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Muslims attack French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.

And if you people think that you are thinking neutrally then you should condemn both acts ..... the act of provocation and its ultimate response ....but you again playing double standards
I agree if they have broken the 'law of the land' then they should be punished.

This story is being glorified because someone attacked the newspapers offices, do you think we would've heard anything if the offices weren't attacked and the newspaper published it's newspaper provoking Muslims. What do you think about the provocation?

That's not the point. There is provocation every where. How you act on provocation shows your civility and culture. Do you think Hindus, Jews or Sikhs have it easy in this world? Jews are ***** of many Jokes around the world. Hindu gods gets depicted on swimsuit under wears and on chappals. Do you see us bombing anyone? May be because you come from Islamic republic where a religion is omnipresent, you can't understand this. But you have to remember you are living in a secular land where the constitution is supreme not your god.
Re Shiv Sena - yes there is a point, sort your own back yard out before complaining about the so-called mess next door.

I totally agree with you. You have a very strong point there. You have singlehandedly almost won the molotov justification case!

Haha you're comparing the PROPHET Moses to G W Bush, you're just too funny !

You know what? I am really glad that the satire is lost on you. I like you laughing than as otherwise would have been possible fuming.

What is the objective in Afghanistan you say - the west have put a puppet Government in place, who want power and wealth through capitalism and then you have the people of Afghanistan who want to live in a sharia compliant society free of greed.

Indeed you have read the situation very well. The infidels are really on to something very evil there currently because they are opposing the non-puppet Taliban government which was supported by the pure and Muslim nation of Pakistan where the word greed does not exist in the dictionary and where the army is not running the capitalistic businesses via some profitable foundations.

Islam is a global religion, Muslims can practice they religion where ever they wish. Sure the double standards and hypocrisy is rife but no religion including the religions in the west tolerate hate and injustice so to counter this hate the world needs to work together. The west needs the rest of the world to steal their resources from so why can't people like me live in the west.

Again I have to agree with you, there is every right to practice the religion in an alien nation and also throw molotov cocktails when they get satirical due to the loose and flexible culture that they have. And of course, you can live amongst the western robbers and get something out of them. Afterall the money has no religion, it is only what can be done with the money that is religious so why hate the money?
That's not the point. There is provocation every where. How you act on provocation shows your civility and culture. Do you think Hindus, Jews or Sikhs have it easy in this world? Jews are ***** of many Jokes around the world. Hindu gods gets depicted on swimsuit under wears and on chappals. Do you see us bombing anyone? May be because you come from Islamic republic where a religion is omnipresent, you can't understand this. But you have to remember you are living in a secular land where the constitution is supreme not your god.
religion may be nothing for you but for us its everything
so here i got Indians point of view : when someone disrespect Islam and when someone sabotage the rights of muslims then its all fine BUT when someone react then it all goes wrong ...... keep it up ..... heights of hypocrisy

No one said that. But there are different methods of protesting. But bombing the newspaper is worst of all. I am doubting your IQ for even supporting such an heinous act.

---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

religion may be nothing for you but for us its everything

You better stick to Pakistan then where it is constitutionally protected. In every other non-Islamic country you would be in for a surprise. Good luck.
No one said that. But there are different methods of protesting. But bombing the newspaper is worst of all. I am doubting your IQ for supporting such an heinous act.
do you know how many times muslims protested ? in how many countries these protests are carried out ? many Islamic countries condemn this but what was the outcome ? nothing instead of stop publishing these cartoons they make it their habit .... they publish them now and then..
i am not supporting the bombings here but i am telling you that if you forced someone to cross limits then you cant object...
if this newspaper stop disrespecting the religion then no such incident would happen
you question my IQ it does not matter for me whatever you think about me but think about thing judiciously

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

No one said that. But there are different methods of protesting. But bombing the newspaper is worst of all. I am doubting your IQ for even supporting such an heinous act.

---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

You better stick to Pakistan then where it is constitutionally protected. In every other non-Islamic country you would be in for a surprise. Good luck.
i dont need your advise and stop personal attacks dont show me how civilized you are
do you know how many times muslims protested ? in how many countries these protests are carried out ? many Islamic countries condemn this but what was the outcome ? nothing instead of stop publishing these cartoons they make it their habit .... they publish them now and then..
i am not supporting the bombings here but i am telling you that if you forced someone to cross limits then you cant object...
if this newspaper stop disrespecting the religion then no such incident would happen
you question my IQ it does not matter for me whatever you think about me but think about thing judiciously

Because you make every small thing such an issue. Why can't you understand 'GOD' doesn't need your or my protection? Let him take care of those buggers. By provoking you are further fueling their provocation.
Guys, why this hypocrisy? We've had numerous mosques attacked by petrol bombs in US, UK, and other western countries. Yet no one said "Americans attack mosque" or "Westerners attack mosque". In those cases, you guys point out the individual as the culprit. When a muslim does it, you point out the whole religion. Muslims attacked the newspapers, etc. Can you guys please put to rest this hypocrisy.

I'd really like if someone can explain all this to me.
Because you make every small thing such an issue. Why can't you understand 'GOD' doesn't need your or my protection? Let him take care of those buggers. By provoking you are further fueling their provocation.
so you are justifying their act by any means that they did right ...... no need to argue with you more
but keep it in your mind the reaction of bad thing is always bad .....
so you are justifying their act by any means that they did right ...... no need to argue with you more
but keep it in your mind the reaction of bad thing is always bad .....

Okay I give up. I can never get through to you. Happy posting. I am off.
This paper could burn its own place to collect insurance, would not be the first time.

I was thinking the same. Fix a nice juicy insurance policy up, provoke a whole bunch of people and then burn up the premises and blame the people that you have provoked. Sounds like an idea to me.
If u deny hallocaust or whatever u get jailed!

If u insult Islam its freedom of speech!

If u ban a sikh turban its an attrocity-discrimination!

If u ban hijab its their right?

Freaking hypocrites!

Why incite the people in the first place? for fun?publicity on the cost of hurting n insulting almost 2 billion people?

Id dnt side with the thugs who burnt the office of this pathetic paper either!
Who the fanatical angry mobs or the literary terrorists ?

Actually I meant forum users here defending the terrorists. that is why I quoted one right after. And you yourself are one of those apparently.

This thread show us once more why peaceful muslims are actually in part responsible, if they defend and justify terror and murder if it is "to defend the faith" or react to an "insult". What they don't get is in civilized countries you are never justified to use violence because of an insult, no matter how grief it may be in your eyes.

there is nothing to do of being "one side"
you mean there are two sides: newspaper and muslim?
you are totally wrong: there is the side of the newspaper , the side of the stupid and criminal ones
and there is the side of most people and big majority of muslims who condemn it
see the link above : the president of muslim cult condemned it

I think you missunderstood me my friend. I meant that there is only one side that did something wrong(the fanatics), not there is only one side to the story/or one party involved.
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