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He accuses everyone whilst he flooded Syria with terrorists and arms, or did they teleport their way into Syria.
.... o_Oo_Oo_O....
.....:partay::partay:.... typical dimentia .....
...ok, will spend a lil more my precious time explaining to dummyies (even though it's always a bad idea to waste time with them): clip which are "more than enough to expose your barbarism" :

...no b..tch, Russia wasn't in Syrian mil campaing until 30th of october, 2015 (even later)... what a fckucktards...:crazy:
Mate, i can research disprove your claims and came up with more and various footage, evidence.

This thread is full of your attorocities in Syria...https://defence.pk/threads/syrian-civil-war-graphic-photos-vid-not-allowed.333727/

Yet, you are not worth to waste my time.
Mate, i can research disprove your claims and came up with more and various footage, evidence.
.."(no so much a) Mate", you can "provide footage" (finally use ur skills in photoshop ) never u did "provided evidence"...

.... just now, terrorist used chemical weapons in Old part of Alepo ("so free and so syrian ..must be, .. army") :
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Başbakanlık tarafından hazırlanan, darbe görüntülerini bir klip şeklinde içeren ve ingilizce olarak olayların özet geçildiği film. Kamuoyuna dağıtılmadı.
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan dün bir konuşmasında af dilemiş. Aşağıda sözlerin tamamı var.

Şayet 17-25 Aralık sonrası aldığımız önlemler olmasaydı, özellikle yargıdaki önlemlerimiz olmasaydı, bu darbe girişimi TSK içindeki bir grup silahlı teröristin değil, polisin, yargının katılımıyla çok daha büyük bir tehdit olarak karşımıza çıkacaktı. Bu hain örgütün yüzünü ortaya dökememenin üzüntüsü içindeyim. Hem Rabbime, hem milletimize verecek hesabımız olduğunu biliyorum. Rabbim de, milletim de bizi affetsin.

Türk vatandaşı olarak kendisini affetmiyorum. Hem kendisini hemde bu siyaset(!) denen kokuşmuşluğa desdek veren hiç kimseyi afetmiyorum.

Yıllarca ben ve benim gibi insanlara olmadık hakaretleri edenler, bizleri kafirlik ile itham edenler sizleri hiç ama hiç affetmeyeceğim.

Bir düşünün sizin yıllarca güvenip desdek olduğunuz liderin 14 yıl boyunca yaptığı her siyasetin sonucu bu millet ve bu halk çekiyor. Ciddi ciddi yaptuğı, güttüğü her siyaset açılım, fetö, suriye, balyoz, ergenekon, ab, rusya vs.

Bu nasıl bir zeka örneğidir ki yaptığı herşeyin sonunda benim halkım, ülkem zarar görecek ondan sonra affedin ile kurtulacak. Yok öyle bir dünya.

Sorun şu ki bundan sonra Erdoğanın yapacağı hangi siyasete itibar edilir? Erdoğan ne kadar güvenilir bir lider?

14 yıl boyunca güttüğü her siyasette kandırılan birine bu ülke nasıl cesaret ederde yönetme yetkisi verir?

Son söz olarak dün ve bugün bile bana hakaret edenler ve özellikle kafirlik ile itham edenler evet burada da onlardan var ve kendilerini çok iyi biliyorlar, sizleri asla affetmiyorum. Elbet birgün Allah c.c huzurunda karşılaşacağız. O gün için şimdiden hazırlanmanızı tavsiye ediyorum.

Ya siz bugün af dileyen Erdoğan affedermisiniz?
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan dün bir konuşmasında af dilemiş. Aşağıda sözlerin tamamı var.

Şayet 17-25 Aralık sonrası aldığımız önlemler olmasaydı, özellikle yargıdaki önlemlerimiz olmasaydı, bu darbe girişimi TSK içindeki bir grup silahlı teröristin değil, polisin, yargının katılımıyla çok daha büyük bir tehdit olarak karşımıza çıkacaktı. Bu hain örgütün yüzünü ortaya dökememenin üzüntüsü içindeyim. Hem Rabbime, hem milletimize verecek hesabımız olduğunu biliyorum. Rabbim de, milletim de bizi affetsin.

