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33 Million Gods in India and Not ONE capable of producing Oxygen! Charlie Hebdo

One thing is clear here. Hindus don't take their religion seriously.

If someone insults someone's god he actually insults himself. Neither our religion nor our democracy is so weak that petty things like these can undermine them. Taking religion seriously doesn't mean going around killing people.
Exactly indians dont care because it is being done by their "White" masters. most people forget the founder of the RSS was jailed and groomed by the british, and swore allegience to the crown.

Had a muslim published these cartoons or even said what is depicted then they would be lynched to death.
You don't get it. If a believing Muslim publishes this, he is being biased by not criticizing his own faith. And there will be obvious backlash.
The French criticize all faiths, hence no backlash.
did Dalit student Rohith Vemula commit suicide in 2016 and his mother and brother convert to Buddhism in the same year ?
Rohit was not Dalit.. He was Vaddera which is a non scheduled caste..

More over, he was a pHD student who should have been studying while using our tax money rather he was indulged in politics and other anti-national activities like opposing Bombay blast convicted persons death penalty and beating of other students on political purview..
His monthly stipend of 25000 rupees equivalent to about USD 500 was put on hold due to delay in documentation.. His overall involvement was under investigation from HRD ministry.. In he background of all this he was under depression and committed suicide..
What about the Tableeghi Jamaatis ? Are they immune to COVID ?

Or to death in train burnings ?

But why not ? India has a large military, couldn't the country have created the setup for biological warfare defense ?
Well that logic is very much valid...
First things first you fail to understand the thinking of muslims vis via hindus. Let me break it down for you so you understand/other members to under hinduism.

Hinduism: There is a lack of unity as you already know being a hindu yourself. Millions of Gods millions of caste different beliefs systems etc... hell even being an atheist you can technically still be a hindu as ive observed many times in my life. Reason being hinduism never had a centralized belief system. Hinduism itself was a term first put together by persian muslims to describe all indiginous indian religions followed by adoption by the greeks and british themselves. Hinduism is pretty much thousands of religions classified into 1 category in a way for the west/east to understand. Honestly I understand hinduism a lot but a lot of westerners and eastern people cannot and thus it was categorized as a single religious belief.

The main way the RSS/right wing hindus try to relate to other monotheistic religion is to claim that God is 1 but can appear in many forms. but you fail to ask yourself the following...

- If God is 1 why would God being all powerful want to appear in many different dieties? wouldnt it be much easier for God to appear to everyone all the time at that point? Thus the most basis of your belief has failed... because God would not want to appear many times throughout life in different forms it would simply make people doubt more.

- Would God want himself to be compared to animals? simply put Hindus worship animals such as Monkeys, Elephants, cows, and even Pigs. Would the one singular God in the whole world want to take the form of such animals? These are animals who are hunted and consumed on a daily basis in the wild.

These are just 2 examples. I dont have time to go into the thousands of other reasons but humans have been given a mind beyond animals to think for themselves.

Now back to my first point of hinduism being created by the british/foreigns themselves for their own self interest...

The RSS actively supported the british loot of the indian subcontinent leading to trillions USD of losses to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri lanka yet your kind still support the likes of Modi :D

If India actually supported some kind of unity within south asia itself then it would adopt a strict communist approach similar to China where religion itself regardless of being hindu, muslim, christian, etc... does not have any effect in daily life or businesses. Then believe me 90% of people would support that.
That is your opinion. Hindu term was created by muslims. But the concept of Dharma is indigenous and that is the essence of Hindus. Technically, it should have been "Dharmics", not "Hindus". But there is no point in arguing over semantics or language.

Unlike monotheism, Dharma says that entire universe as a collective is one unit and the constituents like animals, people are just a part of it. The creator is called "Brahma". That is how there is god in everything - even animals. Unlike in abrahamic religions, god is not separate from living creatures and god is not always good either.

