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Report: US cancels drone deal with Turkey

It is quite clear that Israel or Jewish elements are trying to put enormous pressure on Turkey for the last two weeks. I wonder what is behind all this. Why now?

In My opinion Israel effects on US politics not much as people talking in forums. A few examples what i remember Israel goverment started open campain againist Obama. When Obama ellected again their media accusing US jews as betrayers. US is an empire and empires only cares their benefit. Second example untill soviets broking German war machine US didnt take any action.

The conflicts in middle east feeding US war economy and it seems like they didnt have a problem with that. To be honest any country would do the samething as like as them. Is it fair?no but thats world reality. all empires did same in history.
Iran an Turkiye are two huge Muslim neighbors. Their partnership will ensure peace and huge potential for regional integration.

I like America and the people - but their govt and deep state are simply not to be trusted. Period. The Turks will learn. They made reforms to join EU and in return they got Germans and French supporting PKK terrorists

TuAF icin bu predatorun hic gerek yoktur.
Dudes, USA and generally West see Turkey as sleeping power which should be controlled by economically, politically so They always issues some hidden embargoes, While making pressure over Turkey with using some instruments such as terorist organisations, Armenian dispute, Greek problems in Aegean. They always threaten us to support anti-Turk claims If Turkey goes away of the ways they drawed for us so They feel free to;

Say Which countries We may trade, or not
SAy which products we may order or not
Issue embargo for defence trades to "ally" Turkey for some specific products
USA never share any serious ToT with Turkey

but Turkish defence industry frightened them so much. Almost all areas, Turkish insttutes began revealing competible products to be self sufficiency and They started loosing some cakes in Middile East and Asian markets. They always wanted their critical weapons used on Turkish land with their source codes so It leads not to loose control over weapon systems even If they are in the hands of us but Their plans didn't go well thanks to impressive progress of Turkish defence industry.

In missile sector, Turkey is developing almost all type of missiles from AT, AG, AA to cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, SAM family excluding Long altitude air defence missiles so Opened a tender with co-production project model. Selection of Chinese HQ-9B shocked them because They don't have any idea about such a secret system to be in Turks hand. Turkish institutes will develop their own command-control systems and integrate 12 batteries of missile system into own network, While manufacturing almost all parts of missiles in domestic institutes. Such a big surprize capability is too big for Israel in region which would be a serious danger for thir aerial assets at a likely event. They suppose Turkey will order Patriot missiles which EW tactics are already in the hands of Jews so Having 12 batteries of PAC-3 doesn't change secret power race/balance between Israel and Turkey in region so The actual reason of their moanings hidden under the words of "NATO integration" are about that.
Dudes, USA and generally West see Turkey as sleeping power which should be controlled by economically, politically so They always issues some hidden embargoes, While making pressure over Turkey with using some instruments such as terorist organisations, Armenian dispute, Greek problems in Aegean. They always threaten us to support anti-Turk claims If Turkey goes away of the ways they drawed for us so They feel free to;

Say Which countries We may trade, or not
SAy which products we may order or not
Issue embargo for defence trades to "ally" Turkey for some specific products
USA never share any serious ToT with Turkey

but Turkish defence industry frightened them so much. Almost all areas, Turkish insttutes began revealing competible products to be self sufficiency and They started loosing some cakes in Middile East and Asian markets. They always wanted their critical weapons used on Turkish land with their source codes so It leads not to loose control over weapon systems even If they are in the hands of us but Their plans didn't go well thanks to impressive progress of Turkish defence industry.

In missile sector, Turkey is developing almost all type of missiles from AT, AG, AA to cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, SAM family excluding Long altitude air defence missiles so Opened a tender with co-production project model. Selection of Chinese HQ-9B shocked them because They don't have any idea about such a secret system to be in Turks hand. Turkish institutes will develop their own command-control systems and integrate 12 batteries of missile system into own network, While manufacturing almost all parts of missiles in domestic institutes. Such a big surprize capability is too big for Israel in region which would be a serious danger for thir aerial assets at a likely event. They suppose Turkey will order Patriot missiles which EW tactics are already in the hands of Jews so Having 12 batteries of PAC-3 doesn't change secret power race/balance between Israel and Turkey in region so The actual reason of their moanings hidden under the words of "NATO integration" are about that.

My friend i dont think they afraid from us. We are producing 1.5 percent of world income. Plus China and Russia selling everything to everyone already. The problem is US cut defence Budgets EU spending 0. And US defence industry loosing a good customer in some areas but i didnt say loosing an ally. And dont underestimate power of defence industry in US. If we would demand predators now not two years it would be sold instantly Business is a business
Iran is supporting too my friend and it is not new for many decades even PKK moving their forces they offered weapons for not to move. No country is virgin politics always dirty.

No. It was the semi autonomous Kurds in northern Irak

Why would Iran support PKK with military equipment when foreign intelligence agencies have supported PJak and other "peshmerga" against Iran?

Kurds ethnically are closer to Iran but even that has changed because Kurds you can find them everywhere even in Istanbul. By nationality they are Turks

Bottom line - Iran and TC can naturally be allies. It will be good for the region

One is a secular democracy the other is an Islamic Republic. Despite difference - the gains from cooperation will be good

Turkiye has gained from NATO membership but NATO is also obsolete now. Now NATO countries like France cooperate with Russians

Living in Turkiye and working with people in their defence industry (indirectly) plus being regularly invited to IDEF expo gave me first hand glimpse of turkish defence industry

They've done quite well.