Türk vatandaşı olarak kendisini affetmiyorum. Hem kendisini hemde bu siyaset(!) denen kokuşmuşluğa desdek veren hiç kimseyi afetmiyorum.

Yıllarca ben ve benim gibi insanlara olmadık hakaretleri edenler, bizleri kafirlik ile itham edenler sizleri hiç ama hiç affetmeyeceğim.

Bir düşünün sizin yıllarca güvenip desdek olduğunuz liderin 14 yıl boyunca yaptığı her siyasetin sonucu bu millet ve bu halk çekiyor. Ciddi ciddi yaptuğı, güttüğü her siyaset açılım, fetö, suriye, balyoz, ergenekon, ab, rusya vs.

Bu nasıl bir zeka örneğidir ki yaptığı herşeyin sonunda benim halkım, ülkem zarar görecek ondan sonra affedin ile kurtulacak. Yok öyle bir dünya.

Sorun şu ki bundan sonra Erdoğanın yapacağı hangi siyasete itibar edilir? Erdoğan ne kadar güvenilir bir lider?

14 yıl boyunca güttüğü her siyasette kandırılan birine bu ülke nasıl cesaret ederde yönetme yetkisi verir?

Son söz olarak dün ve bugün bile bana hakaret edenler ve özellikle kafirlik ile itham edenler evet burada da onlardan var ve kendilerini çok iyi biliyorlar, sizleri asla affetmiyorum. Elbet birgün Allah c.c huzurunda karşılaşacağız. O gün için şimdiden hazırlanmanızı tavsiye ediyorum.

Ya siz bugün af dileyen Erdoğan affedermisiniz?

Turkey should destroy all jails and let people out, if they say '' forgive us''

Turkey should close all justice system, if a person does ''bad'' thing, but says ''forgive me'' .

Turkey should close civil security system(Police), if anybody commited a bad thing says ''forgive me'' no matter s/he kills/rapes/steals/sells drugs/ causing others to die etc.

The key word ''forgive me'' must be enough to get away from all kind of ''bad'' thing.
Forgive me for exposing real Gülen late: Turkey's Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has expressed his regret for helping the Fethullah Gülen organization in the past and not being able to show the group’s real face to the people of Turkey, pledging to account for this on behalf of the nation and God. Fethullah Gülen and his organization are believed to have been behind the July 15 failed coup attempt that left at least 238 dead.

“Late [President Turgut] Özal, late [President Süleyman] Demirel, late [Prime Minister Bülent] Ecevit and even us, we helped this structure with good will, although we were politicians and statesmen with different [world] views. Let me speak frankly. On my behalf, I also helped them on the grounds that we met on common ground, although there were so many issues on which I did not agree with them,” Erdoğan said in an address to the Extraordinary Religion Council on Aug 3.

The reason why the Gülenist organization was able to live within society like a constantly-growing virus was its religious values, Erdoğan said, adding that this characteristic of the group was always supported by the Turkish public opinion throughout this time.

“Despite all our reservations about the leader of this organization, I showed tolerance to them out of respect for their education, aid and solidarity activities in the country and abroad. We showed tolerance as they were saying ‘God.’ We said we had common ground,” Erdoğan said.

Erdoğan admitted that he failed to see the organization’s real intentions and long-term objectives until 2010, after which he started to look at the group in a different way, recalling that he started to voice his reservations against the group in 2012. The president further confessed that he could not even convince some of his friends in his political party about some of the group’s suspicious acts, such as targeting senior military officers and prominent personalities within the state civil service and private sector.

The corruption and fraud probe that was launched in late 2013 was the turning point in starting to see the real face of the Gülenist organization, the president stated. “But I know that there are still those who don’t want to believe in it. I know there are still those who look at [it] but can’t see it. From this moment, the era of suspicion is over and the era of fighting has started.”