By the way, your accusations against RSS is laughable to say the least. RSS was founded in 1925 by Hedgewar and was a small organisation in its initial days. By the time RSS got significant, WW2 had already started and soon after India got independence in 1947. Your logic is hillarious to say the least
How do you know that God exists at all? Just make things up as you see fit :-)

I believe in the supremacy of Nature. Tell me, can we go into space out of a space craft and expect to be alive by just depending on prayers to Divinity ? Will Nature respect that sentiment of ours ? Won't we need a proper spacesuit ?

I think space is an environment where peoples' religious extremism will be challenged.

Wudo and Islamic cleanliness makes them less vulnerable.

Sure, that will be true for a few infections but we should take take care that the wazu water is clean. Some years ago on PDF there was a thread about an incident in Pakistan where a river's water was piped into a mosque and that water contained a certain micro-organism which got into people's noses during wazu and got into their brains and caused serious illness.

And yes, other things in Islam like circumcision prevents STDs and other infections.

But I was just replying to the assertion that during COVID those people who don't believe in the idea of the supremacy of God will suddenly develop extreme religious inclination during their diseased days.

But nobody is immune of the Hindutva-Coronavirus

How do you mean ?

These people were abusing people and communities, not criticising gods. There is a big difference

Firstly, are you justifying their assassination ?

Secondly, those four were criticizing the spread and presence of Hindutvadis like Yogi Adityanath and Sadhvi Pragya. Won't you too want to criticize Yogi and Sadhvi Pragya ? Everyone should.

Rohit was not Dalit.. He was Vaddera which is a non scheduled caste..

That is a misconception. His father was a Vaddera but his mother was a Mala Dalit and he didn't inherit his father's Upper Caste privilege. From this article :
Radhika and her husband Vemula Mani Kumar were separated in 1990, when she was a young woman in her early 20s. The fights and abuse became worse after after Mani discovered his wife was actually an adopted child, belonging to Mala – a scheduled caste – community by birth and was not a Vaddera as him – classified as Other Backward Classes, or OBC – as he had thought her to be.

“The Vaddera parents with whom my Mala parents left me when I was five married me off to a Vaddera groom. After I had three kids with him, we separated and eventually got divorced," she said.

Radhika doesn’t want to speak much about her Vaddera family and said she deliberately chose not to stay on with them after her separation. Or even about her growing up years and why she was married off at the age of 14.

Even though she was brought up by them till the age of 14, Radhika said she didn’t identify herself as Vaddera and refused to elaborate on how she and her children were treated there, after her marriage broke down. “I decided to move to an SC locality as I am an SC and I wanted my kids to be brought up there,” she said. "It's as simple as that."

But it clearly was not as simple as that, as a detailed report by Sudipto Mondol in the Hindustan Times, the same day that this reporter met her, made clear. Mondol quotes Sheikh Riyaz, Rohith’s best friend and BSc classmate in Guntur, to fill in the gaps.

“Radhika aunty and her children lived in her mother’s house like servants. They were expected to do all the work in the house while the others sat around. Radhika aunty has been doing household work ever since she was a little girl," Riyaz reveals. If the Child Labour Act had been in force in 1970s, Anjani Devi, the so-called mother of Radhika, could have been charged with keeping a child as domestic help.
Radhika's eldest, daughter Nileema, too didn't want to discuss her maternal grandmother Anjani. When prodded about how it was after her mother's separation from her father, she would only say that she did not have many memories. “Father neither supported in kind nor in cash ever. To an extent, during schooling and initial college days, my [adopted] maternal grandmother helped us financially.”

But clearly the financial help came at a price. What neither Rohini nor Nileema would talk about is explained by Riyaz to Mondol:

"Rohith would hate to go to his grandmother’s house because every time they went, his mother would start working like a maid.”
In Radhika’s absence, Riaz told Mondol, her children would have to take over the housework. This practice of summoning Rohith’s family for housework, Mondol says, quoting Riaz, continued even after they moved into an independent one-room house a kilometre away.