The sniper simulators we have for infantry and SSG came from Turkiye - we inducted them 2 years ago in Nowshera
My friend i dont think they afraid from us. We are producing 1.5 percent of world income. Plus China and Russia selling everything to everyone already. The problem is US cut defence Budgets EU spending 0. And US defence industry loosing a good customer in some areas but i didnt say loosing an ally. And dont underestimate power of defence industry in US. If we would demand predators now not two years it would be sold instantly Business is a business

The US doesn't want Muslim countries to become major arms suppliers

The Americans have already gone on lobbying campaigns for nations not to buy JF17 thunder (which was a joint production between China and Pakistan)

The Azeris insist on buying Russian aircrafts even though Russia and Azerbeyjan are not exactly allies!
The US doesn't want Muslim countries to become major arms suppliers

The Americans have already gone on lobbying campaigns for nations not to buy JF17 thunder (which was a joint production between China and Pakistan)

The Azeris insist on buying Russian aircrafts even though Russia and Azerbeyjan are not exactly allies!

My friend they want No one become a main supplier it is not related with religion. Because they are world biggest major supplier. And they are trying to prevent their market thats Business.
The Art of Deception!

You guys shouldn't be given the Predators anyhow - the last I heard both @Sinan & @xenon54 were using Armed Drones to eliminate any guy who'd so much as present a challenge to them getting the girls they're after ! :unsure:

Heck when I dared to talk to Hazal Kaya the other day I saw @xenon54 giving me angry looks before I was knocked out ! I woke up the next day hugging a Hellfire Missile. :blink:
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You guys shouldn't be given the Predators anyhow - the last I heard both @Sinan & @xenon54 were using Armed Drones to eliminate any guy who'd so much as present a challenge to them getting the girls they're after ! :unsure:

Heck when I dared to talk to Hazal Kaya the other day I saw @xenon54 giving me angry looks before I was knocked out ! I woke up the next day hugging a Hellfire Missile. :blink:
They would never,dont ask why but they consider you as a brother.
Did you read the nrs(123456) on the missile?(my gift to you).:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Surenas you always beat me to it...Ha Ha Ha!

So it turns out this is nothing new? It is an Israeli media campaign against the Turkish intelligence. It's so lovely too how Jewish media whenever anything escalates with Turkey they start threatening to start raising awareness about the Armenians and how Turkey committed genocide against them and how they will support those organizations.

I'm not arguing whether that's a good or bad cause. But, their games are pretty sick especially when it comes to down to diverting about their murders of civilians on the flotilla.
Surenas you always beat me to it...Ha Ha Ha!

So it turns out this is nothing new? It is an Israeli media campaign against the Turkish intelligence. It's so lovely too how Jewish media whenever anything escalates with Turkey they start threatening to start raising awareness about the Armenians and how Turkey committed so called genocide against them and how they will support those organizations.

I'm not arguing whether that's a good or bad cause. But, their games are pretty sick especially when it comes to down to diverting about their murders of civilians on the flotilla.

Good analysis bro...Just had to correct you a lil bit , more accurate this way
My friend i dont think they afraid from us. We are producing 1.5 percent of world income. Plus China and Russia selling everything to everyone already. The problem is US cut defence Budgets EU spending 0. And US defence industry loosing a good customer in some areas but i didnt say loosing an ally. And dont underestimate power of defence industry in US. If we would demand predators now not two years it would be sold instantly Business is a business

Are you sure You get my point above or Do you know what you are typing as a response to me ? Which part of my statements drive you to think I underestimate USA technological capabilities ? Which part of my statements make you thought USA is shaking with fear ? or Where did I claim that USA or Russia can't export their products worldwide so Turkey will grap all their shares?

I am talking about connection of rising defence industry, self sufficiency and becoming a major arm supplier in some regions such as S. Asia, N. Africa and Middile East as a rival of Israel/West which drive them to arrange their new policies over Turkey. It means They worry/frighten about following years When Turkish industry completed development of major complete package systems which gonna be a serious headache for them. Today, Many complete systems are under development phase and It has nothing to do with producing which percentage of World income, If you are producing almost all type of land, naval, aerial and missile systems which will find a place at West controlled export markets...

Wanna hear an example ?

It was Turkish MALE UAV program that caused USA officials to remove export restrictions of their unreachable MALE UAV's for Middile East countries and As a conclusion of that removal, We suddenly saw predators as a rival of Turkish ANKA in UAE market. In 2016, When Turkish ANKA-TP is revealed, I strongly believe that Export restriction of armed Reapers to Middile East countries would be removed as well. That's also a new arrangement I mentioned above...
You guys shouldn't be given the Predators anyhow - the last I heard both @Sinan & @xenon54 were using Armed Drones to eliminate any guy who'd so much as present a challenge to them getting the girls they're after ! :unsure:

Heck when I dared to talk to Hazal Kaya the other day I saw @xenon54 giving me angry looks before I was knocked out ! I woke up the next day hugging a Hellfire Missile. :blink:

Nah, it must be @Sinan with hellfire missile.

Im ok with this cutie. :kiss3:

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