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Syrian Air Chief Killed by Rebels


but seriously his death, WONT shift the balance of power. His replacement is already working twice as hard. if you think otherwise you are just being silly!
RIP .......

The American sponsored Wahhabi terrorists are the biggest Fitna of our times ....

Death to America
Death to Al Qaeda for betraying Islam
Read with Syrian lion is telling you carefully. Claiming the terrorists in Syria have local support is like saying Pakistanis support the bombings and Taliban which cause so much death and destruction in your own country. Is that logical? You guys should be sympathetic to the Syrian people and not be brainwashed by these western/wahabi alliance.

You are wrong on that count. TTP has wide ranging support in Pakistan ranging from Mullahs to Lawyers.

No insurgency could survive without local support.
Sa7 3alaik. I told you I don't get mad of you cursing us. Please add some more insults in your Iraqi accent. I'd love to read them before I go to bed.
I don't need to insult you because al salol humiliate you every day
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