Mondol also quotes Uppalapaty Danamma, 67, one of the oldest residents of the neighbourhood, a Dalit leader and former municipal councillor, who has seen Radhika since she was a little girl. Danamma told Mondol that Radhika was around 12 or 13 when she discovered to her shock that she was an adopted child and a Mala.

“Anjani’s mother, who was still alive then, had badly beaten Radhika and abused her. She was crying near my house. When I asked, she said her grandmother had called her a ‘Mala b****’ for not doing housework and cursed Anjani for bringing her into the house.”
Rohith identified with his Dalit identity and also had to see discrimination :
While awaiting results of his 10th board exams, Rohith was working at a construction site. One such day, he saw a school friend driving by the work site on a scooter. It was probably the first time Rohith broke down and cried inconsolably. But he did go back to work the next day,” Radhika recalled.

It is during his graduation, Sujatha said, that Rohith first encountered his Dalit identity – and discrimination. Same was the experience of Raja and other Dalit students in their respective colleges. It is not as if they had gone to all-Dalit schools, but because schools were in near-by localities, children happened to be from similar backgrounds. But the caste became a reality to contend with by college. Raja’s tuition teacher wouldn’t touch the glass in which Raja had water, Sujatha said. The teacher would move it with a pen.

“Everyone had a tryst with some sort of discrimination. Upper-castes students would even pass comments like: ‘That Mala [a scheduled caste] girl will come to you for less than Rs. 50’,” Sujatha said. “The upper-caste students were never asked to sweep the floor of classroom or hostel, it was our job. The upper-castes were never asked to leave footwear outside class, we were.”

More over, he was a pHD student who should have been studying while using our tax money rather he was indulged in politics and other anti-national activities

Then why does the ABVP, the student wing of RSS, exist in many colleges in India ? It also does politicking and is the real anti-national student movement, just like SIMI was. If SIMI can be banned why is ABVP alive ?

And it is ABVP which is most probably involved in the murder and disappearance of JNU student Najeeb Ahmed in 2016. ABVP was also involved in attack on progressive students in JNU.

His monthly stipend of 25000 rupees equivalent to about USD 500 was put on hold due to delay in documentation.. His overall involvement was under investigation from HRD ministry.. In he background of all this he was under depression and committed suicide..

Involvement in what ?

Well that logic is very much valid...

Thank you.
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I don't think it's pathetic. it's a very brave gesture.
No, it's a disgusting behaviour. People have strong affiliations to their religion and insulting it on purpose is just a malintended act. By this we could also say that we should insult our own parents, because in such circles it would also be considered as "brave", because patriarchy, tradition, family values or whoever is the enemy of the narrative right now.

from Charvaka to Periyar, Indians have criticized Hinduism and insulted gods as a gesture to show it. Periyer is even today hated by Hindutva, but he was never assassinated, even though he has probably done things that would have gotten him mutilated in some Abrahamic countries.
Good for him I guess?

some day, you should consider that maybe a God who sends just people to eternal suffering over some insult to him while sending murders and rapists who ask for forgiveness at the last moment is not a just god.
Under what metrics is he not a just god? The thing is for forgiveness you have to be sincere in your intentions, only you and God know your intention, so don't think that saying "Oh, I am sorry people. Can I go to heaven now?" on your deathbed is enough for salvation. You cannot fool god, same for the people saying that they will do all the bad stuff in their lifetime and afterwards they go to Hajj and get a free ticket to paradise. Your intentions decide how your act is considered. Tell me, how sincere can your intentions be when this is your plan at the first place?

hopefully it'll go back to normal and sanity will prevail over this ridiculous notion that it can ever be bad to "insult" god. if it is, I'm sure he'll take care of it himself. no need for his acolytes here to intervene.
God is not affected by random mortals shouting insults or making ugly cartoons. BUT what people don't understand are the implications of insulting religion or god. Religion / God stands for specific things in society. Order, justice, structures, spirituality, the validity of oaths, family and business values and even how to conduct war or to eat properly. If you insult god - the source of all morality, right and wrong and the things mentionend in my last sentence - you declared your utmost disrespect for all these things as well. And such people are dangerious for a society, because such people have no values, no moral code and are self-centred. A god-fearing human being will first of all police himself. You can see what abolishing religion brought to the so-called enlightened countries.


