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I doubt we'll see any movement on extradition before the elections. It could become a campaign issue even if there is concrete evidence.

Example being the 400 million agreed to be sent to Iran previously which was the money locked after the Shah fell. This money was going to be returned to Iran no matter what as part of the nuclear deal, but it's been spun in the conservative media as a ransom.

Even if the evidence is there it would be characterized as capitulation by the Republicans (or maybe just the Trumpettes).
Yeah because Iran and Turkey occupy the same places in American foreign and security policy...
Pregnant woman attacked for ‘wearing revealing clothes, supporting coup’ in Istanbul

scum of the earth who attack innocent people because of the way they dress. A suitable punishment would be to remove their eyes, so they don't have to every fucking see.


I dont defent ppl who attack pregnant woman.. but than let me walk with twintower and plane picture on my tshirt around NY we'll se if they beat me up.. and from outside there is no way to see a pregnant woman or its hard to see sometimes, we are no dolphins who can look inside.. but why did she wear offensive pro coup pictured or writing things? whats wrong with her..?`or did she provoke to get into this news or were ordered to diffame by her feto baba?

to erdogans high blind followers will now defend him by saying "see he did not want to do it" "he is a good guy" "he asked for forgiveness, who are we to not forgive.. we are also sinfull" .. finding new answers for theunpleasent questions..
Tomorrow, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev will visit Erdoğan. It would be perfect to see Kazakh and Turkish flags side by side while there will be 16 ancient Turkic State flags in the ceremony, nearly half of those ancient states founded in today's Kazakhstan lands :)
Coup being announced in a program called ''Özgürlük zamani'' (freedom time) in STV channel belonging to Gülen network.

Yuh artik, nede ise yaramaz istihbaratimiz varmis.

Yeah because Iran and Turkey occupy the same places in American foreign and security policy...

We're talking about public perception here though, not government to government relations, and public perception of Erdogan in the US is not positive. The coup itself is viewed rather suspiciously, involvement of Erdogan is speculated. Its not a leap to assume that Obama will just play it safe, at least until past the elections in November.
We're talking about public perception here though, not government to government relations, and public perception of Erdogan in the US is not positive. The coup itself is viewed rather suspiciously, involvement of Erdogan is speculated. Its not a leap to assume that Obama will just play it safe, at least until past the elections in November.
Fair enough. And here people view the US with high suspicion (a large portion of them might even consider the US hostile)...this is underscored by the fact that the old Chief of Staff even went as far to say the CIA is very likely involved either directly or indirectly. But then again its normal for the US public to be suspicious if they derive their world view from channels such as Fox News that supported the bloody putschists or MSNBC who disseminated false information in the middle of the coup attempt claiming Erdogan had fled to Germany to claim asylum and thus trying to weaken popular resistance. The next months will be interesting
I doubt we'll see any movement on extradition before the elections. It could become a campaign issue even if there is concrete evidence.

Example being the 400 million agreed to be sent to Iran previously which was the money locked after the Shah fell. This money was going to be returned to Iran no matter what as part of the nuclear deal, but it's been spun in the conservative media as a ransom.

Even if the evidence is there it would be characterized as capitulation by the Republicans (or maybe just the Trumpettes).
Mate, you are talking like this is a simple issue. Imagine Turkey harboring Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attack, and not giving him to US, requesting concrete evidence, linking him to 9/11 attacks.

This issue is that much important for us.
Newyork Times gave Ultimatom to Turkic People
(Warning, this article includes dozens of low IQ products, big ignorance, and hatred against the Turkish Nation)


NATO ile ilgili tehdit kısmının tercümesi ;

"uzun vadede, amerika birleşik devletleri ve nato’nun elinde daha derin bir sorun var: demokratik normlardan çok uzaklaşan hayati bir müttefik ile ne yapılacak? amerikalı yetkililer, anti-demokratik davranışlara karşı nato’nun bugüne kadar henüz tanımlanmamış bazı yaptırımlar üzerinde karar vermesi dahil bazı seçenekleri araştırmaya başladıklarını söylüyorlar."

Makalenin özeti ;

> Erdoğan Fethullah'ı suçlamayı boşverip gerçek suçluları bulmalı, Türkler Fethullah'ın bu işin arkasında olduğuna inanmıyor (bak sen)
> Bizim darbe ile alakamız yok, buna zaten Türkler inanmıyor da (hıhı tabiki)
> Fethullah'ın oturma izni var bir kere, size neden verelim? Yeterli kanıt yok, yaşlı hasta bir adam
> Kamudaki işten çıkartmalar çok yüksek, anti-demokratik, biz NATO'da barındırmayız böylelerini ha
> Şuan IŞİD ile mücadele sebebiyle hoş görüyoruz sizi, IŞİD bitsin NATO sizinle ilgili hiç yapılmamış bazı yaptırımlar yapacak
> Biz NATO olmadan Türkiye'nin kendisini koruyup kollayamayacağı, ekonomik gelişimini sağlayamayacağı ortada. Bize boyun eğmek zorunda Türkler.

