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Muslims attack French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.

I was thinking about opening a thread about what that Paper did but then my class started and when i refreshed bbc page i founded this

The attack was from both sides but blame goes only to ........

So much talk about the intolerant Islam what about that newspaper who showed intolerance??
Quoting from the Sharia after Tunesia says they will introduce the Sharia is not intollerance.

Also, I know you have no tradition of Satire, we however do and it is an important tradition, so how about respecting our traditions for once instead of always demanding (under threat of violence) that you get special treatment (IN OUR COUNTRIES) because of your traditions/ideology... -.-
Quoting from the Sharia after Tunesia says they will introduce the Sharia is not intollerance.

Also, I know you have no tradition of Satire, we however do and it is an important tradition, so how about respecting our traditions for once instead of always demanding (under threat of violence) that you get special treatment (IN OUR COUNTRIES) because of your traditions/ideology... -.-

It's up to the people of Tunisia how they want to run the country, that's 'democracy' for you. My personal view, sharia is the perfect system.

What do you mean about 'satire'?

Regarding it being your country, where did you people originate from? Go and learn a bit of history before you come on here and try teaching others. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and acting like a spoiled democratic upper-class hiding behind your computer screen
It's up to the people of Tunisia how they want to run the country, that's 'democracy' for you. .

Introducing a theocratic system is actually not democracy, did you ever wonder why tens of thousands demonstrated in Tunesia after the Sharia thing was anounced? Democracy does not mean tyranny of the "majority" (43% voted for the islamists).
But it is no suprise that you have no idea what liberal democracy actually means since you say:

My personal view, sharia is the perfect system
Well than you are not a democrat, but a theocrat.

Liberal Democracy entails a little more than elections, I suggest wikipedia "Liberal Democracy" to get started. Protection of minorities is among the most vital to begin with.
Get it in you head you are aloud to say whatever you want, even about other countries business. Maybe you should read up on the laws of the UK, since you live there and everything....

What do you mean about 'satire'?
Google it

Regarding it being your country, where did you people originate from? Go and learn a bit of history before you come on here and try teaching others. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and acting like a spoiled democratic upper-class hiding behind your computer screen

Well we are all africans but that doesn't help us here.. We all have nations and values and you probably wouldn't talk this nonsense if we were talking about pakistan..
I don't feel sorry for myself, I live in an awesome country, I feel angry at those as*holes who throw firebombs at our journalists and stab our artists.
Oh yeah and I'm very spoiled by democracy and free speech and I like to keep those "spoils" lol :rolleyes:
not upper class though, good ol middle class (also a spoil of democracy btw.)
Introducing a theocratic system is actually not democracy, did you ever wonder why tens of thousands demonstrated in Tunesia after the Sharia thing was anounced? Democracy does not mean tyranny of the "majority" (43% voted for the islamists).

they are ready to work with secular Parties and they cant form a constitution without their help. They have no problem but the PEACE LOVING, TOLERANT and LIBERAL people do have

but ultimately "Democracy is a mob rule" Jefferson :rofl:
Your username explains everything. All people of the book understand that liberal democracy is a load of tosh which enables people to commit sin.

Democracy to you is not democracy to me, the literal meaning of 'democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all the people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives'.

You think you live in a democratic society?? You couldn't be more wrong, that narrative is better placed against Sharia Law. You're capitalist structure is robbing the poor and clothing the rich, the gap is greater than ever. The rich elite end up with everything, it is a members only club where people like you and I are not allowed.

You're far right masters will teach of these so-called 'theocratic systems' that take away your liberties but I will tell you the most free people are those who are free of these mis-conceptions.

You talk about a MAJORITY - huh let's talk about majorities. The west has a so-called democracy right, when millions of people took to the streets to make the Governments stop the illegal invasion of Iraq, where was democracy? It's all about the $$$ not democracy.

The UK doesn't have a majority government, it's a coalition which no one voted for. The senior party in the coalition had 36% of the vote.

'Well we are all africans but that doesn't help us here..'

Stop telling people to go back to where they came from then. If you're so-called democratic countries hadn't robbed Africa dry then maybe you could go back there
These religious fanatics are just compounding their misery ..last time they sent death threats to South park producers (after one of their episodes featured the Prophet)..what did they achieve??

A mass movement was launched on Facebook.. with everybody pitching their own picture of prophet..some countries even had to temporarily ban facebook....but they could not stop that movement...alas ..it all comes down a simple fact..."The easier you are provoked ..more you will be."
None of your statements that you wrote as far as i remembered it condemned the flamethrowers. Sheer hypocrisy and an attempt to weasel out lying about it. BTW, Who deleted the post that i first commented upon ?

Which bad situation i was stuck in- which made you think i had to weasel out by lying??- :sick:

P.S- I hv some some privileges- i can delete my posts from the system :D-

wtf wtf- where is my post? which was supposed to be reply no. 3 :undecided:
These religious fanatics are just compounding their misery ..last time they sent death threats to South park producers (after one of their episodes featured the Prophet)..what did they achieve??

A mass movement was launched on Facebook.. with everybody pitching their own picture of prophet..some countries even had to temporarily ban facebook....but they could not stop that movement...alas ..it all comes down a simple fact..."The easier you are provoked ..more you will be."

Idol worshipping idiots like you Indians are probably not the best people to understand why we don't appreciate images of the Prophet. Hindus worship idols not God, we worship God not images/prophets.

