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Awami League MP Ilyas Molla and AL youth wing leaders burn down Bihari camp and kill 10 Bihari's

Do you see any training camps in India training these thugs???

For you guys everything is an open secret but here in India, our media don't give much coverage to BD. Your voice is not being taken seriously here about Indian involvement. How come no foreign media is reporting it??

Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today

RAW controls media of India, Bangladesh and Bhutan - I don't know the status of the other neighbors. So naturally it is in RAW interest to keep Indian public in the dark about what is being done in their name.

Many of your fellow posters freely admitted it here in this forum and showed their pride that their RAW is capable of such things. I don't know why you seem to be surprised by what we point out here everyday.
Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today

RAW controls media of India, Bangladesh and Bhutan - I don't know the status of the other neighbors. So naturally it is in RAW interest to keep Indian public in the dark about what is being done in their name.

Many of your fellow posters freely admitted it here in this forum and showed their pride that their RAW is capable of such things. I don't know why you seem to be surprised by what we point out here everyday.

give a credible link. all the links are Bangladeshi perspective not neutral sources.
More news confirming Awami League terrorists instigation from Awami MPs and with help of Awami force "police" set fire in Bihari house. Awami League fire killed 10 people mostly woman and children were killed.

It should be noted india backed Awami League terror against general population increased since Awami League stayed in power illegally with indian backing and gun power. Just a month ago Awami League terrorist shoot and burn alive a local politician in south eastern district of Feni.

এমপি ইলিয়াসের ইন্ধন: যুবলীগের জুয়েল, সেন্টু, শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে বিহারি হত্যা

15 Jun, 2014 পুলিশের উপস্থিতিতে যুবলীগ নেতা জুয়েল রানা, সেন্টু ও শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে কলোনীতে পেট্রোল ঢেলে অগ্নিসংযোগ করা হয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ করেছেন মিরপুরের বিহারি ক্যাম্পের বাসিন্দারা। তাদের আরো অভিযযোগ, পুলিশ স্থানীয় এমপি ইলিয়াস মোল্লার লোকজনের পক্ষালম্বন করে তাদের লোকজনকে গুলি করেছে।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:এমপি ইলিয়াসের ইন্ধন: যুবলীগের জুয়েল, সেন্টু, শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে বিহারি হত্যা
Yaba over doses last night !

What's yaba?

biharis are simply trouble makers ! so they derserve some lessons . The local people in mirpur will never forget biharis roles in 1971. let 'em roasted !

Tu Awami thug or Insaan?

Many noncombatant Bihari's lost their lives in 1971. What we need is a War Crimes trial that takes full accounts of War Crimes from all sides, Bihari's, Pakistani's and Bengali's who killed noncombatant civilians.

You are out of line to support killing Bihari's today because of what happened in 1971. @Chak Bamu you may want to take a look at this.

Since when Awami was Insaan? Awami pretty much compromises of human looking haywaan.
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i don't understand it either, thats why i want Pakistani government to do some work on it and i don't know what pakistani foreign ministry is for, i don't know why have they kept them miserable for 40 years, i lay blame of bihari muslim condition on none other than Pakistan itself

Pakistan must decide whether to take them, if not then it should play an active NGO part in rehabilitating them with collaboration with Bangladesh and even india if needed since they came from bihar

pakistan foreign diplomats most of them go abroad for luxury and waste tax payers money on their pleasures and don't do anything other than getting drunk, laid etc

I agree with you, it's ridiculous that the PK government is silent on this issue. It is frustrating and sad for the Biharis but at least they should be given good housing facilities for the time being in BD.
Mental sickness can't be justified!

Yes, I agree. Bangladeshi high court once gave verdict that Awami leader Hasina as "wrong headed lady" yet certain Bengali still follow her and Awami league blindly.

In my personal opinion Awami league and Hasina followers are son and daughter of donkey.

More ever those who support killing of women and children in a closed room with fire is pure haraami( we call them hunga in Sylhet).

I hope you are not among them.
Stranded Pakistanis and victims sure Awami League regime police and terrorist which were behind massacre will not do anything for protection or justice. Victims are now hoping to appeal to United Nation for their safety and justice.

May be Pakistanis here can help write to UNHCR.

সরকারে আস্থা নাই, জাতিসংঘের কাছে বিচার চাই

15 Jun, 2014 সরকার ও প্রশাসনের উপর অনাস্থা জ্ঞাপন করে জাতিসংঘের কাছে বিচার চেয়েছে কালশী বিহারী ক্যাম্প ট্র্যাজেডিতে ক্ষতিগ্রস্তরা।

বিহারীদের উপর হামলা, অগ্নিসংযোগ ও হত্যাকাণ্ডের প্রতিবাদে রোববার সকাল থেকে কালশী-বিমানবন্দর নতুন সড়কে বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি পালন করে বিহারী ক্যাম্পের অবাঙালি বাসিন্দারা। তাদের দাবি প্রশাসনের উপস্থিতিতে স্থানীয় সংসদ সদস্য ইলিয়াস মোল্লার সন্ত্রাসী বাহিনী তাদের উপর হামলা চালায়। বাড়িঘরে অগ্নিসংযোগ করে এবং দোকানের মালামাল লুটপাট করে।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:সরকারে আস্থা নাই, জাতিসংঘের কাছে বিচার চাই
who according to you are your friends and enemies?? If you want to live in peace then promote peace not hate.

