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Will Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam dry the Nile in Egypt?

Logically a Eyptian/Sudanese offensive should happen before any dam is constructed otherwise , if done after the DAM is constructed they would be flooding their own cities and people by such strike

I think for Ethopia the better option instead is a cannal network to create an artificial lake by channeling % of water without hording up all the water

So I heard the military buildup has started in Somalia ;)

Similarly the South Sudan water channels will have to be taken back sorry but can't horde all the water channels, can't just steal water channels and make a new make believe country (complete randomness)

even though somalia as a sovereign nation wants to have good relations as any other country it should be noted that
Somali Republic is not interested in fighting proxy war for the interests of other countries...
Kemet won't strike the most it will do is declare a proxy war
You never know. Right now, Egypt is a divided nation, and what better what to unite a people than under a flag of war?
You never know. Right now, Egypt is a divided nation, and what better what to unite a people than under a flag of war?
Good point but destroying the dam won't be that easy for them.
Good point but destroying the dam won't be that easy for them.
I'd say destroying the dam will be the easy part, it's the ramifications that Egypt will find difficult, if not impossible to deal with.
The Nile has two sources. Lake Victoria in Uganda is by far the bigger source. Lake tana in Ethiopia is only a secondary source. So whatever reduction of water in the Nile will be marginal at worst. Egypt cannot dictate to Ethiopians what they do with their own resources.

@EgyptianAmerican - Ethiopia is a poor country and prone to famines when the rains fail, why should it hold up its development for you? Instead of threats why not work out a water sharing agreement with Ethiopia?
Egypt cannot dictate to Ethiopians what they do with their own resources.

Biggest army in Africa, so yes we can:butcher:. Deal with it.

- Ethiopia is a poor country and prone to famines when the rains fail

So is Somalia, so where is all the Nile water they are getting? In fact I believe Somalia is going through a very bad drought.

why should it hold up its development for you?

Because it threatens the lives of over 5 Million Egyptians.

? Instead of threats why not work out a water sharing agreement with Ethiopia?

We are at the bottom of the Nile therefore we are the most affected by what happens up north. That means we have a right to object to any potentially damaging things to it.

Instead of acting like a little but-hurt Hindu because you got refuted in a couple of other threads,why not instead mature a little bit and go reason with your countrymen on why minorities like Muslims in your country are a essential component to your country. Also that making stuff up about history and claiming credit for things you didn't do is pretty pathetic and shows an extreme case of an inferiority complex.
So is Somalia, so where is all the Nile water they are getting? In fact I believe Somalia is going through a very bad drought.

I am amazed at your knowledge! The Nile does not go through Somalia!!!!!!

As an Egyptian I would have though you knew that!!!!

??? No one is going to fight for some idiots in the horn of Africa.
They fought for some idiots in southern Sudan, so why is Horn of Africa different?

Because it threatens the lives of over 5 Million Egyptians.


Lack of water is threatening the lives of 20 million Ethiopians.

Your life is not more important than theirs.
I am amazed at your knowledge! The Nile does not go through Somalia!!!!!!

When did I say Somalia had the Nile running through it? I was saying that just because you have droughts doesn't mean that you have a right to the water in the Nile.

By the way I suggest you stop taking my comments out of context because you just look stupid.

They fought for some idiots in southern Sudan, so why is Horn of Africa different?


Lack of water is threatening the lives of 20 million Ethiopians.

Who cares? If you make this dam then YOU ARE going to kill over 5 million Egyptians.
Instead of acting like a little but-hurt Hindu because you got refuted in a couple of other threads,why not instead mature a little bit and go reason with your countrymen on why minorities like Muslims in your country are a essential component to your country. Also that making stuff up about history and claiming credit for things you didn't do is pretty pathetic and shows an extreme case of an inferiority complex.

Don't be rude. And don't get over excited :-)

First of all I am not a Hindu. I belong to those same minorities in India that you are so worried about. Perhaps spare a thought for Coptic Christian churches being bombed in Egypt before you go ballistic about something you know nothing about.

Show me where I made up stuff about history? Do you need a psychiatrist? What are you even talking about?

And what does all this have to do with Egypt and Ethiopia?

Please stick to the topic.

When did I say Somalia had the Nile running through it? I was saying that just because you have droughts doesn't mean that you have a right to the water in the Nile.

Again please stop being rude and making personal comments. It shows your class more than it bothers me. :-)

A country has a right to use its own resources. Ethiopia has first right over its OWN water before Egypt.

Wow! You really don't read the news do you? Google it.

Who cares? If you make this dam then YOU ARE going to kill over 5 million Egyptians.

Ethiopians care.

The same question can be asked in reverse.

Are you illiterate?
acting like a little but-hurt Hindu

you just look stupid.

Did you go to school?

@The Eagle @waz a little clean up required here I think. Thanks.
Perhaps spare a thought for Coptic Christian churches being bombed in Egypt

When did I not? All Egyptians support the Coptics but I believe Indians are lynchings Muslims for putting meat in their mouth.

Show me where I made up stuff about history?

Are you illiterate?

Again please stop being rude and making personal comments.

Where was the personal comments in the thing you are quoting?

Ethiopia has first right over its OWN water before Egypt.

Wow! You really don't read the news do you? Google it.

You brought it up therefore you have to provide the proof not me. Did you go to school?

Can you stop spamming by the way?
Kindly maintain civility and continue your discussion with manners while being respectful to each other. In-case of disagreement, we still have an option as agree to disagree and move-on.

No personal attacks/posts violating the rules.

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