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No matter how I don't like Feto one bit but you guys didn't seem so angry when you sleep with Feto for like 10 years. Everything was fine when their prosecutors keep the innocent officers of our army in the prisons for years without even telling them their crimes. Selling out your companion seems like a very easy thing to do for you fellas.

I'm not mad at you guys at all. I'm just feeling sad. When Erdogan said Feto is friendly, he is friendly for you guys. When he said Feto is enemy, he's enemy. When I see millions of people using one man's brain, it's not very surprising to see the results of the elections.

I'm not gonna say anything about your comments of the Taksim Protests. It just made me want to throw up.

Actually you know the same thing with us but you can't accept trues so you and your mentality only disturbed about religious muslims, So before Ak party only you and your mentality can enter army, you can rise easly in state and university positions, you can be rich etc. Religious people only must be poor and ignorant to your mind, i see.

Fethullah Gulen was known as CIA agent Among some muslims people since 70's but people don't say too much about it because Fethullah was influencing people by doing great jobs, while he doing great jobs his tactic allways was that, do 9 good things and put 1 mistake, because of this tactic his followers didn't aware of his ill will even our learder Erdogan thought him as a good person. That Fethullah even changed lots of Islamic rules according to his interests in his community and put lots of fake Sura and bida in Islam.

When MIT Turkish intelligent service warned Erdogan 5 years ago Erdogan was said that, "if a person pray to Allah dont fear, they must be well-intentioned!" after one/two year Erdogan saw trues and took position against him....

Until Fethullah shows their real face they settled lots of state positions like police, judgement, media, municipalities, lodgings, jandarma, military etc. so Erdogan warned too late to state officals...

Also before Ak party Russian, Jews, American, German and British so on agents was so active in our country, even they did not sharing our country between them. Of course we was know this very well, 5 years ago Turkish intelligent and police services detected some agents and government changed their positions in state so when operation start for catch them, lots of people escaped to abroad and some of them was imprisoned then Turkish people think that they was really agents...

Some of them was really illegal organization but some of them not, unfortunatelly men of Fethullah was using judgement according to their interests. Government awared it very late and our government system was enter in a very bad situations... when Fethullah start to attack, government stopped them and started planning how to overcome.

Government still fighting to get rid of them, so we will wait and see what will happen.

We know that all these tricks was against our country and our people so government has well-intentioned.

We aware of the game and still supporting Erdogan. You can stand same side with enemies of Turkey as you wish. But we will stand with Erdogan so we've made our decision!


I'm addind a new video about last time of Ottoman, this tv serial started last week, they will tell us about real traitors of Ottomans like Mithat Pasha! I'm suggesting to watch it.

En Uzun Yüzyıl - Watch and Aware of Game....
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Yeah we know what showing true face means, when they go againts AKP they suddenly become bad, you think Erdo and Aks didn't knew what kind of organization Feto's was ? of course they knew they are not idiots, but as long as they were in their side they were ok with Fetoş.

We saw a similar example in 17 Aralık, when Zekeriya Öz was putting officers to jail one by one, he was hero, they were crying about the "superioty of law and justice", when he went againts AKP he suddenly become sold, traitor, cemaatçi.
Yeah we know what showing true face means, when they go againts AKP they suddenly become bad, you think Erdo and Aks didn't knew what kind of organization Feto's was ? of course they knew they are not idiots, but as long as they were in their side they were ok with Fetoş.

We saw a similar example in 17 Aralık, when Zekeriya Öz was putting officers to jail one by one, he was hero, they were crying about the "superioty of law and justice", when he went againts AKP he suddenly become sold, traitor, cemaatçi.

You are mention about Fethullah media, so they allways directed people, even government didn't aware so how could we see trues?

Also followers of chp and mhp was well-inttentioned about Fethullah movement, he was good wangler, he deceived lots of people...

But i know them since long time so i was never trust them and when i see Fethullah's followers i was arguing... as you see still some idiots following him.... what can i say?

Ortada bir de böyle bir saptırma ve yalan tablosu var, aslında her şey milletin kafasını bulandurmak için.

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You are mention about Fethullah media, so they allways directed people, even government didn't aware so how could we see trues?

Also followers of chp and mhp was well-inttentioned about Fethullah movement, he was good wangler, he deceived lots of people...

But i know them since long time ago so i was never trust them and when i see Fethullah's followers i was arguing... as you see still some idiots following him.... what can i say?​

Even common people was suspecting Fetoş, and are you saying government, with all the intelligence power under them didn't know about the nature of Cemaat ? of course they knew but they didn't done anything because before they turned againts them they were benefical to AKP.
Even common people was suspecting Fetoş, and are you saying government, with all the intelligence power under them didn't know about the nature of Cemaat ? of course they knew but they didn't done anything because before they turned againts them they were benefical to AKP.

This can be true, if government fight all sides a time, govenment can enter in very bad situations... this way they didn't touch fethullah until he moving...
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Actually you know the same thing with us but you can't accept trues so you and your mentality only disturbed about religious muslims, So before Ak party only you and your mentality can enter army, you can rise easly in state and university positions, you can be rich etc. Religious people only must be poor and ignorant to your mind, i see.

What? This is your reply to my post? The majority of the riches of this country was always conservative muslims so what's your point exactly? This is your problem. You think the only muslims in this country are you and the ones that share your ideas. Well, no. This religion isn't your invention and you don't owe it so watch your mouth about telling someone you don't know about something like "religious people and you".

Fethullah Gulen was known as CIA agent Among some muslims people since 70's but people don't say too much about it because Fethullah was influencing people by doing great jobs, while he doing great jobs his tactic allways was that, do 9 good things and put 1 mistake, because of this tactic his followers didn't aware of his ill will even our learder Erdogan thought him as a good person. That Fethullah even changed lots of Islamic rules according to his interests in his community and put lots of fake Sura and bida in Islam.

