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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

Ok now,dont take things personal.
When you start a conversation,be sure to expect critical anwers or questions.
The only people you can criticize are your Arab ''brothers''.
All they do is come up with history lessons about semitic people.
They never openly backed you up.
We Turkey,Pakistan,Iran,Bangladesh,Indonesia etc allways stood by you,some muslim countries even went so far to not recognize Israel just and only for the Palestinian cause.
Therefor you should know who is with you or not without any interest or what so ever.
Never put yourself in a victim role,never.
Even asked some people to give you a brake today,so relax and dont be sad.;)
No one can answer evry question,if you are not sure then just say so.

I'm not sad at all, I could have took a different approach on this thread, I behaved this way so this will be proof for those who slander me and my people are not on the side of reason or truth. Read the beginning to the end of the thread and please tell me where I wasn't being reasonable or where I transgressed or where I insulted people or where I didn't make a good point. In the end it shows that people here really can't explain why they have this attitude towards me and the best they can do is to try justifying that attitude. In the end I made sense and they didn't. In the end people take advantage of good characteristics in a person. This doesn't mean they made a point or won any argument, not a single person here made a point, all they are good for is for ridiculing someone because he doesn't return the favor of ridiculing them because they know he tries avoiding doing so at all costs. This is why people aren't hesitant to belittle me. Now, this thread is proof of who's right and wrong. I'm used to the critics being critical only against my people and only against me, my problem is that they know they are wrong yet still try to justify their wrongdoings.
This isn't what it's about, problem with people is they take advantage of my manners and choose to pick on me.

If you haven't noticed, certain people of some backgrounds expect to me to start kissing their behind because we are a weak occupied people's and they've attacked me here left and right because they find it easy to pick on me knowing full well I will not criticize their people like they do to mine.

I could have criticized Pakistan
I could have criticized Turkey
I could have criticized Sri Lanka
I could have criticized Saudi Arabia
I could have began to troll and curse at people here.

People know I am unique in this aspect and I see me as easy bait because I choose to have good manners regarding this aspect.

Now you see every single one of those people who came to attack me on this thread have not made a single point and I've been very patient with them, some of them already began calling me names. This is the society we live in today.

They expressed their rage but still the truth is on my side, I am open to anybody inviting me to separate thread to settle personal disputes with me. But, none of these will do so because they know in the end truth will prevail on my side.

This is why several people have remained silent after several back to back talkbacks.
Dude stop being emotional too much. This is an open forum and arguments happen. I don't hate you or Palestinian people. I simply have nothing to do with you people. I simply expressed my opinions.

You are not eligible to say that you are good mannered. You insulted me and some other members with worst kind of words (not in this thread) and the responses you got were a trillion times civilized. I can quote them here if windows 8 is not being a pain in the *** and function properly.

Keep it cool. This is just an internet forum for god's sake not UN assembly.
Admit it dear, I owned you logic. :D
And I already said I would have no problems with any secret deals with Israel in the past to deter Arab countries. Don't know how much I have to repeat that again.
You did not own anything. In fact I am afraid that this will never happen in any debate between us. If you had actually read all my previous posts in this debate then you would have spotted what I have written. Let other users explain that to you if you don't understand what I am going to write now.

I wrote that this speech from Erdogan is just empty words when the same Turkey has excellent and booming economical ties with Israel and thus directly supports Israel.

Likewise I have written that every country in the world, whether Muslim or not, looks after their own interests first and foremost and that countries are not run like coffee shops or by your average Muslim Joe.

I had a discussion with @Hazzy997 who made an incorrect claim of Iran never having any dealings with Israel which I countered with facts. Suddenly you interrupt our discussion and quote my post to somehow show how big anti-Israeli your Mullah's are and that the facts I mentioned were clearly wrong etc. You basically started to cry. At no point in my debate with you had I claimed that the Arab world has had no ties with Israel. Claiming such a thing would be idiotic by the virtue that the Arab world is DIRECTLY involved in the conflict. Iran on the other hand is not.
I'm not sad at all, I could have took a different approach on this thread, I behaved this way so this will be proof for those who slander me and my people are not on the side of reason or truth. Read the beginning to the end of the thread and please tell me where I wasn't being reasonable or where I transgressed or where I insulted people or where I didn't make a good point. In the end it shows that people here really can't explain why they have this attitude towards me and the best they can do is to try justifying that attitude. In the end I made sense and they didn't. In the end people take advantage of good characteristics in a person. This doesn't mean they made a point or won any argument, not a single person here made a point, all they are good for is for ridiculing someone because he doesn't return the favor of ridiculing them because they know he tries avoiding doing so at all costs. This is why people aren't hesitant to belittle me. Now, this thread is proof of who's right and wrong. I'm used to the critics being critical only against my people and only against me, my problem is that they know they are wrong yet still try to justify their wrongdoings.
What can i say after this answer,do what you think is best.
Dude stop being emotional too much. This is an open forum and arguments happen. I don't hate you or Palestinian people. I simply have nothing to do with you people. I simply expressed my opinions.

