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Saudi Arabia accuses Ethiopia of posing threats to Sudan & Egypt

i really wish this is true if what you say is right then we should help you build the dam i think african countries must help themselves we have suffered alot from the superpowers who want to steal our resources
however if the dam effect our water supply you cant expect Egypt to die from thirst we will have to fight

I hope You guys can solve your differences without House of sauds help
From where you got this nonsense? GCC is going to expand including Jordan, then Yemen after things settle down. It's a Europian style unity which it's membership is open only to Arab countries. And that's why some gulf countries don't grant cetzinship but only to Arabs including Kuwait and UAE. This is just a desperate try to convince yourself that you would get Saudi nationality which you are desperately trying to get, which I made sure that you will never get ;), I hope this time you learn your lesson and respect the country and people you get your living from.

Yeah and its time for you to have a cup of coffee and take rest from keyboard Jehad rather than inventing nonsense! Only Pallys living on borrowed Jordanian identity dream day and night of KSA work permit so they can fool some Saudi and run back with few hundred thousand SAR. Pallys have a very good reputation in KSA when it comes to frauds and many Saudi's on this forum will attest to this fact.

I can spend my entire lifetime learning Arabic to qualify for Saudi citizenship and it would contribute to zero productivity because Arabia is not a produce of scientific RD - I would rather invest my time in learning German or French so i can benefit from it.

And also the GCC privileges will not extend to Palestinians using Jordanian passports or Palestinians naturalized into Jordanian citizens!

Until then, happy day dreaming.
Yeah and its time for you to have a cup of coffee and take rest from keyboard Jehad!

Never did I say I wanted a Saudi citizenship as a matter of fact Saudi citizenship has no takers out of GCC those who have families across the border mostly Bahraini's and Kuwaiti's. And as a matter of fact a large part of my family is Saudi and I am not interested as I intend to make my future in a better country. Where I do not have to chaperone my wife for grocery shopping at Panda and there is no ear-busting five times a day with annoying hooligan chants!

I can spend my entire lifetime learning Arabic to qualify for Saudi citizenship and it would contribute to zero productivity because Arabia is not a produce of scientific RD - I would rather invest my time in learning German or French so i can benefit from it.

And also the GCC privileges will not extend to Palestinians using Jordanian passports or Palestinians naturalized into Jordanian citizens!

Until then, happy day dreaming.

I really doubt this is true. Anyway, good for you, get out and see your future somewhere else. BTW, what do Palestinians have to do with this discussion?
I really doubt this is true. Anyway, good for you, get out and see your future somewhere else. BTW, what do Palestinians have to do with this discussion?

The same as what I have to do with "cravings" of Saudi nationality?
The same as what I have to do with "cravings" of Saudi nationality?

Ah, yes, they are actually the only Arab nationality that's barred from taking Arab countries nationalities due to a resolution issued by Arab league and that's to keep them related to their country and limit their migration to GCC or other Arab countries, and that's a perfect decision and I call for it.
Ah, yes, they are actually the only Arab nationality that's barred from taking Arab countries nationalities due to a resolution issued by Arab league and that's to keep them related to their country and limit their migration to GCC or other Arab countries, and that's a perfect decision and I call for it.

Calling for justification of second class treatment towards your country men..great..just great.!
So they can live through generations and generations of misery year after year while some lucky ones find escape to USA or Europe!
Calling for justification of second class treatment towards your country men..great..just great.!
So they can live through generations and generations of misery year after year while some lucky ones find escape to USA or Europe!

I am Jordanian BTW of Jordanian origins. I am not talking about Jordanians of Palestinians origins, those have been here since 1948 and got citizenship after Jordan-West bank unity. They are Jordanians. However, Palestinians are not treated like second class in GCC, they are there for work and they are like Jordanians, work in decent jobs and get high salaries and after some years they return to their country. No one would like to see them emptying Palestine, Arab decision is in favor of them and their cause. Anyway, I don't think that there are allot of Jordanians and Palestinians looking for GCC nationalities as they only looking for saving money from GCC and they can get them and return to their countries. I believe you know this Sombozo, you dreaming of KSA citizenship doesn't mean others do.
I am Jordanian BTW of Jordanian origins. I am not talking about Jordanians of Palestinians origins, those have been here since 1948 and got citizenship after Jordan-West bank unity. They are Jordanians. However, Palestinians are not treated like second class in GCC, they are there for work and they are like Jordanians, work in decent jobs and get high salaries and after some years they return to their country. No one would like to see them emptying Palestine, Arab decision is in favor of them and their cause. Anyway, I don't think that there are allot of Jordanians and Palestinians looking for GCC nationalities as they only looking for saving money from GCC and they can get them and return to their countries. I believe you know this Sombozo, you dreaming of KSA citizenship doesn't mean others do.

