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Muslims attack French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.

To condemn a condemnable act is what the Bangla guy did ; To condone the codemnable act is what you did, and worsened it by attacking the condemner. Where did my "comprehension" figure in this event-chain ? A did something, for which B firebombed A. C condemned it, while D condemned C. E (myself) am asking D what it takes to grow some spine to condemn B's act, instead of condemning C for condemning B ?

according to the same logic- what Muslims did was- they were condemning- what condemner bangla did he condemned the Muslims the same way he thought they should not condemn- even generalized the whole immigrated society for the act of few condemning Muslims- you hought i condemned only the condemner bangla but my first line did condemned the condemning Muslims way- here is where you comprehension skills failed- you assumed i condemned only the condemner bangla not the condemning Muslims- and it is obvious you failed and still are yet to condemn the condemning Muslims and the similar condemner bangla or both-
So much condemnation in this thread. Ufff :rolleyes:
I wonder why it didnt occur to the fire bombers that there are less destructive ways of opposing someone's actions.
according to the same logic- what Muslims did was- they were condemning- what condemner bangla did he condemned the Muslims the same way he thought they should not condemn- even generalized the whole immigrated society for the act of few condemning Muslims- you hought i condemned only the condemner bangla but my first line did condemned the condemning Muslims way- here is where you comprehension skills failed- you assumed i condemned only the condemner bangla not the condemning Muslims- and it is obvious you failed and still are yet to condemn the condemning Muslims and the similar condemner bangla or both-

Very well genius, but have you failed to notice that BanglaPride, while condemning the act, didn't went on a rampage and destroy anything/didn't blow up himself/didn't want to fornicate with you?
Very well genius, but have you failed to notice that BanglaPride, while condemning the act, didn't went on a rampage and destroy anything/didn't blow up himself/didn't want to fornicate with you?

Looking at the abuses he hurled at the protesters while condemning- it doesn't require to be a "Genius" to incur what his behavior would have been- had it been his cause-- and blowing up themselves doesn't happened there- Lower your fancy expectations a bit to reality-
how many times we are going to explain you
and you come always with this stupid argument !?
of course majority condemns it and the great mosque of Paris already condemned it AGAIN as usual
so why are you fantasming things ?
why you absolutely want to believe that we don't say anything??? without knowing the facts

Oh they did? Thing is we never get to hear about these condemnation. And please do share a newslink if available.

Last I heard The Grand Mosque of Paris was trying to sue this very Charlie Hebdo for publishing those cartoons by the Danish artist. They were unsuccessful obviously.

But yeah if did condemn the bombing then thats good. They need to be more and more vocal about such issues.
The newspaper was being provacative and insulting towards Muslims, this kind of reaction by the Muslim community was expected. The newspaper was well aware that any depiction of the Prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam yet they still went ahead with their plans.

The western media is making fun of Islam and Muslims in general on a daily basis, if this was based solely on facts then fair enough it can be tolerated but nearly all these are misconceptions and exaggerations of the truth to make Islam look bad to the people of the West. Yet many many Westerners are converting to Islam, it is the fastest growing religion in the World. This growth in Islam is frightening the West hence the reason for allowing far right extremist groups to form in Western Countries.

These far right extremist groups are forming all the time as it's a very lucrative business, to gain support they are spreading lies and twisting the truth about Islam so they gain support. These groups are making a lot of money through donations, the likes of the National Front in France, BNP in the UK and now the EDL in the UK are making millions.

I have no doubt in my mind that this newspaper was following suit and trying to reach this market of people. After all the western society allows this kind of greed through capitalism.
Oh they did? Thing is we never get to hear about these condemnation.

What do you think about the wars that the West is carrying out against the Muslim countries? When did the West ever condemn the killing of innocent people in the illegal and unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where's the condemnation from the West against your country India, which fails to recognise the rights of the people in Kashmir? The Kashmiris have been given the right by the international community to hold a referendum to ask if they want to be part of India/Pakistan or independant so why not allow them this?
Oh they did? Thing is we never get to hear about these condemnation. And please do share a newslink if available.

Last I heard The Grand Mosque of Paris was trying to sue this very Charlie Hebdo for publishing those cartoons by the Danish artist. They were unsuccessful obviously.