You are not eligible to say that you are good mannered. You insulted me and some other members with worst kind of words (not in this thread) and the responses you got were a trillion times civilized. I can quote them here if windows 8 is not being a pain in the *** and function properly.

Keep it cool. This is just an internet forum for god's sake not UN assembly.

Even if I have insulted people in the past, this thread is proof that either way I behave this is the pre-intended attitude of some people here regarding me.

Regarding my manners, I don't from that aspect, mean from the aspect that I won't use methods people here use to respond which is to ridicule a person or their people's.

I get this is just a forum, but if we can't expect good ideals looking at from the small perspective what hope do we have for the larger picture?
You did not own anything. In fact I am afraid that this will never happen in any debate between us. If you had actually read all my previous posts in this debate then you would have spotted what I have written. Let other users explain that to you if you don't understand what I am going to write now.

I wrote that this speech from Erdogan is just empty words when the same Turkey has excellent and booming economical ties with Israel and thus directly supports Israel.

Likewise I have written that every country in the world, whether Muslim or not, looks after their own interests first and foremost and that countries are not run like coffee shops or by your average Muslim Joe.

I had a discussion with @Hazzy997 who made an incorrect claim of Iran never having any dealings with Israel which I countered with facts. Suddenly you interrupt our discussion and quote my post to somehow show how big anti-Israeli your Mullah's are and that the facts I mentioned were clearly wrong etc. You basically started to cry. At no point in my debate with you had I claimed that the Arab world has had no ties with Israel. Claiming such a thing would be idiotic by the virtue that the Arab world is DIRECTLY involved in the conflict. Iran on the other hand is not.

Yep, I'm crying right now in front of monitor.:cray:

And Arab world is NOT involved in any conflict with Israel right now. There are only 2 groups that have military clash with Israel every once in a while and ironically most of their arms come from Iran. :azn::agree: No Arab country has shot one single bullet against Israel after 1973, so spare me of this 'being involved in a conflict with Israel' nonsense.

Good luck with your 'peace' plan with Israel that hasn't reached anywhere after 70 years.

You just scored an own goal but that's all right. Happens for even the best.

So Hamas and Hezbollah which are Arab organizations composed with solely local Arab fighters have now become Iranian? Interesting.:lol:

Maybe they are entirely composed of Iranian Arabs? Maybe, I can't tell but you seem to know quite a lot about this matter.
No step back on legal cases against Israeli army in Mavi Marmara case: İHH head

The head of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (İHH), the non-governmental organization that organized the flotilla to Gaza in 2010, has insisted that the ongoing cases against Israeli commandos will not be dropped, as negotiators are close to striking a long-awaited deal on compensation for Turkish victims.

İHH head Bülent Yıldırım said the cases could only be dropped if approval from the families of the victims was given.

The May 2010 Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara while it was in international waters on its way to Gaza sent relations between Israel and Turkey to an all-time low. Talks on compensation for the nine Turks killed in the raid eventually began in March 2013 after Israel extended a formal apology to Turkey, in a breakthrough brokered by U.S. President Barack Obama, but talks then stalled.

However, over the weekend, Turkish officials said they were close to an agreement to settle the compensation issue, but Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Feb. 11 that the current embargo on Gaza must be lifted and a finalized protocol must be signed before relations between the two countries can return to normal.

Yıldırım said they would not make any concessions to Israel. “Israel will pay compensation. This is okay, but it will be much higher. They apologized. God willing, the blockade and embargo will also be lifted. Apart from those, the cases will continue, because Israel massacred us in the open sea. The murderers will pay for it. There is no concession on this issue,” he told Anadolu Agency.

