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Indian interference and proxy war against Bangladesh

Indian Foreign Secy due in city Dec 4 | FIRST PAGE | Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

And here is interesting information about Indian FS Sujata Singh connections:

Born in July 1954, Sujatha Singh is the daughter of the former Intelligence Bureau chief and, later, Governor T. V. Rajeswar. Promoted as Director, Intelligence Bureau in Feb. 1980 and held the post till Aug., 1983.

It is interesting to note between 1980 and 1981 Sheikh Hasina returned from India and Ziaur Rahman was assasinated with indian ivolvement.
Jatiya Party will be buried after Ershad passes away.

I don't think it was ever alive to begin with. Whatever they had in rangpur was ruined in these 5 years & thutu baba just hammered the final nail in the coffin.
Plan B of Indian proxy war against Bangladesh is create alternative to Hasina and Joy as they became burden for Indian war against Bangladesh. In that plan B, India actively grooming Sheikh Rehana and Kader Siddiqui.

  1. India had lengthy grooming session with Sheikh Rehana, first in indian HC and then in Delhi.
  2. Indian president had long session (almost 2 hrs long) with Kader Siddqui in Delhi.
  3. India instructed Sheikh Rehana and Kader Siddiqui to work closely to take lead on indian war in Bangladesh but work separately for now.
  4. Kader Siddiqui instructed to cultivate a third front to push indian game plan and use of his Islam leaning political capital for dividing majority Muslim unity against indian proxy war.
  5. Sheikh Rehana has been instructed to be ready to take over from Hasina. India contemplating few scenarios how to vanish Hasina from active political scene.
  6. According to indian plan some point in future, Kader Siddqui and and Rehana's family will lead India's war and imposition against Bangladesh.
And to lure Karder Siddiqui, india used respect, hospitality and family connection Kader Siddqui craved for. It will be an utter shame if he falls for indian deception and lure.

There are reports that the Indian regime have sent 1,200 personnel to Dhaka under the pretext of attending a "cultural event".

It is believed that these "cultural visitors" are in fact security personnel sent by New Delhi to support the regime of the pro-Indian current leader Hasina Wajid, especially if in the light of the huge disturbances in the country at the moment the military moves in to re-establish security and correct any violations of the constitution.

This - if true - is a move against the independence of Bangladesh and will be considered aggression. Ultimately it could lead to war between India and Bangladesh's armed forces which are 200,000 regular personnel at least and 6 million reservists.

Bangladesh-India cyber war, maybe the biggest ever in history.

20,000 Indian websites hacked by Bangladesh hackers - Video | The Times of India

20,000 Indian websites hacked by Bangladeshis.

There are reports that the Indian regime have sent 1,200 personnel to Dhaka under the pretext of attending a "cultural event".

It is believed that these "cultural visitors" are in fact security personnel sent by New Delhi to support the regime of the pro-Indian current leader Hasina Wajid, especially if in the light of the huge disturbances in the country at the moment the military moves in to re-establish security and correct any violations of the constitution.

This - if true - is a move against the independence of Bangladesh and will be considered aggression. Ultimately it could lead to war between India and Bangladesh's armed forces which are 200,000 regular personnel at least and 6 million reservists.

If this is indeed true, start buying fireworks, your dream might just have come true, but unfortunately 5 bucks says this is the usual garbage spewed by you eminence... better luck with BSF allegations...

There are reports that the Indian regime have sent 1,200 personnel to Dhaka under the pretext of attending a "cultural event".

It is believed that these "cultural visitors" are in fact security personnel sent by New Delhi to support the regime of the pro-Indian current leader Hasina Wajid, especially if in the light of the huge disturbances in the country at the moment the military moves in to re-establish security and correct any violations of the constitution.

This - if true - is a move against the independence of Bangladesh and will be considered aggression. Ultimately it could lead to war between India and Bangladesh's armed forces which are 200,000 regular personnel at least and 6 million reservists.

Bangladesh-India cyber war, maybe the biggest ever in history.

20,000 Indian websites hacked by Bangladesh hackers - Video | The Times of India

20,000 Indian websites hacked by Bangladeshis.

India came out of shadow and advanced for direct war against Bangladesh.
Indian new game is to derail on going movement against Indo-Awami proxy war against Bangladesh. Ershad quitting election is part of that plan. Earshad will be used for further flip flop as part of indian effort to weaken and confuse on going movement. Indian establishments are worried about Bangladesh movement feels that vibe of that anti India movement will reach independent seeking people of Indian occupied North East. BNP the main opposition, leading the movement do not trust Ershad latest move and watching careffully.

বিডিটুডে.নেট:এরশাদের ডিগবাজী,ভারতের নতুন খেলা!

বিডিটুডে.নেট:এরশাদের ঘোষণায় পুরোপুরি আস্থা নেই বিএনপির
India up its war against Bangladesh and tried to force Ershad Jatiya Party participate in a farcical one party election. In her meeting Indian foreign secretary told Ershad that without his participation in farcical election, BNP and Jamaat alliance will go to power and not to let that happen. Ershad refused such farcical election that all people have rejected.

This is clearest sign indian waged war against Bangladeshi people sovereign right to choose their govt. Despite public outrage India continued on path of installing indian puppet Awami League with gun barrel.

As soon disappointed indian foreign secretary left Ershad home, he was put under virtual house arrest.

Now it is common perception in Bangladesh that India is keeping Awami League in power using Awami gun barrel and bypassing popular opinion. And Indian supported Awami League genocidal force now managed to keep Hasina as PM of Republic of Dhaka.

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Man...sometimes you guys are seriously making laughing stock of yourself....BD is an independent country dude....India can favor and help any political party.....How can it directly get involve and stop some one take power...Dude...just do not make such kind of hilarious joke...India can not control its favored candidate in country like Maldavies....so forget about BD....
Man...sometimes you guys are seriously making laughing stock of yourself....BD is an independent country dude....India can favor and help any political party.....How can it directly get involve and stop some one take power...Dude...just do not make such kind of hilarious joke...India can not control its favored candidate in country like Maldavies....so forget about BD....

No amount of indian deception or try to clean indian name in Bangladesh will work. India brand be that political, bilateral, commercial or otherwise is forever tainted and most detested. Just like what india accomplished in SriLanka. So you indians can keep yapping, no one cares about your excuse and deception.
No amount of indian deception or try to clean indian name in Bangladesh will work. India brand be that political, bilateral, commercial or otherwise is forever tainted and most detested. Just like what india accomplished in SriLanka. So you indians can keep yapping, no one cares about your excuse and deception.

Dude...I agree with your part...That India should engage in good part....But that does not substantiate your issue that India is stalling your election.....ANyway....i think India will do what it suits for its interest...
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