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Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons mocking dead Aylan Kurdi with caption 'Muslim children sink'

Just one word: Disgusting.

And when they get attacked again, they will ask why did we get attacked.
As I expected. Europe and America have been left with no compassion or empathy. A child drowning is now something to make fun of.
So you cant respect my Religion but expect me to respect you ?
Yee respect my atheist faith xD or not i dont care its up to you ... So tell me how you respect christians in your country?... You think we will respect you?
When i see all post on this forum i dont realy think the majority off you are respecting anyone other then muslims ...

And its not the problem off respect... my point was you are becoming more extrem in everything soon if it goes like this you will be more extreme ...
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Why there is so much pain ?
Muslims already divided the world on religious basis and dont forget that there is a muslim atomic bomb which is created by pakistan then why so much hypocrisy on charlie hebdo ?
Wondering where in the world are these proud so-called liberals, who gladly gloat over everything western. This isn't just a cartoon, its a reflection of the wretched western mentality at large.

To be honest, most of the Western people I have met and worked with are nice and normal people like us.

There are extremist nutcases (both religious and non-religious) among them as well.

This flamer84 is one such example.

They are despised by normal Europeans. It is shame that they call themselves human!
Art that can be interpreted in more than one way, especially total different ways is real good.
Good art is beeing discussed.

The first cartoon with the MacDonalds sign could be mockery or it could be a just pitying the poor kid.
The second cartoon showing a sinking muslim kid could be mockery of the drowned, or satire over Christians.

So they can be totally despicable, if interpreted in one way, or perfectly OK, if interpreted in another way.

The cartoonist does not neccessarily have to have a single interpretation in mind when he does
the cartoon, but may be more interested in the duality of interpretation and the reactions afterwards.

The observers chooses his own interpretation but not beeing open to other interpretations
is showing a narrow mind.
Art that can be interpreted in more than one way, especially total different ways is real good.
Good art is beeing discussed.

The first cartoon with the MacDonalds sign could be mockery or it could be a just pitying the poor kid.
The second cartoon showing a sinking muslim kid could be mockery of the drowned, or satire over Christians.

So they can be totally despicable, if interpreted in one way, or perfectly OK, if interpreted in another way.

The cartoonist does not neccessarily have to have a single interpretation in mind when he does
the cartoon, but may be more interested in the duality of interpretation and the reactions afterwards.

The observers chooses his own interpretation but not beeing open to other interpretations
is showing a narrow mind.

This is good art?
This is art?


Whatever what will be the interpretation you choose this is garbage.
But it hasn't deserve attention. People who shout about this is who make free advertising of this senseless garbage.
So they are a bunch of cunt$. Although I can see the whole interpretation thing,many didn't see it that way.
Haven't seen much of that " I am Charlie" rubbish today...
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Lanat walay kaam.

@fakhre mirpur someone must also mke mocking cartoons of charlie hebdos murdered staff. Mocking their deaths.
As I expected. Europe and America have been left with no compassion or empathy. A child drowning is now something to make fun of.
Of course. 1 journal = all of Europe and America. :crazy:
+ this coming from the same folks who said 'we' shouldn't cry about Aylan because 'we' caused all problems):crazy:


Just one word: Disgusting.

And when they get attacked again, they will ask why did we get attacked.
'Beg pardon, are you justifying terrorist attacks in Europe and US?
if their article insights hate & procovate a certain community to such an extent that they are willing to kill them for it .. then no they are no better than ISIS... their last stunt left more than a dozen dead in my country so how are they any better then ISIS or any other terrorist organization ? both are extremists & fanatics who bend the rule to suit their agenda.

Hebdo hasn't pillaged or murdered or raped, ISIS has.

Hebdo hasn't encouraged murder, pillage, or rape, ISIS has.

Hebdo doesn't recruit christian fundamentalists to carry out bombing campaigns in Middle Eastern countries, do you see where I am going with this?

It still stuns me that you equate Hebdo to ISIS, or that anyone could. You equate murder and pillaging and rape with at worst derogative cartoons! That is neither rational nor logical!:o:

The murders in your country are the fault of the community, not Hebdo. He is not responsible for how your community acts, and any reasonable person would not murder because of a comic. To threaten to do so is not worthy of respect.

It is your people that killed, not Hebdo. He never told them to murder, pillage or rape... the problem is in your community, not Hebdo.

They must learn to control their emotions, they aren't children.
Of course. 1 journal = all of Europe and America. :crazy:
+ this coming from the same folks who said 'we' shouldn't cry about Aylan because 'we' caused all problems):crazy:


'Beg pardon, are you justifying terrorist attacks in Europe and US?

Where in my post did i justify it ? I just said that if some fanatic out of his mind made this an issue of life and death, he or they will again do something crazy. The justification is being provided by the magazine themselves. They knew the cartoons issue was very serious for Muslims since you are portraying their most sacred Prophet, but you continue posting disgusting cartoons, atlast someone would have snapped and did what happened at their HQ. So now similarly they are again providing justification to someone to snap and attack them by making fun of a dead child. Instead of uniting the world for the cause of helping the refugees or trying to resolve the issue which is leading to the refugee crisis, they are making fun.

So my simple point is, don't give justification to anyone to snap and attack you in the name of freedom of speech. I bet they can't write or draw a single cartoon asking questions about the holocaust. So then why making fun of someone else religion.
Where in my post did i justify it ? I just said that if some fanatic out of his mind made this an issue of life and death, he or they will again do something crazy. The justification is being provided by the magazine themselves. They knew the cartoons issue was very serious for Muslims since you are portraying their most sacred Prophet, but you continue posting disgusting cartoons, atlast someone would have snapped and did what happened at their HQ. So now similarly they are again providing justification to someone to snap and attack them by making fun of a dead child. Instead of uniting the world for the cause of helping the refugees or trying to resolve the issue which is leading to the refugee crisis, they are making fun.

So my simple point is, don't give justification to anyone to snap and attack you in the name of freedom of speech. I bet they can't write or draw a single cartoon asking questions about the holocaust. So then why making fun of someone else religion.
"And when they get attacked again, they will ask why did we get attacked."
Source: Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons mocking dead Aylan Kurdi with caption 'Muslim children sink' | Page 3

This statement implies they should know they will get attacked if they post images that offend some (and others not).

If you think those cartoons make fun of Aylan, or Islam, you don't get them. Actually, the one with the Aylan-like figure on the beach mocks Europe as a supposed paradise, worthy of fleeing to. The other mocks Christianity. You may not find it in good taste, but that too is your good right (provided you are somewhere that supports everybody's rights to have and express opinions). It is not your, my or anybody's good right to go out and kill simply because you/I/we find something is in poor taste.


PS. You may not find my post in good taste. I'm sorry if that is so. But I did not post with the intention of hurting or insulting anyone.

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