Erdoğan held a meeting with Yıldırım on Feb. 8 in Istanbul, and the latter said the prime minister had “given assurance” on the issue. “The prime minister said cases will not be dropped unless approval was given from the families of the deceased. This is what is written in law and the shariah,” Yıldırım said.

The Mavi Marmara incident triggered an international outcry and a severe diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Israel, with Ankara expelling the Israeli ambassador and demanding both a formal apology and compensation. The amount of compensation to be paid, as well as the legality of the final agreement, are believed to be the sticking points, but the two sides appear to be narrowing their differences.

LOCAL - No step back on legal cases against Israeli army in Mavi Marmara case: İHH head
You did not own anything. In fact I am afraid that this will never happen in any debate between us. If you had actually read all my previous posts in this debate then you would have spotted what I have written. Let other users explain that to you if you don't understand what I am going to write now.

I wrote that this speech from Erdogan is just empty words when the same Turkey has excellent and booming economical ties with Israel and thus directly supports Israel.

Likewise I have written that every country in the world, whether Muslim or not, looks after their own interests first and foremost and that countries are not run like coffee shops or by your average Muslim Joe.

I had a discussion with @Hazzy997 who made an incorrect claim of Iran never having any dealings with Israel which I countered with facts. Suddenly you interrupt our discussion and quote my post to somehow show how big anti-Israeli your Mullah's are and that the facts I mentioned were clearly wrong etc. You basically started to cry. At no point in my debate with you had I claimed that the Arab world has had no ties with Israel. Claiming such a thing would be idiotic by the virtue that the Arab world is DIRECTLY involved in the conflict. Iran on the other hand is not.

Indeed. Turkey and Iran should look after their own business instead of getting involve in Arab matters. I have said it for the million times now that Palestine case is non of anyone business other that the Arab League. Erdogan is acting ottomans and the Mullah is acting more Arab than the Arab themselves.

Can someone tell me when was the last time Iran donated or aided Palestine in building schools, hospitals, medical facilities, housing unites…etc? Non of that have happened. The Mullah is busy to do that but ready to give bombs to everyone in the region be it terrorist organizations or individuals. No penny has been giving to any of the relief agencies in Palestine, No humanitarian aid whatsoever yet have audacity to claim palestine case as one on their priority list. As for their relation with Israel you should read about Iran Contra deal although I don't blame them for that as half a million of their people were slaughtered and the number was on the increase.


Despite the non recognition of Israel by GCC I still think that everyone should talk to everyone if this going to help resolving the issue.
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No need to be angry at Israel for Mavi Marmara.

Erdogan sent a boat with radicals to Israel. Israel used excessive force but the Turkish nationals attacked the commando's. There is footage of people knifing, etc.

I don't see how those comandos could have attacked differently. If we Turks want to blame somebody, it should be Erdogan. If he does such a provocative act, he should have sent the Turkish navy and give an response. He could have done that since it happened on international sea.

Like always, like in Syria, Erdogan and Davutoglu pussy out. Same happened with the two Turkish pilots that got shot down by Syrian air defence. I'm much more angry about that since they were honorable people serving their country and lost their life and their lifes are not revenged.

Nobody takes us serious anymore although we have strongest army in the region. We shouldn't jeopardise our relations with Israeli. I know Israeli and I prefer them over Arabs any day. We have seen how Arabs think about us on this forum. We also know Arab treachery historically. We know Arab culture and lying culture too. Israeli people I know are not like that. They are very smart, descent, negotiable and understanding people.

What you have posted is completely untrue unless you can back it with solid evidence that such meetings have taken place. All of these links you posted reporting unidentified source only God knows who he/she is. KSA in term of military capabilities is light years ahead of Iran 70s soviet junks. With the economic war KSA waged against Iran made the mullah economy crumbled was enough brining Iran decades back. So, Israeli-KSA campaign against Iran is unlikely for the reason I mentioned.
You know he does the same thing whenever I express my anger at how not a single Palestinian of note ever had the common decency of supporting Pakistan on any issue & yet every year thousands of Pakistanis take to the street to express solidarity with Palestinians, Pakistan has sent Combat Pilots & Military Men in the Arab Israeli Wars & has struck up a perpetual state of enmity with Israel for them; I wouldn't expect the Palestinians to pick up arms & conquer Kashmir or to shout themselves hoarse at the UN supporting Pakistan but nothing....not once could any of them be bothered with supporting us on any of our issues - Sad isn't it ?

Enough with damn ranting and selfish attitude. It is boring.
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