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I seriously don't care anymore, don't even watch the news or read what political party leaders says anymore. Recently we have become a banana rebuplic..... I don't care anymore.

The stupid people of this country who elected Erdogan should think more. They are becoming poorer and poorer. Their money is being stolen by government yet they still support AKP.

They deserve AKP and being fooled by AKP.

Beter olsun a.q

Learn to be respectful!!!

If you are so smart just refresh your memory about the pre-AKP days, we didnt forget waterless days with the most effed up transportation system of İstanbul, if we are having more and more indigineous arm projects thats thanks to AKP

The best thing for Turkey is to get rid of both AKP and Hizmet.
I respect that you dont like AKP but please establish a good honest party to win against AKP, what we are going through is a '' COUP ''

They make operations against peace talks, doing operations against our economy, against our Intelligence Servise and people are still looking at this as something against AKP, this is an operation against Turkey, not AKP

I am personally very happy with the achievements of AKP, they make me more and more proud of my country

This was an interesting talk with people. Interviews takes place in Fatih district Istanbul, one of the most religious areas in Istanbul.

It looks like even AKP supporters have suspicion in their minds.

Sözcü are accused of cooperating with parallel state, they released many confidential reports, how they are trying to portray todays Turkey is very biased
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I respect that you dont like AKP but please establish a good honest party to win against AKP, what we are going through is a '' COUP ''

They make operations against peace talks, doing operations against our economy, against our Intelligence Servise and people are still looking at this as something against AKP, this is an operation against Turkey, not AKP

I am personally very happy with the achievements of AKP, they make me more and more proud of my country

The thing is, they have infested pretty much every institution of the Turkish Republic with the permission and even encouragement of AKP! The fact that they started to expose the dirty secrets of AKP cannot be considered as a coup, since there are solid and very serious evidences behind the investigations. Besides, AKP's reaction to it is like a confession to me.

Replacing those people, say, in judiciary and police department with AKP partisans (which is exactly what AKP is doing right now) will damage Turkey even more.

Every Turkish citizen would be very happy with the achivements that our in favor of our country, our wealth and well-being, but that doesn't mean they can steal people's money, interfere in freedom of speech, hurt our democracy and get away with it by undermining the power of judiciary. That is not going to happen.
The thing is, they have infested pretty much every institution of the Turkish Republic with the permission and even encouragement of AKP! The fact that they started to expose the dirty secrets of AKP cannot be considered as a coup, since there are solid and very serious evidences behind the investigations. Besides, AKP's reaction to it is like a confession to me.

Replacing those people, say, in judiciary and police department with AKP partisans (which is exactly what AKP is doing right now) will damage Turkey even more.

Every Turkish citizen would be very happy with the achivements that our in favor of our country, our wealth and well-being, but that doesn't mean they can steal people's money, interfere in freedom of speech, hurt our democracy and get away with it by undermining the power of judiciary. That is not going to happen.

Obviously you are following news from very biased sources, it came out as there were many illegalities in those cases, I cant find and list them all now

Even if we assume they were stealing money, like 4,5 millions of dollars... and presenting even pictures of money from an american operation even though they shouldnt do it cause they are innocent while the case is still on trial... Plus they didnt take permission from the institutions like BDDK, Halk Bank lost its value on market, that was a thief from the pockets of our people and now it came out there was nothnig wrong with Halkbank but they ruined the credibility of our bank plus they did it after many complaints of jewish lobby in USA

Same judges are keeping innocent generals in jail, a year ago Erdoğan said it and pro-AKP columnists were writing about it.. the system is crooked, it is not about AKP, how can a prosecutor can have an operation against our Intelligence Service, how can they keep files for years and arrest people in one night, why do they try to put people in jail who happen to be the contractors of big projects of Turkey like Channel İstanbul , 3rd Airport, 3rd Bridge.... There were thieves in AKP before and they have been kicked off from the party but that was never been presented like a scandal, this was a very planned operation against my country and people are losing their national feeling just because they dislike AKP, thats very very harmful

I just want to point out that the graft was a real risk, and if we want democracy in Turkey. We need institution that ensures transparency and balance. Governments are elected and every one of the MP are greedy. To balance out AKP "bulldozer" tactics we need institutions and judiciary, but as we can see they're pretty much slowly being put out of the game.

I really hope that AKP won't have enough seats in TBMM (parliament) to create a government after the next elections. I wish they'd be put on hold so other political parties can make a coalition and start proper investigation of AKP.

They have done many great things, but like Alexander the great they went overboard in my opinion.

I respect the judiciary, the police and the press (though the press needs an institution to ensure proper ethics).
AKP is correcting the juidicary based on EU laws, they are doing nothing wrong!!! Plus those other parties go deaf when they are accused of stuff, the leader of the biggest opposition is not in jail because of an amnesty!! He got his own chair thanks to a sex tape of the previous one! He kicked out his İstanbul candidate before because of corruption and now he got him back to the party, İStanbul candidate Sarıgül is linked to a terror group DHKP-C and he never comments about it, while an ex-confessor terrorist of DHKP-C tweets about him, his party members get on mouth-fight with him, no prosecutor does anything about this, and MHP?? MHP had auto-park mafias on streets before AKP, they should first correct themselves to judge AKP
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What if they don't. They didn't learn in Gezi protests.

