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Will Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam dry the Nile in Egypt?

Logically a Eyptian/Sudanese offensive should happen before any dam is constructed otherwise , if done after the DAM is constructed they would be flooding their own cities and people by such strike

I think for Ethopia the better option instead is a cannal network to create an artificial lake by channeling % of water without hording up all the water

So I heard the military buildup has started in Somalia ;)

Similarly the South Sudan water channels will have to be taken back sorry but can't horde all the water channels, can't just steal water channels and make a new make believe country (complete randomness)
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Because according to you countries should not spend extra money on their people instead spend it on others who need it.
I'm saying the governments should provide a safety net, shelter, food, water, education(college/research), energy, healthcare and infrastructure(& public trans.) AKA A Welfare State, something that the US kinda sucks at. All things extra (games, Bugatti, mansion etc.) cost money or reduced and largely independent of government.

Basically, a welfare / capitalist government.
Is smoking weed more important than providing shelters and food to the homeless people in the US?
Americans care about others' problems but they never discuss the ones they face even in the presidential debates.
This news was published at 22 March 2014 by BBC. Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia signed agreement on the dam construction at 29 December 2015. What's the point arguing over this old news?
Dude I honestly understand that since you're a pan-African and you feel the need to make the dam look "good" and be friends with Egypt but seriously it is not good for Egypt or Egyptians at all.

You seem to not want the dam to be good for Egypt, and rather it becomes a bad thing for your country...I don't understand this mindset, unless you are craving for war.

Both country's have signed agreements as the user above has said, and if Egypt's water supply is not affected, the dam is staying where it is. We are a landlocked country and not exactly known for flooding, rather the opposite.

Similarly the South Sudan water channels will have to be taken back sorry but can't horde all the water channels, can't just steal water channels and make a new make believe country (complete randomness)
They can do whatever they want, they're not even building dams:-).

This thread is over 3 years old.

Anyway welcome to the forum. We once had an Ethiopian Muslim brother @ebray but he went MIA unfortunately. A great user. I miss his contributions and his deep historical knowledge about Horn of Africa and Arabia. We need more Horners and members from Sub-Saharan Africa in general, I believe.

Just out of pure curiosity (and also my weakness for Habesha women, lol) may I ask if you are a "Habeshi"?


Also give me some inside knowledge so I don't have to rely on videos like this below:


Just kidding.

Amharic and Arabic (Sudanese)


This thread is over 3 years old.

Anyway welcome to the forum. We once had an Ethiopian Muslim brother @ebray but he went MIA unfortunately. A great user. I miss his contributions and his deep historical knowledge about Horn of Africa and Arabia. We need more Horners and members from Sub-Saharan Africa in general, I believe.

Just out of pure curiosity (and also my weakness for Habesha women, lol) may I ask if you are a "Habeshi"?


Also give me some inside knowledge so I don't have to rely on videos like this below:


Just kidding.

Amharic and Arabic (Sudanese)

I thought this was the best one to reply to, instead of making a new one:-). And yes I am.

I believe @Saho is another member from the Horn, from Eritrea.
I thought this was the best one to reply to, instead of making a new one:-). And yes I am.

I believe @Saho is another member from the Horn, from Eritrea.

Welcome once again.:cheers:

I hope to visit the Southern Semitic-speaking Amharic heartlands located in the beautiful highlands of Ethiopia.

Yes, he is. We also once had another Eritrean user called @Belew_Kelew but he is also sadly MIA.
Welcome once again.:cheers:

I hope to visit the Southern Semitic-speaking Amharic heartlands located in the beautiful highlands of Ethiopia.

Yes, he is. We also once had another Eritrean user called @Belew_Kelew but he is also sadly MIA.

Beautiful place worth visiting!
Beautiful place worth visiting!

Definitely. I am yet to visit the Horn of Africa but the photos that I have seen of the Ethiopian highlands remind me a lot of the mountainous regions of Arabia in particular Southern Arabia. They are of similar height too although those in Ethiopia are a bit taller.

Also it is worth noticing that 3 of the 7 highest elevated capital cities in the world are located in Yemen (Sana'a,), Eritrea (Asmara) and Ethiopia (Addis Ababa). All 3 cities have some of the most pleasant climate in the world.


Similarly there are quite a few cities in KSA, Yemen, Eritrea and Ethiopia that are located 2500-3500 meters above sea level. Some of the highest elevated cities in the world outside of South America and the Himalayas.
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You seem to not want the dam to be good for Egypt, and rather it becomes a bad thing for your country

On the contrary I wish it was good for my country. But water sources are precious and even the closest of friends will turn to enemies over it especially in times like these with climate change.

Nothing personal of course

dam is staying where it is.

Sure it will;):enjoy:

Kemet won't strike the most it will do is declare a proxy war

How does greater Somalia sound like? :lol: @Somali-Turk
Definitely. I am yet to visit the Horn of Africa but the photos that I have seen of the Ethiopian highlands remind me a lot of the mountainous regions of Arabia in particular Southern Arabia. They are of similar height too although those in Ethiopia are a bit taller.

Also it is worth noticing that 3 of the 7 highest elevated capital cities in the world are located in Yemen (Sana'a,), Eritrea (Asmara) and Ethiopia (Addis Ababa). All 3 cities have some of the most pleasant climate in the world.

Similarly there are quite a few cities in KSA, Yemen, Eritrea and Ethiopia that are located 2500-3500 meters above sea level. Some of the highest elevated cities in the world outside of South America and the Himalayas.

Yeah they are quite similar to the mountainous Yemen.
This is my favourite photo:

130 miles north of the start of the Blue Nile

On the contrary I wish it was good for my country. But water sources are precious and even the closest of friends will turn to enemies over it especially in times like these with climate change.

Nothing personal of course

Sure it will;):enjoy:

How does greater Somalia sound like? :lol: @Somali-Turk
So far it does not seem to be a problem with Egypt. We should have the right to utilise what we have too:-).
Hopefully this dam will not impact Sudan and Egypt negatively. In a ideal world it should benefit Ethiopia without hurting the remaining countries who share the Nile as well.

As for water resources, I also believe that wars will be fought over this vital resource. Especially in landlocked countries that do not have access to seas which makes desalination plants an impossible task. In this regard Arabia, being the largest peninsula in the world, and all its countries are lucky. As is every single Arab country as all Arab countries have access to oceans/seas/gulfs. In fact which Arab country (including all Arab League member states) has NOT access to a ocean/sea/gulf?

Yemen, KSA, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Comoros, Djibouti and Somalia all have.

Quite amazing when you think about it. Never thought about this before, lol.

Running desalination plants will also become much cheaper in the future when technology improves further.

Ethiopia being a landlocked country (with a big and quickly growing population) after the independence of Eritrea, is heavily dependent on the Nile. Even more so than countries such as Egypt and Sudan although the latter two are more arid. Long-term that is.

Yeah they are quite similar to the mountainous Yemen.
This is my favourite photo:

130 miles north of the start of the Blue Nile

So far it does not seem to be a problem with Egypt. We should have the right to utilise what we have too:-).

I could not see the photo until I quoted your photo. It is still not displaying. Beautiful photo. Reminds me very much of the mountainous regions of Southern Arabia in particular and the valleys there.
I could not see the photo until I quoted your photo. It is still not displaying. Beautiful photo. Reminds me very much of the mountainous regions of Southern Arabia in particular and the valleys there.
Google "Simien Mountains, Ethiopia & one of the best placed park benches in the world" and it should be the first link:-).
Like the valleys in Yemen with South Western Oman's greenery
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