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Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons mocking dead Aylan Kurdi with caption 'Muslim children sink'


Oct 16, 2014
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
A cartoon in latest edition of the satirical magazine shows three-year-old Aylan lying face down in the sand under a sign advertising a deal at McDonald's
  • A cartoon in latest edition of the satirical magazine shows three-year-old Aylan lying face down in the sand under a sign advertising a deal at McDonald's


Tragedy: An officer lifts tragic Aylan Kurdi from the sea in resort of Bordrum
Charlie Hebdo could face legal action after publishing a series of cartoons mocking the death of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi.

The drowned three-year-old has become the symbol of the refugee crisis after his tiny body clad in a red T-shirt and denim shorts was photographed being carried off a Turkish beach.

But the latest edition of the French satirical magazine appears to mock that outpouring of grief from around the world, by showing Aylan lying face down in the sand under the caption ‘So Close to Goal’.

Above him is an advertisement for McDonald’s reading: ‘Two children’s menus for the price of one’.

Another cartoon mocks Aylan’s religion, showing a Jesus-like figure next to the words ‘Christians walk on water’ and a little boy upended in the sea next to the words ‘Muslim children sink’.


Outrage: The latest Charlie Hebdo magazine has sparked anger across the Muslim world

The picture is captioned 'The proof that Europe is Christian'.

Another depiction of Aylan shows him next to children's TV character Casimir, an orange dinosaur, under the caption ‘Welcome to Children’s Island’.

The drawings come nine months after 12 people were murdered by Jihadi gunmen around the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, after the magazine mocked the Prophet Mohammed in a series of cartoons.

It led to millions around the world including politicians and celebrities rallying under the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’) slogan, as it came to represent free speech.

But barrister Peter Herbert, Chair of the Society of Black Lawyers and former vice chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, was among many who said Charlie Hebdo had overstepped the mark.

D Peter Herbert OBE @herbert_donald
The Society of Black Lawyers will consider reporting this as incitement to hate crime & persecution before the International Criminal Court

1:24 AM - 14 Sep 2015

Mr Herbert alleged on Twitter that the magazine was a "racist, xenophobic and ideologically bankrupt publication that represents the moral decay of France".

He added: ‘The Society of Black Lawyers will consider reporting this as incitement to hate crime & persecution before the International Criminal Court.’

Sanjay Saldanha @SanjaySaldanha
CH takes Freedom of Press to a very sick level & so must also accept its dangerous repercussions #JeNeSuisPasCharlie pic.twitter.com/Z8f6encxHL

9:08 AM - 14 Sep 2015

Numerous other outraged posts attacked the ‘disgusting cartoons’, while others said it was an example of how Hebdo attacked the ‘powerless’ rather than the ‘powerful’.

Others warned the magazine could leave itself open to "dangerous repercussions" over its decision to publish.

Aylan was trying to get to Germany from war-torn Syria with his five-year-old brother, Galip, and his parents. Galip also drowned, alongside the boys’ mother, Rehan.

The tragedy led to a vast outpouring of compassion around the world, with countries such as Britain and France pledging to take in thousands more refugees.

Charlie Hebdo continued publication after the January terrorist attacks, and has since made millions thanks to donations and sales.

But many have noted how the quality of the publication, which had been struggling to survive financially before the shootings, has remained low.

Defenders of the magazine’s cartoons – which have included a depiction of a black politician as a monkey – argue that they are using racist and religious stereotypes to mock racist and religious stereotypes.

Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons mocking dead Aylan Kurdi with caption 'Muslim children sink' - Mirror Online
Christians Walk On Water, Muslim Kids Sink: Charlie Hebdo Mocks Death Of Aylan Kurdi
By Chris Graham

charlie hebdo
aylan kurdi
Turns out that whole ‘freedom of speech’ thing is a two-way street. Chris Graham reports.

Are you one of those people who leapt in to back French magazine Charlie Hebdo earlier this year?

Did you hashtag ‘Je Suis Charlie’?

Blindly? Without really knowing what the publication actually represents?

If you did, you might be feeling a little, well, ripped off right now.

In their latest edition, the ‘great defenders of free speech’ have featured a front page cartoon mocking Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach recently, sparking international outrage at he treatment of refugees.


Under a strapline 'Welcome to migrants', the main text reads, ‘So Close To His Goal’, and then depicts a McDonalds billboard in the background with the (inexplicable) line, ‘Two Menus Of Children For The Price Of One’.

Apart from the fact it’s not funny, it also makes absolutely no sense. Maybe the ‘humour’ is lost in the translation.

A second cartoon is entitled, “The Proof that Europe is Christian,” and depicts a drowned child next to Jesus, whose standing on the water. The caption reads, “Christians walk on waters… Muslims kids sink."

Charlie Hebdo was at the centre of western outrage in January this year, when gunmen – upset at the magazine’s constant mocking of the prophet Mohammed – burst into their headquarters in Paris and murdered 12 people, including editor Stéphane Charbonnier.


The attack saw an outpouring of support for the magazine in western nations around the world, and the next edition of Charlie Hebdo sold more than 1 million copies.

In stark contrast, a photo of the lifeless body of Aylan Kurdi – a young boy fleeing the civil war in Syria – also sparked an outpouring of international support, leading to extraordinary scenes in Europe of people both welcoming and rejecting Syrian refugees.

In Australia, it sparked a curious dialing down of the rhetoric used against refugees by both the Abbott Government and the Shorten opposition, with Australia announcing it would take 12,000 refugees from Syria before July next year.

At the same time, Australia announced it would widen its bombing campaign in Iraq to include Syria, and the government announced the 12,000 places would focus on the most ‘oppressed minorities’ – a dog whistle to earlier calls to restrict the places to Christian, rather than Muslim, refugees

- See more at: Christians Walk On Water, Muslim Kids Sink: Charlie Hebdo Mocks Death Of Aylan Kurdi | newmatilda.com

Such sick minded people these cartoonists! This has nothing to do with freedom of speech, this is naked hatred!

Rightly said Mr. Herbert, heartless, morally bankrupt people these publishers and cartoonists!

I wish the EU takes action and closes down this ultimate source of hatred!

That one is against christian extremists or the the people mocking Muslims a scarcest way of criticism for those who oppose Muslim refugees. Someone should have brain to understand. I am not in charlie favour but talking about particular Cartoon above.
Wondering where in the world are these proud so-called liberals, who gladly gloat over everything western. This isn't just a cartoon, its a reflection of the wretched western mentality at large.
wow here comes the shameless apologist. Now the islamophobes will try to give it a "hidden between the lines twist" but the fact remains that a three year old child was mocked because he was a Muslim. Just when i thought these goras couldn't stoop any low, this is just sets a new record.
If a freedom of speech cannot respect an innocent life, then such a freedom is source to insanity.
And such insane people should be kept away from society, behind the bars.
The hell is wrong with them. They tried to make a mockery of a three year old kid who drowned.

If the image had shown aylan drowning while the countries and powers who destabilized Syria and created hell over there are drinking and playing golf and sitting in castles... That would have been a good one as it would have shown the horror that the Syrians are facing.

This is just pathetic and tbh nobody us to be blamed more than those that supported the cartoons of our beloved prophet under the pathetic and c grade guise of free speech. This gave the magazine the leverage as they thought they can make fun of Islam and Muslims and get support and get away with it.

Thus this happened. Let's see if people will still say we are charlie.

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