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Turkey, Free Syrian Army take complete control of Afrin: Erdoğan

Turkey will be rolled back and the Syrian Army will show Ergodan janissaires, the right way to peel an onion...if the Kurds don’t beat them to it

Stop crying loser ,,,,,,,, Turkish flag waving in AFRIN and Your terrorists Pkk/Ypg is loser

Turkish Armed Forces will kill all Pkk/Ypg terrorists in N.Syria ,,, nobody can stop us
btw Turkish Army will be in Syria in the next 10-15 years .... Turkish Army is also in N.Iraq

and ERDOGAN's Kurdish FALCON Brigade to kick The US's and Israel's communist atheist Pkk/Ypg terrorists

millions of muslim Turkmen are with ERDOGAN and Turkey
millions of muslim Arabs are with ERDOGAN and Turkey
millions of muslim Kurds are with ERDOGAN and Turkey

and Turks helped Algeria against French who killed 1,5 millions of Arabs in Algeria .....
unfortunately... Most of the time...the ones running are actually civilians...
Yh i know. However, it's war and Assad/Russia consider anybody (whether civilian or not in Syria who has accommodated, tolerated, sheltered cooperated and supported the rebels or those against his regime as terrorists and legitimate targets. So the fact that they might be civilian doesn't matter to them.. As far as they oppose his regime and support the rebles then they are legitimate targets to them. It might sound harsh/heartless but that's the reality.
So Assad will keep targeting and barrel bombing any city/village that is held by the rebels, since they will assume majority of civilians living there also support the rebels or at least are synpathetic to their cause, hence they will be legitimate targets for him like they have been this past decade.
It's war.
and Turks helped Algeria against French who killed 1,5 millions of Arabs in Algeria .....
No Turkey didn’t ..in fact she voted against Algerian indépendance...Israel voted for..and Arabs showed at the very last minute and took pictures with the Algerian representatives when they went to speak at the UN...
Other fact the janissaires that your Dey left behind on his skiddadle to Turkey, helped the French conquer Algeria...Turkey was a slime then and a slime today..
No Turkey didn’t ..in fact she voted against Algerian indépendance...Israel voted for..and Arabs showed at the very last minute and took pictures with the Algerian representatives when they went to speak at the UN...
Other fact the janissaires that your Dey left behind on his skiddadle to Turkey, helped the French conquer Algeria...Turkey was a slime then and a slime today.

in 1960 Turkey sent weapons ( 20.000 rifles and 200 cannons ) by Submarines to Algeria ,,,, you ungrateful slime

btw in 1960 there was American backed coup in Turkey and American puppets ruled Turkey
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in 1960 Turkey sent weapons ( 20.000 rifles and 200 cannons ) by Submarines to Algeria ,,,, you ungrateful slime
You were NATO, in fact you helped the French to the last minute..
You were NATO, in fact you helped the French to the last minute

I am saying again ,, Algerians asked helping from Turkey and in 1960 Turks secretly sent weapons ( 20.000 rifles and 200 cannons and money ) by Submarine to Algeria ,,,, Algeria very well knows about it

btw in 1960 there was American backed coup in Turkey and after 1960 American puppets ruled Turkey
Direct ATGM hit: Kurdish female fighters destroy invading turkish german Leopard 2 tank in afrin Region
I am saying again ,, Algerians asked helping from Turkey and in 1960 Turks secretly sent weapons ( 20.000 rifles and 200 cannons and money ) by Submarine to Algeria ,,,, Algeria very well knows about it

btw in 1960 there was American backed coup in Turkey and after 1960 American puppets ruled Turkey
Sorry Berkant, but Turkey helped France to the last day..that is reality..The arms were brought by Algerian's own efforts from the eastern countries, mainly Yougoslavia and China..with the help of algerian sympatizers..Individual Turks may have helped, but not the Turkish government...
If you look at the UN vote roster for the Algerian independence, Turkey voted against...Even Israel voted for...
Direct ATGM hit: Kurdish female fighters destroy invading turkish german Leopard 2 tank in afrin Region

I have seen probably close to a dozen other destroyer Turkish Leopards but most happened after the fact. The explosion is more violent then any T series tanks I have seen.

It makes one wounder what type of ammunition is used. As far as I know some of the newer ammunition is less prone to ignition due to outside sources. The Leopard is vastly overrated in terms of protection, it still surprises me vanilla Leopard go into urban combat without any type of add-on armor or ‘cage armor’.
the hell Russia , Iran , The US are doing in Syria ?

Russia was given permission to legally be in Syria to destroy the same jihadists that Turkey aids. The question is what is Turkey doing in Syria? You were never invited, you are illegally in Syria according to international law.
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