A line has to be drawn somewhere, our lines are drawn and if anyone crosses they are provoking. If you tolerate these people crossing the line then where do you stop the line, what respect will be left if you let people dis-respect the most precious thing in your life.
Idol worshipping idiots like you Indians are probably not the best people to understand why we don't appreciate images of the Prophet. Hindus worship idols not God, we worship God not images/prophets.

Who said Hindus do not worship God ?
Quoting from the Sharia after Tunesia says they will introduce the Sharia is not intollerance.

Also, I know you have no tradition of Satire, we however do and it is an important tradition, so how about respecting our traditions for once instead of always demanding (under threat of violence) that you get special treatment (IN OUR COUNTRIES) because of your traditions/ideology... -.-
no in Tunisia there is no sharia discussion
you make a mistake: it is Libya
Idol worshipping idiots like you Indians are probably not the best people to understand why we don't appreciate images of the Prophet. Hindus worship idols not God, we worship God not images/prophets.

So?? Has anybody asked you to put that magazine a mosque and start worshiping the images in it?..If you do not appreciate something, then you have a choice of not reading it!!..I does not get simpler than that!!
anyway the director of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo spoke on TV (France 2, news you can see on their website)
He said this: this is nothing to do with muslim people. there are a few stupid people who did it. We have no problem with muslims , at last not more than any religion.
Your username explains everything. All people of the book understand that liberal democracy is a load of tosh which enables people to commit sin.

Well I'm glad that we have fewer and fewer "people of the book" here. That is so 7th century, we live in the time of robots and smart phones and internet. Also most sins are alot of fun. (drinking, f*cking, dancing, swearing etc.) and people are happier if they can commit them. You know happiness plays a big role in how you should set up your society in my opinion. Since we don't force people to believe in God/Allah/jehovah/Buddha/Thor/Zeus/FSM (MSBUH) you can't really make it a law to follow their specific "no no rules". That is what religious freedom is all about. Each his own but no compulsion and no infriging on other peoples freedoms.

Democracy to you is not democracy to me, the literal meaning of 'democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all the people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives'.

meh.. When people in the 21st century talk about democracy it is almost always used in the sense of liberal democracy.. so yeah but no.. the definition has evolved quit a bit, but the reactionary forces in muslim societies of course think that everything developed after the 7th century is devilish. But I guess that is a moot point if you just "choose" to pick a different (if outdated) meaning.

You think you live in a democratic society?? You couldn't be more wrong, that narrative is better placed against Sharia Law. You're capitalist structure is robbing the poor and clothing the rich, the gap is greater than ever. The rich elite end up with everything, it is a members only club where people like you and I are not allowed.

Okay hold on a second, now we are mixing things up aren't we? There is an argument to be had about income and wealth distribution, but given your previous comments I am not sure you are really qualified to make these assumptions. You are mixing political and economic setup.
Btw. in countries with Sharia Income distribution is more unequal than in most European countries:
Except for the USA (which is kinda an olligarchy by now) all western nations have a more equal income distribution than Muslim countries.

You're far right masters will teach of these so-called 'theocratic systems' that take away your liberties but I will tell you the most free people are those who are free of these mis-conceptions.
This one made me laugh hard. What far right are you talking about? Even the German conservative party is to the left of the US democrats and most western European countries are very left leaning (which isn't a bad thing necesarrily) There are no "far right" masters at least in my country. If theocracy is so awesome, why don't you live in Saudi Arabia or Iran?
Also where do you think the ruling party in Pakistan is on the political spectrum?

You talk about a MAJORITY - huh let's talk about majorities. The west has a so-called democracy right, when millions of people took to the streets to make the Governments stop the illegal invasion of Iraq, where was democracy? It's all about the $$$ not democracy.
You are mixing things again. Also, when millions went on the street in Germany, we stayed out of Iraq. UK politicians just suck more than ours. doesn't mean democracy doesn't work.

The UK doesn't have a majority government, it's a coalition which no one voted for. The senior party in the coalition had 36% of the vote.
Well fair enough. Coalitions are pretty helpful for pluralistic consensus though.

Stop telling people to go back to where they came from then. If you're so-called democratic countries hadn't robbed Africa dry then maybe you could go back there

Are you deliberately twisting my words here? That is 100% the opposite of what I said.
You asked me where people come from who own this land now. And all humans originally come from Africa, that is where homo sapiens evolved. I wasn't saying anybody should go back there, just that the fact that we 100.000 years ago all came from that continent is irelevant to the topic.
All Pakistanis were Indians 100 years ago, does that mean Indians don't have to follow the law in Pakistan? Obviously not.

Take the time and actually read carefully before you respond please, otherwise this is a waste of everyones time.
Muslims attack on French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.

The attack on Charlie Hebdo comes a day after it named the Prophet Muhammad as "editor-in-chief"

The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb, French police say.

It comes a day after the publication named the Prophet Muhammad as its "editor-in-chief" for its next issue.

The magazine said the move was intended to "celebrate" the victory of an Islamist party in Tunisia's election.

Charlie Hedbo's editor is quoted as saying: "We no longer have a newspaper. All our equipment has been destroyed."

A single Molotov cocktail was thrown at the offices of Charlie Hebdo during the night and a large amount of material in the office was destroyed, police said.

There have been no reports of injuries.

Charlie Hebdo's website has also been hacked with a message in English and Turkish attacking the magazine.

The magazine was criticised by Muslims in 2007 after reprinting the Danish cartoons of the prophet Muhammad that caused outrage around the Islamic world.

And then we wonder, why is Islamophobia on the rise ?

Original Article Headline is,

"French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo attacked in Paris"

BBC News - French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo attacked in Paris

Mods should change the title.

Some folks are incapable of a thought outside trolling.
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