How much are we willing to sacrifice....we will see.

They are covering over the recent operation. They forcefully halted second investigation. They tied jurisdiction to themselves.

In Gezi Protests. 4 people died, 7 people lost their eyes, thousands wounded by police. And no police has been re-located infact they have given extra salary.

Now events turned to themselves and over 500 police re-located/demoted.

Again i'm saying are willing to live in a lawless state which is going to be run with a Sultan like Leader... I don't, we will see the others.

And all those vandalism in Gezi? Was it really nice? Stop speaking from the mouth of foreigners, they control your thoughts with their stupid propaganda machines, we live in democracy and like it or not we elected Erdoğan, he is no Sultan or Dictator, cant believe you are still not seeing whats going on in our world, what would happen if PKK and Esad's terrorists starting violence in our country in that chaos? It is not that easy to get officials from their jobs otherwise they would do it now immediately in this last case, since we live in a shaky ground we have no right to get on streets again and start a civil war, if you dont like Erdoğan find yourself another party or buy a dictionary and check the meaning of democracy
we live in democracy and like it or not we elected Erdoğan, he is no Sultan or Dictator, cant believe you are still not seeing whats going on in our world
With the new Internet Law he is slowly but steady evolving to one.
I cant belive you still dont see whats going on in Turkey.
Learn to be respectful!!!

If you are so smart just refresh your memory about the pre-AKP days, we didnt forget waterless days with the most effed up transportation system of İstanbul, if we are having more and more indigineous arm projects thats thanks to AKP

Why can't you guys focus on today's problems. :disagree:

Typical AKP fan.... blame everybody else.

Sözcü are accused of cooperating with parallel state, they released many confidential reports, how they are trying to portray todays Turkey is very biased

Sure, all of the opposition is being labelled as newly invented "Paralel state". :agree:
what will happen after this? let's say Erdogan goes, who will run the country? one way or the other, it seems there will always be complaints. For sure if CHP returns, they will surely negate some reforms of AKP, which will increasingly piss off AKP supporters. Then I dont believe that other parties never have been corrupt or wont be corrupt. whatever happens, i dont want to see kilicdaroglu become the new leader, he is openly pro-america (he showed that recently when he flew to the USA to talk about internal stuff of Turkey), and that combined with his clearly weak leadership/backbone (somehow i dont believe he could withstand the same pressure the AKP faced from the US) and poor charisma cannot be that good for Turkiye, especially for the military industry. sigh... or am i being too pessimistic now? :cheesy:

Erdoğan is pro-American too and says it openly but there is a difference, they say this is a war between England ( Queen ) - Jews&Masons ( money lords )-American neo-cons ( even though they are not in charge now but they still lead USA ) and on the other side there are National America- Turkey ( especially Erdoğan ) - Russia ( Putin ), jews with their money created todays china and this is against the interests of national America, they want the control the whole world with money but if the nations can win this war we will switch to a new economic model based on production, small production will start in Africa, we will enjoy this with our relatively superior industial power,, thats why even though Turkey and Russia are traditional enemies and have a conflict in Syria but they are still allies. We need Erdoğan, we need his muslim identity, people are forgetting that the ship we are on is floating with Arab money and those westerners our people associate themselves with are our real enemies
Obviously you are following news from very biased sources, it came out as there were many illegalities in those cases, I cant find and list them all now

Even if we assume they were stealing money, like 4,5 millions of dollars... and presenting even pictures of money from an american operation even though they shouldnt do it cause they are innocent while the case is still on trial... Plus they didnt take permission from the institutions like BDDK, Halk Bank lost its value on market, that was a thief from the pockets of our people and now it came out there was nothnig wrong with Halkbank but they ruined the credibility of our bank plus they did it after many complaints of jewish lobby in USA

Same judges are keeping innocent generals in jail, a year ago Erdoğan said it and pro-AKP columnists were writing about it.. the system is crooked, it is not about AKP, how can a prosecutor can have an operation against our Intelligence Service, how can they keep files for years and arrest people in one night, why do they try to put people in jail who happen to be the contractors of big projects of Turkey like Channel İstanbul , 3rd Airport, 3rd Bridge.... There were thieves in AKP before and they have been kicked off from the party but that was never been presented like a scandal, this was a very planned operation against my country and people are losing their national feeling just because they dislike AKP, thats very very harmful

No offense mate, but i sense that there is no way you and i can come to an understanding, so let's leave it here.

I just wanna say this; nothing is being presented as scandal, while almost everything that has been presented so far is a scandal. Latest one is this tape which was published yesterday night and apparently there are much more to come with increasing intensity until the elections:

Forget the $1 million worth watch, 4 million dollars in shoe boxes, Erdogan's villas in Urla and all the other stuff. This video alone like all the others, would have been enough to make any government resign with shame in a country with proper democracy.

AKP is correcting the juidicary based on EU laws, they are doing nothing wrong!!!