Just because you keep pointing to same old links it does not cut ice with us. Show some foreign links or neutral links showing Indian involvement.

I have provided enough links from foreign sources, besides it is our country, we know what is going on inside that country. It is better that the goons in South block stop meddling in our internal affairs. Eventually their hand of intervention will not only get chopped off, but some people might want to take revenge for what your govt. has been doing interfering with our internal affairs since 1950's.

There is no hatred issue here, the issue is your govt. flagrant violation of the well accepted international norms, practices and laws that you do not interfere or intervene in the internal affairs of another sovereign state. Stop this illegal and criminal behavior of waging a covert war on our people by your govt. then relations between two neighbors can be normalized.
But the problem not only lies with the government of our neighboring country only.Its the mind set of the people that I find disgusting.
In one sentence they will claim we do not matter, too small for them to care,too poor for their standard, very insecure in our own merits,blah,blah....
Next line you read....BAM..
These virmins are in BD forum 24/7, they inevitably comments on BD internal matter/without knowing the facts,Always picking/Pocking/probing about things that has no longer related to BD or Pakistan.
Every other day comes up with a weird thread about BD that while living here we don't even see.
Most of these superior intelligent person do not write in Pakistan section, Arab section or Chinese section, ( I checked).
It makes me wonder ,what do we have that other nations lack? Why do we attract more of these blood sucking parasites in BD section?
Care to share? Anybody?
Just wait, this the bait.
But the problem not only lies with the government of our neighboring country only.Its the mind set of the people that I find disgusting.
In one sentence they will claim we do not matter, too small for them to care,too poor for their standard, very insecure in our own merits,blah,blah....
Next line you read....BAM..
These virmins are in BD forum 24/7, they inevitably comments on BD internal matter/without knowing the facts,Always picking/Pocking/probing about things that has no longer related to BD or Pakistan.
Every other day comes up with a weird thread about BD that while living here we don't even see.
Most of these superior intelligent person do not write in Pakistan section, Arab section or Chinese section, ( I checked).
It makes me wonder ,what do we have that other nations lack? Why do we attract more of these blood sucking parasites in BD section?
Care to share? Anybody?
Just wait, this the bait.

They have inferiority complex about other nations, they know they will be booted out, called Stinko and what not. But here with Bangladeshi, they feel they are at their element, the big bad India against a hopeless Dalit small nation of Muslims. The fact that the morons in our political class made some lousy decisions to make us from weak to weaker and some are puppets of Indian govt., these matters also give them a tremendous ego boost. I would say it is mostly that our traitors are using India to oppress our masses. Indians just want to rub it in and they should, I do not mind it. I hope that our moron nation someday wake up and realize what is happening to them and do something about it. Only then we can get respect from others, not before that.
In all honesty, I am almost 40. Half of my life has gone by without direct association with these class/type what not people. I think I will die a happy man if I don't get respect from this lot.There are hundreds of countries worldwide, among them we genuinely have some well wishers and some selfless friends. One single shit hole is easy to stay clear off.
But the problem not only lies with the government of our neighboring country only.Its the mind set of the people that I find disgusting.
In one sentence they will claim we do not matter, too small for them to care,too poor for their standard, very insecure in our own merits,blah,blah....
Next line you read....BAM..
These virmins are in BD forum 24/7, they inevitably comments on BD internal matter/without knowing the facts,Always picking/Pocking/probing about things that has no longer related to BD or Pakistan.
Every other day comes up with a weird thread about BD that while living here we don't even see.
Most of these superior intelligent person do not write in Pakistan section, Arab section or Chinese section, ( I checked).
It makes me wonder ,what do we have that other nations lack? Why do we attract more of these blood sucking parasites in BD section?
Care to share? Anybody?
Just wait, this the bait.

We just need to show them their real class every time they pop up here, that would suffice.
In all honesty, I am almost 40. Half of my life has gone by without direct association with these class/type what not people. I think I will die a happy man if I don't get respect from this lot.There are hundreds of countries worldwide, among them we genuinely have some well wishers and some selfless friends. One single shit hole is easy to stay clear off.

This forum should give proof to any Bangladeshi what India and Indians are about, they cannot hide it here, that is the great thing about Internet. Thanks to forums like these and neutral websites, our pro-India leaders will not be able to give Koolaid to our people through their controlled media any more that India is some kind of friendly nation to us. Those days are now gone.

Note Indians respect Pakistan, because they know that Pakistan has the power to end their existence if India threatens Pakistan in any away.

We do not need their respect, but we will have to figure out ways to get what we need from them, our fair share of water and them keeping their hands off our internal matters. Only when we can inflict some cost on them, they will back off, not before that.
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