Şahsi yorumum; Her şeyi denediler, 2015 ilk genel seçiminden sonra "PKK ile koalisyon" denediler, yemedi. Seçilmiş hükümeti, Cemaat yargı mensupları ile hapse atmayı denediler, yemedi. Kemalistleri ordudan ve üniversitelerden uzaklaştırmayı denediler, yemedi. Askeri darbe denediler, yemedi. Bu yüzden bu denli salya saçmak sureti ile saldırıyorlar biz Türklere.
Mate, you are talking like this is a simple issue. Imagine Turkey harboring Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attack, and not giving him to US, requesting concrete evidence, linking him to 9/11 attacks.

This issue is that much important for us.

Just saying what will likely happen. I can see this will be a source of tension.

Elections are always serious business in the halls of power here, and with Trump as the opposition, it is doubly so for Obama, who wants to secure the legacy of his policies in Clinton. Obama will try not to do anything that could give ammunition to Trump and the Republicans, I doubt Erdogan wants it to become a US electoral issue anyway.
Just saying what will likely happen. I can see this will be a source of tension.

Elections are always serious business in the halls of power here, and with Trump as the opposition, it is doubly so for Obama, who wants to secure the legacy of his policies in Clinton. Obama will try not to do anything that could give ammunition to Trump and the Republicans, I doubt Erdogan wants it to become a US electoral issue anyway.
Dont you think this Trump thingy was planned by the Clintons from the beginning to make sure Hillary wins,sure looks like it?
My guess is that the Republicans found out but,to late,what do you think about it?
Obama will try not to do anything that could give ammunition to Trump and the Republicans
This leads me to the question why republicans would try to protect a islamic cult leader that openly said he wants to infiltrate a secular state.
Dont you think this Trump thingy was planned by the Clintons from the beginning to make sure Hillary wins,sure looks like it?
My guess is that the Republicans found out but,to late,what do you think about it?

Nah that's pretty much impossible. Trump legit beat out the 16 other Repub candidates in the Repub primary because the 16 other candidates divided the vote enough that the far right outdid them. He was originally seen as a joke candidate.

Its also well known that candidates that push to the right or left tend to do better in their respective primaries while candidates have to moderate in the general to have less of a chance of winning. Looks like Trump's views energized the far right, but they really hurt him in the general.

Its this sorta unelectability that brought the concept of superdelegates to the Democrat party.

Hillary has no control over the Republican machine, if Trump was really a Hillary plant she couldn't force the Republican voters to vote for him.

Trump was a far right base revolt, against the more moderate elements of the party for the most part. Aside from Cruz the rest of the candidates were more moderate than not for their party and split the vote heavily.

The Republican establishment thought their support could moderate Trump for the general, unfortunately for them they underestimated how Donald is. Now he is rabid and they are looking desperately for an exit.

This leads me to the question why republicans would try to protect a islamic cult leader that openly said he wants to infiltrate a secular state.

? In this case Gulen's case would just be a chip in domestic politics. If it makes the Dems look bad, you can probably count on them to spin it that way.. They'll do whatever they can to pant the worst picture possible of the Dems. Its vice versa as well.

Bottom line is their goal isn't protecting him, their goal is winning the presidency and the down-ticket. To do that they'll make the dems look bad anyway they can.

This isn't the case yet, Gulen isn't an election cycle issue, and I think Erdogan would prefer behind the scenes talk then making a public statement to the US gov that might make it an issue. Of course this also depends on Turkish domestic politics.

After the elections you'll see things settle down (unless the president is Trump)

Regardless any legal process is going to take years in all likelihood.
? In this case Gulen's case is just a chip in domestic politics. If it makes the Dems look bad, you can probably count on them to spin it that way.. They'll do whatever they can to pant the worst picture possible of the Dems. Its vice versa as well.

Bottom line is their goal isn't protecting him, their goal is winning the presidency and the down-ticket. To do that they'll make the dems look bad anyway they can.

After the elections you'll see things settle down (unless the president is Trump)

Regardless any legal process is going to take years in all likelihood.
If its just about pissing off Erdogan to put it simply then watch this short video and get to know whos in your house right now.

Rational politics and diplomacy should be done now but populism is gonna win again i fear which is also the case in Turkey right now btw.
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