Oh please...
Why can't you guys focus on today's problems. :disagree:

Typical AKP fan.... blame everybody else.

Sure, all of the opposition is being labelled as newly invented "Paralel state". :agree:
You call AKP voters '' idiot '' and I thought you could be a decent person so I warned you in vain, you piece of scum, Erdoğan siksin lan hepinizi, Erdoğan'ın tırnağı bile olamayacak tiplersiniz, Türküm diye ortalarda dolaş ama adam gitsin milli tank, gemi , uçak, uydu projeleri geliştirsin, sen de ancak burada israillilerin masonların ağzıyla kendi ülkenin Başbakanını eleştir, ben ateistim, içkimi de içiyorum, gece hayatımı da yaşıyorum, AKP'den tek gördüğüm mahallemdeki okulları özel okullar gibi yapması, lisedeyken 5 saatte gittiğim yere 45 dk gidebilmem, Türküm dediğimde artık insanların hakkımızda belli başlı fikir sahibi olması, evimizde suların akması, hastanelerde insan yerine konulmak... ama belli artık kimin çocuğuysanız size fazla gelmiş

No offense mate, but i sense that there is no way you and i can come to an understanding, so let's leave it here.

I just wanna say this; nothing is being presented as scandal, while almost everything that has been presented so far is a scandal. Latest one is this tape which was published yesterday night and apparently there are much more to come with increasing intensity until the elections:

Forget the $1 million worth watch, 4 million dollars in shoe boxes, Erdogan's villas in Urla and all the other stuff. This video alone like all the others, would have been enough to make any government resign with shame in a country with proper democracy.

Oh please...
I liked your youtube link very much, they are doing the same on international press, trying to show Turkey like a terrorist state or economically going down, good job Erdoğan!!! As if we dont know their links to some other media in Turkey who are owned by german Axel Springer ( Hürriyet... milliyet... vatan ), they toppled down governments with their fake news, made Adnan Menderes hanged.... with those news, what do you think would happen, a civil war, chaos... this happens in Germany, USA as well, but keep believing that Erdoğan is a bad old guy who is trying to steal as much as he can before he ends up under 6 feet!!!
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You call AKP voters '' idiot '' and I thought you could be a decent person so I warned you in vain, you piece of scum, Erdoğan siksin lan hepinizi, Erdoğan'ın tırnağı bile olamayacak tiplersiniz, Türküm diye ortalarda dolaş ama adam gitsin milli tank, gemi , uçak, uydu projeleri geliştirsin, sen de ancak burada israillilerin masonların ağzıyla kendi ülkenin Başbakanını eleştir, ben ateistim, içkimi de içiyorum, gece hayatımı da yaşıyorum, AKP'den tek gördüğüm mahallemdeki okulları özel okullar gibi yapması, lisedeyken 5 saatte gittiğim yere 45 dk gidebilmem, Türküm dediğimde artık insanların hakkımızda belli başlı fikir sahibi olması, evimizde suların akması, hastanelerde insan yerine konulmak... ama belli artık kimin çocuğuysanız size fazla gelmiş

I liked your youtube link very much, they are doing the same on international press, trying to show Turkey like a terrorist state or economically going down, good job Erdoğan!!! As if we dont know their links to some other media in Turkey who are owned by german Axel Springer ( Hürriyet... milliyet... vatan ), they toppled down governments with their fake news, made Adnan Menderes hanged.... with those news, what do you think would happen, a civil war, chaos... this happens in Germany, USA as well, but keep believing that Erdoğan is a bad old guy who is trying to steal as much as he can before he ends up under 6 feet!!!
@Aeronaut this is going too far there are the heaviest insults in this comment please deal with this.
With the new Internet Law he is slowly but steady evolving to one.
I cant belive you still dont see whats going on in Turkey.
I cant believe you think internet is uncontrolled in western countries

@Aeronaut this is going too far there are the heaviest insults in this comment please deal with this.
when he was calling me and millions of Turkish people '' idiot '' it was all nice and sugarsweet....

They are even doing operation on our National Intelligence Service and presenting news like Turkey aids El Kaide in Syria, they want to put our country on trial in international courts as a terrorist state and all and this is also feed by internal media organs but still so called '' patriots '' are critising Erdoğan, if Erdoğan goes, we will have civil war!!! and still you think you have the rifght to steal our votes and democratic rights!!!
I cant believe you think internet is uncontrolled in western countries
Nobody in west can shut down internet sites without a judicial order, this is only possible in Erdogans so called ''extended Democracy''

when he was calling me and millions of Turkish people '' idiot '' it was all nice and sugarsweet
Lol, what? Are you imagining things.

Here ....

The stupid people of this country who elected Erdogan should think more. They are becoming poorer and poorer. Their money is being stolen by government yet they still support AKP.

They deserve AKP and being fooled by AKP.

Beter olsun a.q

Nobody in west can shut down internet sites without a judicial order, this is only possible in Erdogans so called ''extended Democracy''


The stupid people of this country who elected Erdogan should think more. They are becoming poorer and poorer. Their money is being stolen by government yet they still support AKP.

They deserve AKP and being fooled by AKP.

Beter olsun a.q
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