Oh come on spare me the BS. That "do 9 good things and put 1 mistake" includes arresting journalists, officers of this army and keeping them in the prisons without even laying out legit proof? Some of them died in the prison if you didn't care to watch the news. I hope you're willing to answer for KILLING innocent people when you die. When the same gun turned on yourself on 17th December, suddenly they become the bad guys. Yeah, sure.

When MIT Turkish intelligent service warned Erdogan 5 years ago Erdogan was said that, "if a person pray to Allah dont fear, they must be well-intentioned!" after one/two year Erdogan saw trues and took position against him....
Until Fethullah shows their real face they settled lots of state positions like police, judgement, media, municipalities, lodgings, jandarma, military etc. so Erdogan warned too late to state officals...

So MIT warned our dear leader Erdogan about Feto 5 years ago. Wow, it seems our military intelligence sucks so bad because Feto exists and does what he does for like 40 years. His staff was appointed in almost every key state positions for 12 years. Either somebody lied to you, or our dear leader is... lemme say a little naive.

Also before Ak party Russian, Jews, American, German and British so on agents was so active in our country, even they did not sharing our country between them. Of course we was know this very well, 5 years ago Turkish intelligent and police services detected some agents and government changed their positions in state so when operation start for catch them, lots of people escaped to abroad and some of them was imprisoned then Turkish people think that they was really agents...

Having foreign agents in this country exists since the early days of Cold War. They're still active and that doesn't mean shit. If you can't detect them it's not their problem, it's yours. Main purpose of an Intelligence service is getting information and learning weaknesses of their potential enemies. If they get their agents in my country they did their job, if you didn't identify them you didn't do yours. And Ak Parti didn't do anything about them, they just expelled the ones they don't like. Like always.

Some of them was really illegal organization but some of them not, unfortunatelly men of Fethullah was using judgement according to their interests. Government awared it very late and our government system was enter in a very bad situations... when Fethullah start to attack, government stopped them and started planning how to overcome.

Keep dreaming man. Erdogan always knew Feto had his men in Justice so he just prisoned everybody he doesn't like. I really don't know if these all your ideas or you just repeat what you've been taught. Like I said before, I'm not angry at you guys one bit.

Government still fighting to get rid of them, so we will wait and see what will happen.

We know that all these tricks was against our country and our people so government has well-intentioned.

We aware of the game and still supporting Erdogan. You can stand same side with enemies of Turkey as you wish. But we will stand with Erdogan so we've made our decision!

Yes, Erdogan, Feto and all the ones alike are the enemies of my country. They all should and probably will be trialed in the Supreme Court one day. One should be live to see those days.
What? This is your reply to my post? The majority of the riches of this country was always conservative muslims so what's your point exactly? This is your problem. You think the only muslims in this country are you and the ones that share your ideas. Well, no. This religion isn't your invention and you don't owe it so watch your mouth about telling someone you don't know about something like "religious people and you".

This post was for you and like you, so were you living in Turkey ? of course before AK Party richest people was didn't like about Islam and people who is same mentality with them very good positions in state and universities, after came Erdogan small businessman could reach to high levels and lots of Turkish people reached high levels in state and universities...

Also before Erdogan private companies and people was prevented and sabotaged like Nuri Demirağ, Recep Yazıcıoğlu etc. after Erdogan our government started to support to private companies and Turkish people for develope themselves and Turkey....

Oh come on spare me the BS. That "do 9 good things and put 1 mistake" includes arresting journalists, officers of this army and keeping them in the prisons without even laying out legit proof? Some of them died in the prison if you didn't care to watch the news. I hope you're willing to answer for KILLING innocent people when you die. When the same gun turned on yourself on 17th December, suddenly they become the bad guys. Yeah, sure.

So i mentioned about his islamic movements, not about arresting or etc..... of course we know they did bad thinks about our military personals, so they messed up complately.

Now we cant seperate real criminals and innocents.... they mixed or destroyed the evidences... i dont know what will hapen about these criminals but i want some executions for these fethullah personels....


Those are my thoughts as i follow to news, so i think Erdogan really didn't aware of this shitty Feto, so Erdogan had well-intentioned about him because of his Islamic movements. After Feto started to change, Erdogan awared about trues.

Justice system still like a shit in our country but it is not sin of Erdogan, this system was corrapted since decades, When Erdogan came his first steps was change to justice systems but it is still not enough... so AK party still try to make a new constitution as we know... so they are facing with big troubles while try to make it.... other opposits party must support to AKP

If government can make a good constitution they will fix these confusion, so i'm trusting and waiting for their good steps.
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Does he have to humiliate himself in anywhere?

I just saw a clear video posted on Erdogan's official page. It was taken from front and you could see Erdogan speak..lol

BTW, can you translate what happened?

What was the speaker saying and what was Erdogan saying? Why he got angry?
What I don't understand why this smarty says "you have no legal right" ? Feyzioğlu is not a judge, he's just a lawyer.

Even if he was a judge, as long as he stays fair in judgement talking about politics should not be a problem, we saw that issue at Haşim Kılıç issue, man didn't said he was supporting one side, he just criticized some of the government's actions.
Thank You.

BTW, I am interested in your user name. Can you explain why you chose this user name?

The Islam is at the moment in the hands of radicals and Fundamentalists; the approach to The Islam in the World is not at what point people want it to be. Thanks to Mursi and Erdoğan like people!

The Islam is ok with The democracy, secularism, human rights, woman rights etc; You can be muslim and democrat, secularism, woman right defender etc.
After reading what Ahmed posted i beginn to ask myself if many Turks always blame others for their own problems or try to make poltical enemies to spies
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