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Turkey, Free Syrian Army take complete control of Afrin: Erdoğan

Quite the Irony that Ceylal love quoting and reading "Radio Expres'Sion'...
For those who don't know who they are... It's a French Pro-Israel, but Mostly pro-Zion as they like to say...

Their Description by their own words...
"Nous sommes sionistes, notre attachement à Sion se revendique jusqu’au nom de notre radio : Radio Expres’Sion"

Translation: "We are Zionist, We claim our attachment to Sion (Zion) that is also seen in our Radio name: Radio Expres'Sion"

Ceylal... now I understand...

As for the content of the Vid... Well... typical Rebel fighters...
Ergodan's mercenaries

Free Syrian Army Millions times better than America's and Israel's communist atheist Pkk/Ypg terrorists which are trying to destroy Syrian territorial integrity

Free Syrian Army Millions times better than Assad's and Iran's sectarian terrorists which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria

btw your cheap propaganda wont work .........

Turkish Special Forces trained FSA ( Kurdish FALCON Brigade )

Quite the Irony that Ceylal love quoting and reading "Radio Expres'Sion'...
For those who don't know who they are... It's a French Pro-Israel, but Mostly pro-Zion as they like to say...

Their Description by their own words...
"Nous sommes sionistes, notre attachement à Sion se revendique jusqu’au nom de notre radio : Radio Expres’Sion"

Translation: "We are Zionist, We claim our attachment to Sion (Zion) that is also seen in our Radio name: Radio Expres'Sion"

Ceylal... now I understand...

As for the content of the Vid... Well... typical Rebel fighters...
I know where it come from , I want to show dumb asses as yourself, that what the Turks are using in their help to kill the Kurds..That what you support anyway..I don’t see where you getting at..or the point in quoting me...

Free Syrian Army Millions times better than America's and Israel's communist atheist Pkk/Ypg terrorists which are trying to destroy Syrian territorial integrity
That the reason your sultan is using them, is he considering his Turcs, a bunch of flightless birds?

[quite]Free Syrian Army Millions times better than Assad's and Iran's sectarian terrorists which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria[/quote]
In this side of the Mississippi, we know who is behind the slaughtering of the Syrians...They blamed the same thing on Kaddaffy in Lybia..

btw your cheap propaganda wont work .........
Apparently it does...since you came running to defend the indefensible...
I know where it come from , I want to show dumb asses as yourself, that what the Turks are using in their help to kill the Kurds..That what you support anyway..I don’t see where you getting at..or the point in quoting me...
It's not the first time..."If I recall" correctly...that you use such "Radio"...
And it was just an Observation...nothing more, nothing less...

As for the Vid...Well I don't understand your post either... They are FSA soldiers and? Does the look not to your liking? or Does the fact of them winning against Pro ASSad... hard to swallow?
Or maybe "Allahu Akbar" isn't something you like to hear...

Turkish Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) took complete control of northwestern Syria's Afrin, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced early on March 18.

According to Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground, the troops entered the town center at around 5 a.m. local time.

In an hour time, troops entered the town centr from east, west and north sides. During the entrance, some mines placed by militants at entry points of the district exploded as FSA fighters advanced into the the town center, it was learned.

Without encountering any kind of resistance, they took complete control of the town center.

FSA -- after taking control of the biggest neighborhoods Ashrafieh, Jamiliyah and Mahmudiyah in the town center's north -- advanced to the old bus stop area, according to the correspondents.

Turkish forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) have entered Syria’s Afrin and taken control of several districts, Doğan News Agency Reported on March 18

"Fighting is ongoing inside the city, where Turkish forces and allied rebels have seized some neighbourhoods," the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

Turkey should annex full Syria and liberate unfortunate people from a cruel heartless person who killed and responsible of killing of lakhs just for the sake of his regime.

Death to Al Asad and all oppressors from Kashmir to Palestine to Iraq.

Long Live My second homeland Turkey....love you people and my prayers are with Turkey.
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Turkey should annex full Syria and liberate unfortunate people from a cruel heartless person who killed and responsible of killing of lakhs just for the sake of his regime.

Death to Al Asad and all oppressors from Kashmir to Palestine to Iraq.

Long Live My second homeland Turkey....love you people and my prayers are with.
Turkey will be rolled back and the Syrian Army will show Ergodan janissaires, the right way to peel an onion...if the Kurds don’t beat them to it..
What's wrong with thdee dudes? Just shouting Allah akhbar all the time while shooting around for no reason. Most militias in the region always do this for some weird reason. Lol. They are funny. :lol:
loooool it's like they communicate with different tones of allah hu akbars
Turkey will be rolled back and the Syrian Army will show Ergodan janissaires, the right way to peel an onion...if the Kurds don’t beat them to it..

Berbers from Algeria can help them...
Sure that they will do but, just in your hallucinations!
Time will tell

Berbers from Algeria can help them...
It is not out of realm..we may...We killed your ancestors , just with boredom..Just imagine what we can do to Ergomerde now..:rofl::rofl::rofl::pop:

What's wrong with thdee dudes? Just shouting Allah akhbar all the time while shooting around for no reason. Most militias in the region always do this for some weird reason. Lol. They are funny. :lol:
Probably Erdoğan slipped them a captagon...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ahahahah..... Yh it looks like. :lol: i can imagine the fighting scene in Syria looks abit like this.

Just picture this with Assad and Russian barrel bombs. :D
I wish he could go back to barrel bombing ....the high bombs tech are for sissies...
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