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We all say that but recently i thought about; "How Erdogan came in to power"......

He was just a major. We had "Bülent Ecevit (RIP)" as our PM. He was to old, couldn't manage the country. He even said mistakenly "We don't want peace in our region, we want war !!!!". Economical crysis, corrupt offcials. etc.....

People got so sick of that government and elected a new dynamic leader.... I feel like people became to sick of this government too... We shall see what future bears for us.

Well the only problem is that Erdogan IS managing the country very well, Turkish economy is booming, Turkey is rising not only a regional power, but as a global power, and so on.

Replacing Erdogan at this point is what Turkish competitors will dream for. I hope Turks aren't western wanna be idiots who will go forward and shoot their own foot.

As I said, Erdogan and AKP must learn from these glitches (Gezi Park Protest and now this scandal) and reform to make things even better..but they must stay in power.

Look at China..Mao made trillion times bigger mistakes than AKP or Erdogan..but over-all, the benefit of Mao's leadership outweighted his mistakes...and look at China today.

A powerful, independent, and sovereign civilization that is gearing up for global leadership in many areas...

Uptil now, Erdogan and AKP's achievements out-weight their mistakes...
As I said, Erdogan and AKP must learn from these glitches (Gezi Park Protest and now this scandal) and reform to make things even better..

What if they don't. They didn't learn in Gezi protests.

How much are we willing to sacrifice....we will see.

They are covering over the recent operation. They forcefully halted second investigation. They tied jurisdiction to themselves.

In Gezi Protests. 4 people died, 7 people lost their eyes, thousands wounded by police. And no police has been re-located infact they have given extra salary.

Now events turned to themselves and over 500 police re-located/demoted.

Again i'm saying are willing to live in a lawless state which is going to be run with a Sultan like Leader... I don't, we will see the others.
First a question,
What happened after the Gezi protest?
The same will happen now,Nothing.
There will be protests(small) evry day for a month or two,it will die out and that will be it.

Nothing will happen , the funny thing is that this Guy:


Invite Prime Minister of Turkey to resignation.

They don´t reach the Target and im wondering how much Guy´s here posting quotes from other Newspaper.

I think we have here on Forum a Section for Politics.

Im not a Fan of the Prime Minister of Turkey but this was an Issue that all know , Turkey was in a Tradeship with Iran.

USA don´t want this and now they end this.

This Guy is very dangerous :


My Only big question in these Last Days is what this Guy is doing or what he will get/win:


cem uzan stole 20-30 billion dollars from Turkey.and those people asking erdogan toresign for 4-5 million dollars:) maybe this goverment stole but iam from from small town in gaziantep.this goverment did what other did not in 90 years
-road which imposibble to drive . cos so many hole and no asfhalt .everywhere is dirty winter time
---my people drunk dirty water for 90 years till akp which they changed all water line and people can drink clean water
----akp built very beatifull park which we never had before.
-----they built a hospital which you can make tests and xrays .so you dont have to go damn city everytime.
-----now they builting 2 dams for farmer.one is almost complete.
----also they are builting social house apartments for abused women and poor
----they build 2 new schools as well
hey guys iam not saying that they dont steal.sure some of them steal but icannot close my eyes for what they done..
i think erdogan have more credit still..
Does anyone has more recent footage of the unrest in street?
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cem uzan stole 20-30 billion dollars from Turkey.and those people asking erdogan toresign for 4-5 million dollars:) maybe this goverment stole but iam from from small town in gaziantep.this goverment did what other did not in 90 years
-road which imposibble to drive . cos so many hole and no asfhalt .everywhere is dirty winter time
---my people drunk dirty water for 90 years till akp which they changed all water line and people can drink clean water
----akp built very beatifull park which we never had before.
-----they built a hospital which you can make tests and xrays .so you dont have to go damn city everytime.
-----now they builting 2 dams for farmer.one is almost complete.
----also they are builting social house apartments for abused women and poor
----they build 2 new schools as well
hey guys iam not saying that they dont steal.sure some of them steal but icannot close my eyes for what they done..
i think erdogan have more credit still..
The problem is AKPs arrogance, what you wrote is exactly their excuse for everything.
No matter what they did it doesnt justifiy their corruption and their attempt to cover things up.

Everyone would be satified if AKP would admit their fault and do something against instead of covering it and blaming ''foreign powers''.

Sry but with this behavior they lost even the last remain credibility in my eyes.
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The problem is AKPs arrogance, what you wrote is exactly their excuse for everything.
No matter what they did it doesnt justifiy their corruption and their attempt to cover things up.

Everyone would be satified if AKP would admit their fault and do something against instead of covering it and blaming ''foreign powers''.

Sry but with this behavior they lost even the last remain credibility in my eyes.

Do you think the People want example CHP or MHP ? they are not better , they are really worse.

Even the Politic as the Opposition are really worse of them.
Do you think the People want example CHP or MHP ? they are not better , they are really worse.

Even the Politic as the Opposition are really worse of them.
I said it many times what i want, i think its enough.
First a question,
What happened after the Gezi protest?
The same will happen now,Nothing.
There will be protests(small) evry day for a month or two,it will die out and that will be it.

What are you talking about? A lot of things have already happened. Sons of two ministers have been arrested. 4 ministers have resigned as well as over 5 MP from AKP. As we all know, the timing of this corruption case was not a coincedence and since there are over 2 month until the next elections, i believe there are much more to come. For now, he managed to interrupt the "second wave operations" by openly interfering in judiciary, but people started to see what he is trying to accomplish by dismissing hundereds of police officiers as well as dozen police chief right after the operation started. If you see him live on TVs over 2 times a day, you should know that he is panicking. I hope that he will continue with the "Yedirmeyiz" policy of his...

As for the Gezi, it was the beginning of the end of Erdogan, this is another big step towards it, maybe even bigger. Unlike Gezi, this time he is against a powerful Islamic group who cannot be labeled as godless infidels which he used to do against Gezi protestors in order to keep the spirit up among his supporters. Obviously, Erdogan's supporters are much more vulnurable to the effects of şakirts than Gezi protestors.

Let's wait and see what comes next.
This was an interesting talk with people. Interviews takes place in Fatih district Istanbul, one of the most religious areas in Istanbul.

It looks like even AKP supporters have suspicion in their minds.

What are you talking about? A lot of things have already happened. Sons of two ministers have been arrested. 4 ministers have resigned as well as over 5 MP from AKP. As we all know, the timing of this corruption case was not a coincedence and since there are over 2 month until the next elections, i believe there are much more to come. For now, he managed to interrupt the "second wave operations" by openly interfering in judiciary, but people started to see what he is trying to accomplish by dismissing hundereds of police officiers as well as dozen police chief right after the operation started. If you see him live on TVs over 2 times a day, you should know that he is panicking. I hope that he will continue with the "Yedirmeyiz" policy of his...

As for the Gezi, it was the beginning of the end of Erdogan, this is another big step towards it, maybe even bigger. Unlike Gezi, this time he is against a powerful Islamic group who cannot be labeled as godless infidels which he used to do against Gezi protestors in order to keep the spirit up among his supporters. Obviously, Erdogan's supporters are much more vulnurable to the effects of şakirts than Gezi protestors.

Let's wait and see what comes next.
I dont believe in that ''beginning of the End''.
He(AKP) will win again and we will again talk about him as we did until now.
His interference in the judiciary and police,replacing all those that could pose a threat shows his power.
I hope people will vote him of but i doubt it.

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