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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

You'd better be a Golshifteh Farahani look alike otherwise I'm homophobic ! :bad:

No. Im this guy



Iranian hasn't had a wash for 60 years and smokes animal faeces | Mail Online
You'd better be a Golshifteh Farahani look alike otherwise I'm homophobic ! :bad:

Golshifteh is very average looking, aim higher. :lol:

On topic I agree with the view that since Turkey and Israel have a lot of trade and Turkey is once again one of the top holiday destinations for Israelis that this is more talk then action.
Go take your off topic posts elsewhere, you've came out of the closest for who you really are. I don't deal with such people, don't derail this thread any further.

We can do whatever the **** we want like you derailed the one yesterday.

Ok now,dont take things personal.
When you start a conversation,be sure to expect critical anwers or questions.
The only people you can criticize are your Arab ''brothers''.
All they do is come up with history lessons about semitic people.
They never openly backed you up.
We Turkey,Pakistan,Iran,Bangladesh,Indonesia etc allways stood by you,some muslim countries even went so far to not recognize Israel just and only for the Palestinian cause.
Therefor you should know who is with you or not without any interest or what so ever.
Never put yourself in a victim role,never.
Even asked some people to give you a brake today,so relax and dont be sad.;)
No one can answer evry question,if you are not sure then just say so.

Arab states have gone to war for that reason, some just 23 years ago, that counts way heavier then some speech given by Erdogan.

As for the Semetic story, that happens when people choose to play retarded nationalist.
Even if I have insulted people in the past, this thread is proof that either way I behave this is the pre-intended attitude of some people here regarding me.

Regarding my manners, I don't from that aspect, mean from the aspect that I won't use methods people here use to respond which is to ridicule a person or their people's.

I get this is just a forum, but if we can't expect good ideals looking at from the small perspective what hope do we have for the larger picture?
Yes I know what you are talking about but you are taking things a bit too far by being too emotional.

I admit my mistake on ridiculing a nation and I apologize for it. It will never happen again.

That's just funny. Most of us come to this forum to take off our heat and that's why you see arguments going too far but in real life I don't think anyone is crazy enough sabotage their own reputation by arguing with insults. Not to mention you are anonymous on this forum and that gives you a free hand to say whatever you like without being worried about protecting your reputation.
A video worth one thousand times.

No need for Turkey to be aggressive againsh the Joows, they have the US > NATO support. Turkey has no chance.

Comon give Erdy a break, he has the gut to demand rights for Palestinians and compensation for the victims. Respect
Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that he demands a "written protocol" from Israel pledging it will lift the siege over the Gaza Strip as a condition for signing a reconciliation agreement and normalizing relations between the two countries.

Speaking at a press conference in Ankara alongside Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Erdogan said that negotiations with Israel have progressed, but have not ended. He added that Turkey has received an apology from Israel, and that talks over compensation for the families of those killed and wounded on the Mavi Marmara ship in 2010 are ongoing. However, Erdogan said the lifting of the siege over the Gaza Strip – which was one of the conditions set by Turkey for normalizing relations – has not yet transpired. "Nothing will happen without lifting the siege on Gaza," he said.

On Monday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a local television station that Israel and Turkey are closer than ever to normalizing relations between the two countries.

“There has recently been momentum and a new approach in compensation talks,” Davutoglu said. “We could say that most of the differences have been recently removed in these discussions.”

Last week Haaretz reported that Israel has offered to pay $20 million in compensation to the families of the nine people killed during an Israeli commando raid on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in May 2010, as well as to those in the incident.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had authorized his envoys to go as high as $23 million in order to secure an agreement.

In the interview, Davutoglu refused to state how much Israel would pay Turkey in compensation, but said that the families of the victims would be informed as soon as an agreement was reached. Noting that easing the embargo on Gaza was another condition for normalizing ties, Davutoglu said that after a reconciliation agreement is signed, Turkey would send a significant diplomatic contingent to Turkey to “monitor and to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

Last week, a senior Turkish delegation, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Fridon Sinirlioglu, visited Israel meeting with National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s special envoy Joseph Ciechanover and Foreign Ministry Director-General Nissim Ben-Sheetrit. The talks focused on the compensation amount and the steps Turkey would take to normalize relations and put an end to legal action against Israeli soldiers and officers that were involved in the Mavi Marmara raid.

Israel is demanding that as part of the agreement, Turkey pass a law that will void the pending lawsuits and block such actions in the future.


This guy is a man and a hero! :) :smitten:

God bless Turkey! :yahoo::tup:

oh, yes, one's gotta stay on the friendly side of them jihadists... coward.

@xenon54 people like you justify the 2009 massacre where 1400 Palestinians were killed in 22 days compared to 6 Israelis(7 IDF troops). You're justifying a war against defenseless people who made small rockets made out of metal and have no warheads and no defensive weapons at all. All they had were rifles and some rockets made out of metal scraps. I can't believe you would justify it....especially against a strip of land which was blockaded and had a humanitarian crisis, bad water, no jobs, lack of nutrition, so much more...

Watch these videos and tell me what threat do these people pose to Israel, here's a policemen walking near a funeral and was targeted in a drone strike. Watch the video and many other videos I will show you here since you think it's right to justify a war and you do so by ridiculing Hamas you give impression they initiated the conflict when Israel had broken the ceasefire in place and this is documented.

Bombed pharmacy in flames:
‫من يوميات العدوان على غزة - Gaza‬‎ - YouTube

Look at all this havoc, all because we wanted the world to lift the siege and allow the Palestinian people to breathe and be able to support theirselves. Hamas wouldn't have took their military wing seriously if it wasn't for this massacre, they had worse than WW2 weapons which have no effect and after this they realized the world is unjust and only reason they seriously improved their military wing over the past 4 years. Because like the Jews, 'never again', they will not see a massacre again. UN even said their facilities were being bombed and Norwegian doctors gave many interviews. There was no mercy against the Palestinian people.

This is my problem with people who don't look at what really happened. @al-Hasani

let me illuminate an often coined phrase by Israelis: "MUSLIMS UNDERSTAND ONLY STRENGTH". That was what that BRIEF experiment of theirs with "assymetrical force" was all about. The Israelis have been put on the wiser "reduce casualty counts on BOTH sides" path since then by us, their allies. I hope it proves wiser as I think it is.
Its sad to see how people here hate on jews....
Also im part jewish (Turkic)
Its easy inept arabs lost to Israel eventhough they were much more then them which is a big fail
Its sad to see how people here hate on jews....
Also im part jewish (Turkic)
Its easy inept arabs lost to Israel eventhough they were much more then them which is a big fail

Who's hating on Jews here brother? C'mon, don't play that card.

hey, so did muslim conspiracy theories at first :D

Like? :D

You're so adorable Muslims are in your head all day every day I think you will become a convert one day. :lol:
Who's hating on Jews here brother? C'mon, don't play that card.
Yes some here hate them
Im sad for the palestinians but it still doesnt change the fact that arabs started and lost the war
Yes some here hate them
Im sad for the palestinians but it still doesnt change the fact that arabs started and lost the war

A lot of people of all backgrounds hate a lot of people of all religions. This is normal and is part of the world. You will find so many different things.

What war? You see you're turkish right? My problem is if you start considering yourself Israeli then I don't see the logic in that.

I consider myself Palestinian because I am Palestinian. You should consider yourself turkish and not Israeli.

What war btw? This conflict didn't start with war, everybody knows this.
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