The Arab resolution to bar this type of Arabs from the other Arabs is purely political. So they can keep buying mansions and Ferraris while degenerate tribesman can blame all their woes of poverty and misery on the West.

I remember the gold Ferrari a Saudi prince once showed off in a NY event. As i recall, he was accompanied by two quite non-islamic high-end company girls.

The brotherly love of the Arabs at it's most sincere.
I am Jordanian BTW of Jordanian origins. I am not talking about Jordanians of Palestinians origins, those have been here since 1948 and got citizenship after Jordan-West bank unity. They are Jordanians. However, Palestinians are not treated like second class in GCC, they are there for work and they are like Jordanians, work in decent jobs and get high salaries and after some years they return to their country. No one would like to see them emptying Palestine, Arab decision is in favor of them and their cause. Anyway, I don't think that there are allot of Jordanians and Palestinians looking for GCC nationalities as they only looking for saving money from GCC and they can get them and return to their countries. I believe you know this Sombozo, you dreaming of KSA citizenship doesn't mean others do.

And someone like you assert that opinion on??? Serioulsy I wouldnt want to spend the rest of my life eating albaik and kabsa!

The Arab resolution to bar this type of Arabs from the other Arabs is purely political. So they can keep buying mansions and Ferraris while degenerate tribesman can blame all their woes of poverty and misery on the West.

I remember the gold Ferrari a Saudi prince once showed off in a NY event. As i recall, he was accompanied by two quite non-islamic high-end company girls.

The brotherly love of the Arabs at it's most sincere.

Yep, the excuse of wide spread poverty in KSA under King Fahd era was due to collapse of oil prices by evil-west-commie conspiracy!
The Arab resolution to bar this type of Arabs from the other Arabs is purely political. So they can keep buying mansions and Ferraris while degenerate tribesman can blame all their woes of poverty and misery on the West.

I remember the gold Ferrari a Saudi prince once showed off in a NY event. As i recall, he was accompanied by two quite non-islamic high-end company girls.

The brotherly love of the Arabs at it's most sincere.

Don't use insults, talk like a human being, Saudies or others are free of their money, no one in a place to question how they spend their own money.

However, believe me, if Palestinians were not Arabs, they would have been forgotten long time ago, just like Red Indians, native Australian and Americans. Even the brother wrongs his brother, and a mother may also wrong her son, but that's doesn't mean they hate eachothers, You just can't latch every single event regarding Arabs treatment of eachothers to defame them, because I can find much more of how bad you treat your own people. the Arab provided help to Palestine that no country on earth got similar sacrifice and help. I hate blaming others and I don't believe in conspiracy theories because every country has the right to work for it's interests, I only think in our reaction.
Don't use insults, talk like a human being, Saudies or others are free of their money, no one in a place to question how they spend their own money.

However, believe me, if Palestinians were not Arabs, they would have been forgotten long time ago, just like Red Indians, native Australian and Americans. Even the brother wrongs his brother, and a mother may also wrong her son, but that's doesn't mean they hate eachothers, You just can't latch every single event regarding Arabs treatment of eachothers to defame them, because I can find much more of how bad you treat your own people. the Arab provided help to Palestine that no country on earth got similar sacrifice and help. I hate blaming others and I don't believe in conspiracy theories because every country has the right to work for it's interests, I only think in our reaction.

The Arabs use the Palestinians and do not want to see their suffering come to an end. Everyone can see that, or else they would have granted them citizenship a long time ago but they would rather use them a live bait.

I have seen brotherly Arab love. Do not forget that i have dealt with Arabs most of my life and i know their nature.

You are an Arab so i do not expect you to follow logic and reality.

And i do not consider those who fund and support terrorists to be humans. They are a virus which needs to be cured.
Don't use insults, talk like a human being, Saudies or others are free of their money, no one in a place to question how they spend their own money.

