal means, they are just appointing them to different cities in an act of panic. If they are part of a parallel state, in other words, if they are a threat to the security of Turkish Republic, why would you send them to different places instead of dealing with them in the courts? I mean, would sending a criminal from Istanbul to, say, Erzurum solve the problem?

This isn't just about the police, hundreds of judiciary members were replaced by AKP sympathizers by using this parallel state thing as an excuse, without even a formal investigation. Besides, the tapes suggest that this "kadrolaşma" has started long before the 17 Dec.
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