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Newyork Times gave Ultimatom to Turkic People
(Warning, this article includes dozens of low IQ products, big ignorance, and hatred against the Turkish Nation)


NATO ile ilgili tehdit kısmının tercümesi ;

"uzun vadede, amerika birleşik devletleri ve nato’nun elinde daha derin bir sorun var: demokratik normlardan çok uzaklaşan hayati bir müttefik ile ne yapılacak? amerikalı yetkililer, anti-demokratik davranışlara karşı nato’nun bugüne kadar henüz tanımlanmamış bazı yaptırımlar üzerinde karar vermesi dahil bazı seçenekleri araştırmaya başladıklarını söylüyorlar."

Makalenin özeti ;

> Erdoğan Fethullah'ı suçlamayı boşverip gerçek suçluları bulmalı, Türkler Fethullah'ın bu işin arkasında olduğuna inanmıyor (bak sen)
> Bizim darbe ile alakamız yok, buna zaten Türkler inanmıyor da (hıhı tabiki)
> Fethullah'ın oturma izni var bir kere, size neden verelim? Yeterli kanıt yok, yaşlı hasta bir adam
> Kamudaki işten çıkartmalar çok yüksek, anti-demokratik, biz NATO'da barındırmayız böylelerini ha
> Şuan IŞİD ile mücadele sebebiyle hoş görüyoruz sizi, IŞİD bitsin NATO sizinle ilgili hiç yapılmamış bazı yaptırımlar yapacak
> Biz NATO olmadan Türkiye'nin kendisini koruyup kollayamayacağı, ekonomik gelişimini sağlayamayacağı ortada. Bize boyun eğmek zorunda Türkler.

Şahsi yorumum; Her şeyi denediler, 2015 ilk genel seçiminden sonra "PKK ile koalisyon" denediler, yemedi. Seçilmiş hükümeti, Cemaat yargı mensupları ile hapse atmayı denediler, yemedi. Kemalistleri ordudan ve üniversitelerden uzaklaştırmayı denediler, yemedi. Askeri darbe denediler, yemedi. Bu yüzden bu denli salya saçmak sureti ile saldırıyorlar biz Türklere.

süpersin bro... superb
? In this case Gulen's case would just be a chip in domestic politics. If it makes the Dems look bad, you can probably count on them to spin it that way.. They'll do whatever they can to pant the worst picture possible of the Dems. Its vice versa as well.

Bottom line is their goal isn't protecting him, their goal is winning the presidency and the down-ticket. To do that they'll make the dems look bad anyway they can.

This isn't the case yet, Gulen isn't an election cycle issue, and I think Erdogan would prefer behind the scenes talk then making a public statement to the US gov that might make it an issue. Of course this also depends on Turkish domestic politics.

After the elections you'll see things settle down (unless the president is Trump)

Regardless any legal process is going to take years in all likelihood.

Mate, you are playing with fire here....Gülen is in US since 90s.....so their students should be around 35-40 years old....some of them must be in the US state institutions. I don't think, they are in a position to hurt US...but in 20-30 years.... that's when they will start trouble.
Putschist Gülen speaks on Egyptian TV, urges West to topple Erdoğan, AK Party government
Published 18 hours ago

Gülen, the mastermind of the July 15 coup attempt and leader of the FETÖ, appeared on Egyptian TV and called on Western countries to intervene in Turkey and topple President Erdoğan and AK Party government
U.S.-based imam Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ), has called on the West to intervene in Turkey, speaking via a TV channel close to Egypt's coup administration, after the failed coup attempt on July 15, which was orchestrated by soldiers affiliated with his terrorist organization.

Speaking to Egypt's Al Ghad television, he claimed that Turkey has been "dragged into a civil war" and called on the West to immediately overthrow the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and get rid of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Egypt is among the possible destinations for Gülen in the event of his fleeing the U.S., Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ said in a televised interview on Thursday last week, citing intelligence reports.

Egypt also replied to Bozdağ's statement, saying it will consider a request for asylum from Gülen if he applies for one. According to the state-run MENA news agency, responding to a question about whether Gülen has requested asylum in the country, Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail said: "We haven't had any applications about this issue. However, we will consider it if an application is made."

Previously, Ahmad al-Muselmani, the press advisor for the president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Adly Mansour, had suggested asylum should be provided for Gülen in the event Washington extradites him.

Since the failed coup attempt, Turkey has been constantly criticizing the West due to a lack of solidarity with the democratically elected government against the coup plotters.

The lack of support is in contrast to the blessing the U.S. gave Egypt after the military coup in 2013. Foreign Affairs chief Catherine Ashton visited Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who ousted Egypt's first democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi in a bloody coup, 15 days after the coup.

Furthermore Al Ghad is a TV channel owned by former Fatah leader Mohammad Dahlan, who is believed to have close ties with the United Arab Emirates.

According to a piece written by David Hearst in Middle East Eye on July 29, Dahlan is alleged to have transferred money to FETÖ putschists in the weeks before the coup attempt and even communicated with Gülen through a person close to him.

Both Egyptian and UAE media reported throughout the night of July 15 that the coup attempt had been successful.

Egypt also blocked a U.N. Security Council resolution on July 23 that condemned the attempted coup.

Following consultations with officials from NATO ally Turkey, the U.S. proposed a draft statement calling on "all parties in Turkey to respect the democratically elected government of Turkey." However, Egypt, a non-permanent member of the council, reportedly objected.

During the debate, Egypt argued that it was "not for the Security Council to decide whether the government is democratically elected," and it demanded that the relevant language be deleted, a diplomat said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Despite U.S. insistence, Egypt would not budge.

So this lunatic wants to make "West" the boss of Turkey so "West" can decide how Turks live and what happens in Turkey?

I'd say Turks choose to be independent and honorable rather than another puppets of "West"...
Can someone share the video or another source? I don't trust Erdogan's state media.

Not saying Gülenists weren't behind the coup, but Gülen himself kept denying it for obvious reason. Frankly, it doesn't make any sense for him to suddenly change his narrative so quickly. Since he kept on saying, he respects democrasy etc.
This also reveals sisi's indirect hand in the coup. A true Islamist can never be an ally of sisi the thug but Gulen is. Therefore, he's no Islamist, he's a terrorist through and through.
This also reveals sisi's indirect hand in the coup. A true Islamist can never be an ally of sisi the thug but Gulen is. Therefore, he's no Islamist, he's a terrorist through and through.
Somehow these desert bandits have started to think very high of them. It's time to show them their places...
Can someone share the video or another source? I don't trust Erdogan's state media.

Not saying Gülenists weren't behind the coup, but Gülen himself kept denying it for obvious reason. Frankly, it doesn't make any sense for him to suddenly change his narrative so quickly. Since he kept on saying, he respects democrasy etc.
Gülen is a puppet for the west. There isn't going to be much media demeaning him on non-Western media/sources.
Gülen is a puppet for the west. There isn't going to be much media demeaning him on non-Western media/sources.


According to this article he spoke on TV. So there must be video evidence, but the article didn't provide it.

Daily Sabah is Erdogan's mouthpiece. Their articles are mostly propaganda if you ask me. So I'd rather have the evidence.
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According to this article he spoke on TV. So there must be video evidence, but the article didn't provide it.

Daily Sabah is Erdogan's mouthpiece. Their articles are mostly propaganda if you ask me. So I'd rather have the evidence.
The evidence is at the 15 july's night
Remove horse bands from your eyes and see the around.
He clearly told in CNN interview, suggested west to not be in contact with Erdoğan ,clearly asked them to topple erdoğan in indirect ways.
This is how you tell " i failed the coup but gona ask others to do"

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