However, believe me, if Palestinians were not Arabs, they would have been forgotten long time ago, just like Red Indians, native Australian and Americans. Even the brother wrongs his brother, and a mother may also wrong her son, but that's doesn't mean they hate eachothers, You just can't latch every single event regarding Arabs treatment of eachothers to defame them, because I can find much more of how bad you treat your own people. the Arab provided help to Palestine that no country on earth got similar sacrifice and help. I hate blaming others and I don't believe in conspiracy theories because every country has the right to work for it's interests, I only think in our reaction.

I really have a hard time finding sense in this coffee mug logic!
If that is the case soo then the Iraqi's were forgotten for a long long time...And sure the Syrians and Libyan are not forgotten either! As a matter of fact Yemen is just next door!

The fact why millions are pumped into Palestinian (hopeless) cause each year is because every corrupt dictator claims legitimacy to rule by the support and weapons provided to Palestinian terrorists!

Saddam offered 50K USD for each suicide bomber family, Assad thinks he will rule strong because he is opposed to Israel, Ghaddafi was another cartoon character for the decade and so forth! As a matter of fact lack of any solid foundation to reach a settlement of Palestinean-Israeli conflict and continuous pumping of money into distorting facts and spread disinformation does point to something - Palestineans are long forgotten. What remains is a charred legacy of conspiracy theories!

Look at it this way, No Arab country wants to resettle Palestinian with exception of Jordan while they all claim to be helping Palestinian cause. The first step should be to at-least provide a recognizable status to Palestinian refugees!

Palestinians always found themselves on the wrong side of the history due to their own idioticy and their incompetent leaders like Yaser Arafat busy filling his own bank accounts with donated charity! His loyalities were up for sale to the highest bidder be it Saddam or Ghaddafi at the peril of thousands of his own people - whom he would come back to show sad disappointing face and fiery emotional speeches over live TV. So charity begins at home, lets find a competent leadership worthy of running a country before proceeding further!

Here are the facts:

IAmA a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon and I wish the Arab world gets as little as 10% of the criticism Israel gets for treating Palestinians. AMA. : IAmA

At least 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon in what Human Rights Watch calls “appalling social and economic conditions.” They’re blocked from working in a variety of professions, and the Lebanese government has largely resisted granting them broader property rights.
The Redditor quotes British member of Parliament Gerald Kaufman on his 2011 visit to the refugee camps in Lebanon:
When I went to Gaza in 2010 I thought I had seen the worst that could be seen of the appalling predicament of Palestinians living in conditions which no human being should be expected to endure. But what I saw in the camps in Lebanon is far worse and far more hopeless. The conditions are unspeakable, but for over 400,000 of our fellow human beings this is their life: today, tomorrow and for a future that cannot even be foreseen. At least in Gaza, frightful though the situation is, the people are free within the confines of their blockaded prison. In the camps of Lebanon they are not free.

Morale: Gaza is better than so called Palestinean camps in Arab countries!

Egypt recently helped broker the most recent cease-fire between Gazans and Israeli troops, and in July, Egypt eased travel restrictions on Palestinians. In addition, some 50,000 Palestinians, most of them from the Gaza Strip, have been granted Egyptian citizenship over the past few months.
Before this summer, however, a years-long, restrictive travel policy meant that most Palestinians attempting to cross the border into or out of Gaza had to be escorted by Egyptian security guards, and they were sometimes detained at the border or airport for days as a result.
“It’s time to end this and forever. It makes no sense to travel all over the world, then Egypt, an Arab country, treats you like an animal,” Youssef Ramadan, a 36-year old merchant from Gaza traveling to China through Egypt, told Al-Jazeera.
The measures instituted in July ended the procedure, allowing Palestinians to cross through Egypt according to their own arrangements and stay in the country for up to 72 hours to do so, al-Jazeera reported.

