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France Bans Muslims from Protesting against Mohammad Cartoons

Banning protests? In France? That's kinda rich...

Now I can partly see why so many hate the French so much :lol:
[Not just Muslims]
Ḥashshāshīn;3435371 said:
Indians will always be against Muslims so it's no surprise what views they have on this.

Historically, they don't have very good experiences with Muslim protests that turn out into riots. Since that happened in India, it therefore applies to a country like France. It's their logic, not mine.

Damn , what next :

Ban on French Fries in all muslim countries ? :pop:

French Fries is Belgian :lol:
PARIS, Sept 21 (Reuters) - France banned protests on Friday against cartoons published by a satirical weekly denigrating Islam's Prophet Mohammad as part of a security clamp-down while prayers took place across the Muslim world.

The country's Muslim population, drawn largely from ex-colonies in North and West Africa, shrugged off the controversy as imams in mosques denounced the pictures but urged their followers to remain calm.

The drawings have stoked a furore over an anti-Islam film made in California that has provoked sometimes violent protests in several Muslim countries, including attacks on U.S. and other Western embassies, the killing of the U.S. envoy to Libya and a suicide bombing in Afghanistan.

Interior Minister Manuel Valls said prefects had orders to prohibit any protest and to crack down if the ban was challenged.

"There will be strictly no exceptions. Demonstrations will be banned and broken up :tup:," he told a news conference in the southern port city of Marseille.

The main body representing Muslims in France appealed for calm as the weekly Charlie Hebdo put a new print run of the cartoons featuring a naked Prophet Mohammad on the news stands.

Mohammed Moussaoui, head of the French Muslim Council, described both the film and the cartoons as "acts of aggression" but urged French Muslims not to protest in the streets.

"I repeat the council's call not to protest. Any protest could be hijacked and counterproductive," he told radio RFI.

An estimated 8,000 Muslims gathered peacefully for Friday prayers at a temporary prayer hall in northern Paris set up in a former fire department depot. So many turned out that hundreds had to pray in the rain in the adjacent parking lot.

"This demonstrates that the vast majority of the Muslim community is not made up of extremists," said Abderahmane Dahmane, spokesman for the local association that runs the prayer hall, one of the largest in the Paris region.

"The majority will not play the game of the hotheads."

At prayers in the northeast Paris suburb of La Courneuve, delivery driver Hakim Ardjou, 42, also rejected violence.

"We just want our message to be heard: this sort of insult is a disgrace, but we will keep calm."


French embassies, schools and cultural centres in some 20 Muslim countries were closed on Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, in a precaution ordered by the French government.

French media showed footage of an embassy protected by soldiers and barbed wire in former French colony Tunisia, where the Islamist-led government has also banned protests over the cartoons.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said there had been anti-French demonstrations in Afghanistan, Egypt and Indonesia, but there were no incidents against French nationals.

"In a certain number of countries, the measures (closures) will be kept in place as a precaution on Saturday and Sunday," Fabius told journalists.

Police were on alert in the French capital after protests planned by some Muslim groups were banned.

Charlie Hebdo, an anti-establishment weekly whose Paris offices are under police protection, defied critics to rush out another run of the publication that sold out on Wednesday.

It says the cartoons are designed simply to poke fun at the uproar over the film and on Friday hit back at critics accusing it of deliberately stirring controversy to sell newspapers.

"If Charlie Hebdo wanted to make a quick buck, it would not produce Charlie Hebdo," it said on its Twitter feed.

The publication has a print run of around 70,000 but its Mohammad cartoons have made front-page news in a country which has both the largest Muslim and Jewish populations in Europe - an estimated five million Muslims and 600,000 Jews.

President Francois Hollande's government has sought to balance a cherished tradition of freedom of expression with security concerns, denouncing Charlie Hebdo as irresponsible.

"When you are free, in a country like ours, you always have to measure the impact of your words," French European Affairs Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.

A survey by TNS Sofres for i-Tele news channel showed 58 percent thought freedom of expression was a fundamental right, and that "freedom to caricature" was part of that.

Yet an even higher 71 percent of the roughly 1,000 people interviewed on Thursday approved of the ban on protests against the cartoons. France has a proud tradition of street protest.

UPDATE 3-France bans protests over Prophet Mohammad cartoons | Reuters

Good Work by France. :tup:

This will Prevent Islamists from Burning Police Vehicles and Groping Female Officers.
The Kufr of Secularism exposed themselves but they will soon pay the price 7000 people accept Islam in France in a year they will soon pay the price really very soon from inside them
soo tht is "Free Speech"??

they couldn't ban anti-islam things in the name of free speech but can ban muslims from their basic rights (e.g wht to wear, peaceful protests etc)

it shows wht their moral values & free speech is....

P.S: Am in favor of banning protests in countries where people dont know how to protest & go violent which is the case in developing countries only.
soo tht is "Free Speech"??

they couldn't ban anti-islam things in the name of free speech but can ban muslims from their basic rights (e.g wht to wear, peaceful protests etc)

it shows wht their moral values & free speech is....

P.S: Am in favor of banning protests in countries where people dont know how to protest & go violent which is the case in developing countries only.

Bans should be enforced on the production, toleration and propagation of such brazenly offensive materials as published in the West today by the enemies of peace and justice. An ideal Muslim response should be an accelerated race towards the acquisition and/or development of road mobile, rail mobile and silo based ICBM, and SLBM by dozens of Muslim majority countries to deter any repetition of these sacrilegious acts by the enemies of truth and justice. By spreading such necessary programmes across dozens of countries, the sustainability of the project against enemy plots could be ensured, one would expect.
It is a right thing to ban any protest that have high likelyhood to turn violent..In this case,this anti prophet film protests have spurred violence in many nation and caused so many deaths and distruction..
The Kufr of Secularism exposed themselves but they will soon pay the price 7000 people accept Islam in France in a year they will soon pay the price really very soon from inside them
The hidayath of islamism exposed itself in various anti prophet film protests all over the world..Causing deaths and distruction to property..That is the reason french govt banned this,to avoid the situation of libya and pakistan..
It is a right thing to ban any protest that have high likelyhood to turn violent..In this case,this anti prophet film protests have spurred violence in many nation and caused so many deaths and distruction..

then why do they practice any freedom of speech which has the potential to backfire and turn violent like the cartoons and the film?
To people (read Muslims mostly) acting outraged that France cannot ban this due to Freedom of Speech or Expression, just kindly educate yourselves that Freedom of Speech or Expression does not give you the right to burn public property and kill people, which is frankly what happens in so called "peacefully organized Muslim" protests.

100% agree with France on this, they need to keep the violence and destruction of property in check, and have taken appropriate steps to ensure this.
BTW Who cares what france do, they cant even win any war, germans took france down lol.

france cant even win a single standout with any muslim nation, let the dogs keep barking ...
BTW Who cares what france do, they cant even win any war, germans took france down lol.

france cant even win a single standout with any muslim nation, let the dogs keep barking ...

Also, their tourists suck. They are rude, French-speaking, loud and obnoxious pieces of $hit who don't give a damn about their surroundings!

There.......I said it :enjoy:
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