I know what you are going to say: "But, but, but they don't kill people!"
Ok, let's say for the sake of argument that aborting babies is not killing people, but these people are going to be more radical in future. They use force to cancel not wanted opinions and they will use force for more things than that. The French Revolution is a good example for this utopia.

For this even the holy men of secularism like the grandmaster of tolerance John Locke had a critical view in regards to atheists and watend to deny them tolerance.

Religion this, that and the other... hindu priorities right‽
Mobs hunting and lynching Muslims on mere speculation of eating beef... braving corona with a full on smearing of urine and manure... who wants oxygen.
But French, they're gods(amongst other hindu gods)... and gods can smear the other 33 million. People who venerated and put The Orange Man on the pedestal they don't care if there is a civil war or just a mere exchange of words among them, semantics really.

chalie shlomo got it wrong this time, this was piss in the air fell back on them.

All about priorities!
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Then why does the ABVP, the student wing of RSS, exist in many colleges in India ? It also does politicking and is the real anti-national student movement, just like SIMI was. If SIMI can be banned why is ABVP alive ?

And it is ABVP which is most probably involved in the murder and disappearance of JNU student Najeeb Ahmed in 2016. ABVP was also involved in attack on progressive students in JNU.
I think school and colleges are for studies rather than Politics.. My tax paid money should not go to these kind of stupid belonging to ABVP or NSUI or anybody in student politics..

SIMI has been involved in terrorist activities and bomb blasts.. That's why they are banned.. Has ABVP been involved in Anti National activities??? You know the answer... Is NSUI which is congress student wing involved in anti national activities?? you know the answer.. Unlike these groups to which Rohit was attached or some leftist groups which chant "Bharat tere Tukade honge, inshallah"....
"no problem saar jeee"
"it is okay saar jeee we laugh at ourself all the tym"
"we are never ever offend saar jeee"
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I think school and colleges are for studies rather than Politics.. My tax paid money should not go to these kind of stupid belonging to ABVP or NSUI or anybody in student politics..

Define "Studies" and "Politics" and how they are to be separated. I agree that there should be no violent factions within educational institutions but the students need to be aware of political, social and economic issues in their society and if the education system doesn't provide for progressive learning then there should be allowed progressive politics to make the students aware of the issues in their society.

My recent post on this topic :

Humanities and social studies are important if taught the right way. Look at India where "education" is mostly transferring half-hearted technical skills so that a job can be had so that marriage can be done so that the drone-like Indian birth and death cycle can be continued.

If 350,000+ farmer suicides in India just between 1995 and 2015 because of socio-economic reasons does not elicit criticism for the system by the "educated" middle class population it is because a proper inclusion of humanities and social studies was not done in the education system. The awaam is either not born to be questioning nor trained to be. Hence the chaotic, dog-eat-dog culture of much of India.

Also, students commit suicide during their student time mainly because of socio-economic pressure by their family and their school or college. But most of the other students are not evolved enough to question their fellow-student's suicide. Again this is because properly-developed humanities and social studies are not part of the education system.

SIMI has been involved in terrorist activities and bomb blasts.. That's why they are banned..

The brother Hindutva organizations of ABVP have been organizations in those too. Has ABVP ever spoken and acted against these organizations ?

Has ABVP been involved in Anti National activities??? You know the answer...

I know the answer. Please read this thread of mine on how I see "anti-national activities". And tell me if ABVP speaks of those too.

Unlike these groups to which Rohit was attached or some leftist groups which chant "Bharat tere Tukade honge, inshallah"....

That "Tukde tukde" chant has long been debunked.
Whom are you telling this, they love burning their own country because a girl lied that her teacher showed a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), The teacher never showed the cartoon of Prophet but they still loved to create a civil war like situation in their own country.

Burning their own country and civil war, eh ?


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