‘May God and my nation forgive us’

The president expressed his sorrow over not being able to show the real face of the Gülenist organization to the Turkish people, saying “Despite everything, I deplore not being able to uncover the real face of this organization. I know that we have to account to both God and the nation. May God and my nation forgive us.”

It was time to let these people pay account for what they did and at the same time to self-criticize, he said, expressing his determinacy in fighting Gülenists organization members. “I declare from this hall: After this hour, those who will continue to give an ear to the deliriums of this terrorist leader in Pennsylvania [Gülen] will accept beforehand whatever will happen to him or her,” he added.

One of the most important characteristics of the members of this organization was their ability to pretend and hide their faces behind a mask, Erdoğan claimed, adding that was why he still had difficulties accepting the sincerity of former Gülenists who expressed their regrets. “Do they really regret? I do not say this in a revanchist manner but are they really regretful? Or are they hypocritical, a characteristic of this very group. We have difficulty seeing this,” Erdoğan said.


source: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/fo...ogan.aspx?pageID=238&nID=102430&NewsCatID=338

English please. Otherwise a well written rant.

And yes, after this apology who wants to trust RTE further, as long as they were not against him he let gülenist do whatever they wanted, but after exposing his shit. He turned against them.

And let me tell you what and who we don't want in Turkey:

Pregnant woman attacked for ‘wearing revealing clothes, supporting coup’ in Istanbul

scum of the earth who attack innocent people because of the way they dress. A suitable punishment would be to remove their eyes, so they don't have to every fucking see.

I said that above already in Turkish but I wanna say it again in English as well.

I will never, never ever and ever forgive him and his supporters who supported/supporting his stinky policies.

From the beginning till now what he has done for my country/people under name of policies of akp_Tayyip gave huge damages to my country and people.

Think that someone who makes mistakes every time and each time he says "I am sorry. I am fooled by blah blah". Think that you have been warning him since the beginning but he was one who weren't listening you and even shouting at you saying that " do I ask you?"

And now this guy begs for a forgiveness... Amazing.

No my friend I myself, do not forgive you and will never forgive you even at judgement day.

I said that before many times and I say it again. Turkiye has been having the most darkest days of its own history since the day one just because of you and your stink policies.

I curse you. I curse you all who came before and comes after you.

If Allah c.c has a justice, inshAllah will send his justice upon you as soon as possible before judgement day.
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US Secretary of State Kerry to visit Turkey in late August

US Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Turkey in late August, reports said on Thursday.

Kerry's visit is expected to focus on the developments following the failed coup attempt by the Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ) and the extradition of FETÖ's leader Fethullah Gülen, who lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania.

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım had previously said on Tuesday that a senior-level official from the U.S. would visit Turkey after August 20.

Turkey took the illegal activities of the Gülen Movement to the international platform in the U.S. last year and is currently demanding his extradition.

On August 2, Ankara filed a second application for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the July 15 coup attempt, from the U.S. as top Turkish officials from President Erdoğan on down question the value of an ally that ignores terrorist threats to Turkey.

Despite calls from Ankara for Washington to detain Gülen and extradite him to Turkey, U.S. officials have asked for concrete evidence linking him to the coup attempt.

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has expressed disappointment at the Obama administration's support, or lack, likening the impact of the coup attempt to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that shook the U.S.

Both the government and the opposition parties urge the U.S to extradite Gülen, who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt and takeover state institutions through his agents.

On July 15, 2016, Gülenist agents in the military launched an unsuccessful bid to topple the government. The coup attempt failed due to a huge public uprising in condemnation of the move.
I doubt we'll see any movement on extradition before the elections. It could become a campaign issue even if there is concrete evidence.

Example being the 400 million agreed to be sent to Iran previously which was the money locked after the Shah fell. This money was going to be returned to Iran no matter what as part of the nuclear deal, but it's been spun in the conservative media as a ransom.

Even if the evidence is there it would be characterized as capitulation by the Republicans (or maybe just the Trumpettes).
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