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Awami League MP Ilyas Molla and AL youth wing leaders burn down Bihari camp and kill 10 Bihari's

Maybe if Bangladeshi drama queens would stop dragging India into everything that goes down inside your little country, Indians will stop commenting about your internal issues.

A 40 year old middle aged man "baiting" people over the internet, nothing is more sadder.
And the game took the bait.
Nothing is more hilarious.

One of the biggest mistakes India has done is to intervene in 1971. We should have let these islamic brothers kill eachother, what does it matter to us? Fence up the border with bongla desh, remove the 50 million that are parasiting off of us, and be done with it.
50 million? Ha ha ha.I thought it was 100 million.
Hendia should have stayed clear then,and it should now.
Maybe if Bangladeshi drama queens would stop dragging India into everything that goes down inside your little country, Indians will stop commenting about your internal issues.

A 40 year old middle aged man "baiting" people over the internet, nothing is more sadder.

But the fact is, we drag you into everything on here doesn't make an impact or difference. Where as you dragged yourself and conspired against a problem which had nothing to do with you. We know know who the OFFICIAL drama queens are ;)
But the fact is, we drag you into everything on here doesn't make an impact or difference. Where as you dragged yourself and conspired against a problem which had nothing to do with you. We know know who the OFFICIAL drama queens are ;)

Maybe you didn't see the title of this thread before it was changed by the Moderator.

And the game took the bait.
Nothing is more hilarious.

A middle aged Bangladeshi uncle talking like a gamer, that right there is more hilarious. :lol:
Maybe you didn't see the title of this thread before it was changed by the Moderator.

A middle aged Bangladeshi uncle talking like a gamer, that right there is more hilarious. :lol:
Ajkal bachchader shathe kotha bola jaena.
Son,I like fishing. That's the way we call the fish.
Nothing to do with vedio games:hitwall:
@ India was partitioned on the basis of "Two Nation Theory". So, once election was held in 1946 where the Muslim Leaque won in majority seats was given to Pakistan and where Congress won it went to India. So, the burden of taking these Bihares not only lies on Pakistan but it also lies to Bangladesh also. As because the Bihares played a vital role for the Pakistan movement.

@ Around 50 lacs of non-muslims from the then East Pakistan went to India and around 40 to 60 lacs of muslims migrated to East Pakistan mainly from West Bengal, Assam and Bihar. Among them around 22 to 23 lacs were pure Bihares. After 1971, around 7 to 9 lacs opted for Pakistan. Only 1.5 to 2 lacs some how reached to Pakistan. Once Pakistan saw that ethnic problem is rising so they stopped taking them. Why to blame Pakistan only ???? Pakistan has its own inheritance problem. Many fled to India specially in West Bengal. Many went to Pakistan via India. Many went to Middle East and so on----.
UP should also be added to that. besides i have known Bangladeshis with pre-Partition roots in Hyderabad, Gujarat and even Rajastan
@idune, While it's true that the Awami regime is backed by India and they are directly or indirectly responsible for the crimes perpetrated by the Awamis, it's a nuisance to see India being brought up everywhere unnecessarily. Did you notice how many views each of the threads started with 'India backed illegal Awami genocidal regime' recieve irrespective of their content? Why? Not because they think it's not true but because it gives the readers an impression that the poster is trying to manipulate them and no one wants to be manipulated.

I and many find it absolutely necessary to put information in right context. You may find that otherwise and that is your opinion. Which views you are talking about? And if indians are your target audience then I would just laugh.

Maybe if Bangladeshi drama queens would stop dragging India into everything that goes down inside your little country, Indians will stop commenting about your internal issues.

India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government - Click Ittefaq | Click Ittefaq

When India is directly involved in mass killing and suffering in Bangladesh, "Indians commenting about Bangladesh internal issues" is least of concerns. So long india imposed its will through illegal regime and impose atrocities; every Bangladeshis has right to expose and talk about it. Instead of killing yourself here, you indians need to correct indian act. Indians needs to own up to their heinous act rather than continuously squawking for getting caught red handed.
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I and many find it absolutely necessary to put information in right context. You may find that otherwise and that is your opinion. Which views you are talking about? And if indians are your target audience then I would just laugh.

Thread stat: x views, y replies.
Video and documentary revealed that indian backed Awam League killer police and and its terrorist jointly launch the attack against bihari camp. And before burning 9 people(woman and children) alive in their home, india backed Awami League terrorists put sand bag barricade in front of door so no one can escape.

And in typical Awami League style, police instead of going after terrorists filed case against victims.

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Bangladeshis will pay for hurting Biharis! We are fierce people and we will show them their aukat
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