But yeah if did condemn the bombing then thats good. They need to be more and more vocal about such issues.
In the previous post you say that what did the Jew communauty was good about condemning it and going to court (instead of using such stupid violence).
But now you are condemning the muslliims to do the same??? are you ok?
Both Licra (Jews organization) and Grand Mosque are now often "working " together when they both think there is too much anti religion that leads to a hatred dangerous to the country and the communauty.

Incendie au siège du journal Charlie Hebdo publiant une caricature de Mahomet - Libération
Le président du Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM), Mohammed Moussaoui, a "condamné fermement" cet acte s'il est criminel.
The president of the organization for Muslim practice in France, Mohammed Moussaoui, comdemned strongly this act .
Here we go again. Will they never learn?

mistake from both sides, why provoke the minorities first of all when they already know the outcome ? lame publicity stunt.

Actually only one mistake from one side. The violent barbarians throwing molotow cocktails.

Yeah why provoke the violent extremists with your constitutional rights of free speech?

That twisted thinking makes me sick.

But where does all that resentment in Europe come from you ask? Where do you think it comes from? Slaugtering artists, terrorising people, muslim street thugs raping and killing.. hmm where does that resentment come from?! people in europe must be rascist... lol.

Yet many many Westerners are converting to Islam, it is the fastest growing religion in the World.

Because it makes women into birthing machines. Conversions are a miniscule number. A lot more people in Europe and the world LEAVE ISLAM for Christianity or no religion than the other way around and they would too in the Muslim world if it wasn't for the threat of death or at the very least social exclusion and discrimination.
Grows is only due to birthrates. So your propaganda is weak..

"aljazeera.net published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani أحمد القطعاني An important Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity."
more source material

Also since many Muslim countries punish leaving Islam with excecution and have forced conversions there is really no level playing field of ideas... So yeah the only thing that frightens people in the West is the violent nature not the conversion rate...
according to the same logic- what Muslims did was- they were condemning- what condemner bangla did he condemned the Muslims the same way he thought they should not condemn- even generalized the whole immigrated society for the act of few condemning Muslims- you hought i condemned only the condemner bangla but my first line did condemned the condemning Muslims way- here is where you comprehension skills failed- you assumed i condemned only the condemner bangla not the condemning Muslims- and it is obvious you failed and still are yet to condemn the condemning Muslims and the similar condemner bangla or both-

So if you shave (just assuming to create a simple analogy), which of course is no liked by the good natured mullahs and if they attack you for that, would you think that it is acceptable? Strange that you were just mentioning comprehension to someone else. I thought that it is actually beyond just reading it clearly. The trick is in the understanding of it.

Please do not come back fuming. I would like a discussion with you today on this. I have a couple of hours. I hope that you will indulge me. :)
Here we go again. Will they never learn?

Actually only one mistake from one side. The violent barbarians throwing molotow cocktails.
there is nothing to do of being "one side"
you mean there are two sides: newspaper and muslim?
you are totally wrong: there is the side of the newspaper , the side of the stupid and criminal ones
and there is the side of most people and big majority of muslims who condemn it
see the link above : the president of muslim cult condemned it
if you dont respect someone's religion then you have to face the consequences .... dont provoke someone to cross the limits
Freedom of press and freedom of speech does not allow to disrespect any religion
The newspaper was being provacative and insulting towards Muslims, this kind of reaction by the Muslim community was expected. The newspaper was well aware that any depiction of the Prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam yet they still went ahead with their plans.

The western media is making fun of Islam and Muslims in general on a daily basis, if this was based solely on facts then fair enough it can be tolerated but nearly all these are misconceptions and exaggerations of the truth to make Islam look bad to the people of the West. Yet many many Westerners are converting to Islam, it is the fastest growing religion in the World. This growth in Islam is frightening the West hence the reason for allowing far right extremist groups to form in Western Countries.

These far right extremist groups are forming all the time as it's a very lucrative business, to gain support they are spreading lies and twisting the truth about Islam so they gain support. These groups are making a lot of money through donations, the likes of the National Front in France, BNP in the UK and now the EDL in the UK are making millions.

I have no doubt in my mind that this newspaper was following suit and trying to reach this market of people. After all the western society allows this kind of greed through capitalism.

Do you think that this business model is exclusive to these untolerant Westerners alone or can this business flourish closer home too? Sounds very profitable and reasonally sustainable in the short to medium term.
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