Life for Iraq’s Palestinians deteriorated after the fall of Saddam Hussein, who had encouraged the migration of thousands of Palestinians to Iraq in the early 1990s. After he was deposed, Shiite militias began attacking Palestinians, angered by their association with the the pro-Hussein Baathists and, later, by allegations that they supported the Sunni Arab insurgency, according to UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency.
Baghdad was once home to 30,000 Palestinians, but more than half have fled since the U.S.-led invasion there. In 2010, UNHCR finally closed a refugee camp on the Iraq-Syria border where hundreds of Palestinians had been stranded for years. Earlier this year, Palestinian refugees appealed to Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president, saying that they had been denied medical care and had to use fake ID cards to receive treatment.
“After the 2003 war [Palestinians] were severely targeted with discrimination or killings and the majority fled the country,” throwaway874832749 writes. “If a non-Palestinian Arab speaks of the maltreatment of Palestinians by Israelis, tell them to … demand rights for Palestinians in their [own] countries.”


Following the 1991 Gulf War, Palestinians in Kuwait were reduced from a thriving immigrant community of more than 400,000 to less than 30,000 in 1998. Kuwaitis forced them out of the country using a systematic and violent campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Palestinian official support for Iraq during the crisis was used as an excuse for that campaign.

Chapter 10: Palestinians in Kuwait: Terror and Ethnic Cleansing By Hassan A El-Najjar

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

The following statement was issued by Alkarama on 2 January 2013.]

The suffering of a family of Palestinian refugees continues after being forcibly deported from Taif, Saudi Arabia to Yemen in 2007. All the members of Al-Hadad family were recently detained by Yemeni security forces and then taken to Sana'a central Prison without any legal proceedings. Although some of the family members were released a week later, the father, Omar Eid Nimer Al-Hadad, and his son Mahmoud (20 years old) are still in detention despite orders from the General Prosecutor to release them.

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

Fact #7: Arab leaders have been abusing the Palestinians for political gain since the beginning of the conflict

The mass abuse of Palestinians at the hands of Arab leaders began with the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem in the War of 1948. Before launching the war, leaders of the invading Arab armies ordered Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes so they could “obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in”. From then until today, Palestinians refugees have been denied basic rights in almost every Arab country where they have sought shelter, including Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq. Libya expelled 30,000 of its Palestinian refugees; Kuwait expelled over 400,000. Yasser Arafat himself said that “What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories.”

According to the Arab League, the explicit policy of denying Palestinians citizenship in other Arab countries and keeping them in “very bad conditions” is in order “to preserve their Palestinian identity”. An Egyptian foreign minister also openly stated that the intention in demanding the right of Palestinian refugees to return “is the extermination of Israel”.

Arab Leaders Abuse Palestinian Suffering

If Palestinians were not Arabs they would have solved their problems by now! in which they are the net losers no one else
KSA will mop the floor back and fourth with your backward nation takes you even way back to early stone ages far away from the one you live in right now. You should realize that the announcement was made by DM of defense a message with a sharp edges economically,politically and militarily. You heard the man. Who is Ethiopia a failed state and corrupted army! it was assigned lately to be another Zion arm in the region along with south Sudan to further weaken Egypt and Sudan!

Do you really call that an army? 120k personnel with 200 million defense budget and soviet junks!

Ethiopia is the fastest growing non oil economy in africa so we are far from being a failed state i dont think saudis should talk about backwardness you are internationaly known for that shoot u guys still stone people to death and chop heads off like medevil times... saudi arabia without oil will be like somalia.
Ethiopia is the fastest growing non oil economy in africa so we are far from being a failed state i dont think saudis should talk about backwardness you are internationaly known for that shoot u guys still stone people to death and chop heads off like medevil times... saudi arabia without oil will be like somalia.

Do women drive in Ethiopia and is there a list of professions maintained by MOL where women are allowed and not allowed to work? Also is there an enforcement of wearing certain over-dress like abaya when going outdoors?

Nearly all Somalis are Sunni Muslims. For more than 1400 years, Islam made a great part of Somali society.[1] Practicing Islam reinforces distinctions that further set Somalis apart from their immediate neighbors, many of whom are either Christians or adherents of indigenous faiths. The early Muslims sought refuge from persecution in cities on the northern Somali coast.

The Islamic ideal is a society organized to implement Muslim precepts in which no distinction exists between the secular and the religious spheres. Among Somalis this ideal had been approximated less fully in the north than among some groups in the settled regions of the south where religious leaders were at one time an integral part of the social and political structure. Among nomads, the exigencies of pastoral life gave greater weight to the warrior's role, and religious leaders were expected to remain aloof from political matters.

I see a connection here between a failed state and failed idealogy!
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