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Will Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam dry the Nile in Egypt?

@Sky lord

So instead of answering my questions you are instead taking my comments out of context... Is that the tactic you are using now to avoid answering my refutations :lol: Absolutely hilarious.

If you have nothing else to add other then that then why are you attempting to debate?:tsk:

@The Eagle can you just ban me since this is what this Indian wants so much?
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one cannot build a dam that radically changes the access to water for a hundred million people without accommodating the geopolitical forces on the ground.

I figure the entitlement to water for those Egyptians, Sudanese and somalis living on the nile's banks will eventually be measured and apportioned by the strengths of national arms. alas, such is the fate of the beautiful but tortured and abused continent.
The Nile has two sources. Lake Victoria in Uganda is by far the bigger source. Lake tana in Ethiopia is only a secondary source. So whatever reduction of water in the Nile will be marginal at worst. Egypt cannot dictate to Ethiopians what they do with their own resources.

@EgyptianAmerican - Ethiopia is a poor country and prone to famines when the rains fail, why should it hold up its development for you? Instead of threats why not work out a water sharing agreement with Ethiopia?

Lake Tana is the secondary source but it provides most of the flow of water. 84/85% of the flow of the Nile comes from the rivers of Ethiopia, hence why the treaty the British made is a load of BS.

??? No one is going to fight for some idiots in the horn of Africa.

You have an unhealthy superiority complex. It's getting built at the end of the day and when it doesn't cause any effect, I'll see your response :).
There is a solution * Canal Congo River Nile *

Is a big project idea and does not just need some effort and a few million and not billions and some incentives for the Republic of the Congo.

The idea of the project will change the face of Egypt forever canal up the Congo River, a tributary of the Nile in Sudan and the river, especially in light of the special relations between Egypt and the Congo River and the Congo's second largest river in the world in terms of the flow of water after the Amazon River, where the river sheds more than a thousand billion meters landfill of water in the Atlantic Ocean so that fresh water extends to 30 kilometres into the ocean this is on top of the presence of waterfalls to generate electricity that can generate enough electricity for the entire continent of Africa and Congo has asked help from Egypt, but there is a weak response and so we need national leadership to seek In this way and there will be a certain positive response from Congo, and when this Canal is made Egypt and Sudan could obtain huge amounts of water as needed, and the possibility of control, This will help to get rid of the problem of Ethiopia and without compromising Egypt's share of the Nile..

Congo River:

The Congo River, formerly known as the Zaire River ... is a magical place and has been likened to the Garden of Eden ...
Congo River Basin includes several countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Guinea and part of the Republic of the Genya..
It is a great river in terms of its size and complexity and the large presence of channels ... which is home to many fish species ... and creates an ecosystem which is very rich in biological diversity ...

Where frequent moving currents and deadly whirlpools makes it difficult to navigate..

Which sets it apart from other rivers is the lack of a delta ... but flowing water pours into a deep trench and extends far into the Atlantic Ocean ...
It starts from the meadows spread from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia and ends in the Atlantic Ocean ...
With a length of 4,700 km, and has a huge power to push water to the sea, where it pays about 41700 tons of water in the second.


For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, warned of the increasing Israeli presence in Africa, particularly in the Nile Basin countries, in the absence of the Egyptian role in the region for many years. He pointed to Israel funding 240 development projects in Ethiopia in the fields of «Agriculture , Industry, transport, and technical and military training ».


Rwanda- Mohamed El-Ghali


President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hilamariam Dasalin stressed the importance of building on the positive spirit and mutual trust that has prevailed since reaching an agreement on the Declaration of Principles signed in Khartoum. During their meeting on the sidelines of the African summit in Kigali on Monday, the two sides expressed their aspiration to start studies on the renaissance soon to reach consensus on the rules of filling and operating within the framework of the parties' full commitment to As stipulated in the Declaration of Principles, guaranteeing Egypt's water interests and right to life, as well as Ethiopia's developmental endeavors. In this regard, the Ethiopian Prime Minister stressed that the dam must be beneficial to all parties and should not be a source of conflict.

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Then explain why you refer to Horners as 'idiots'

Horners? I said who cares about people in Ethiopia with a *potentially* threatening situation. I don't care about potentially.

Once again taking my comment out of context.

why our livelihood is less important?

You guys were doing just fine without the dam so whats the problem now? We have always needed the Nile in it's entirety.

You and your ethopian friends who are completely blind the current situation.

"The Blue Nile supplies approximately 60% of the water that reaches the Nile, the main water source for Eygpt’s 85 million people. Egypt is extremely water-poor: it has only 20 cubic meters per person of internal renewable freshwater resources, compared to 1,258 m³ per person in Ethiopia and 8,836 m³ per person in the US."

Egypt suffers from chronic water scarcity today and is predicted to experience absolute scarcity by 2025.


he study by Sameh Kantoush, a professor at Japan's Kyoto University who specializes in dams and water resources, warns of the potential for a number of bleak scenarios involving environmental deterioration that would affect not only the downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan, but Ethiopia as well. Indeed, repercussions would also reach the Mediterranean Sea.

The dam, as currently designed, would affect the quality of Egypt’s drinking water and potable water stations, as well as the Egyptian-Sudanese water reserves in Lake Nasser.

“Within 10 years, the course of the Nile River toward Egypt and Sudan at the lower part of the Renaissance Dam will be reduced by more than 5 meters [about 16 feet]. The dam will [intensify] the erosion of the river course, threatening to affect [Egypt’s] Mediterranean coast, potentially totally submerging the Delta areas.”

He pointed out that the impacts could lead to faster displacement of 4 million Egyptians living in coastal cities, since the Mediterranean Sea level is currently rising 1 to 2 centimeters (0.4-0.8 inches) per year, while the Delta areas in Egypt are sliding 1 to 3 mm (0.04-0.12 inches) per year and are expected to further recede as the Nile water levels drop.

For his part, Alaa Yassin, adviser to Egypt’s minister of irrigation for dams and the Nile Basin, told Al-Monitor that Egypt consumes its entire Nile water quota of 55.5 billion cubic meters (14.7 trillion gallons) and reuses agricultural drainage water more than once — and still has an annual water deficit of up to 11 billion cubic meters.


I have had it up to here with you idiots who think this is ok.
Horners? I said who cares about people in Ethiopia with a *potentially* threatening situation. I don't care about potentially.

Once again taking my comment out of context.

You guys were doing just fine without the dam so whats the problem now? We have always needed the Nile in it's entirety.

You and your ethopian friends who are completely blind the current situation.

he study by , a professor at Japan's Kyoto University who specializes in dams and water resources, warns of the potential for a number of bleak scenarios involving environmental deterioration that would affect not only the downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan, but Ethiopia as well. Indeed, repercussions would also reach the Mediterranean Sea.

The dam, as currently designed,

He pointed out that the impacts could lead to faster displacement of 4 million Egyptians living in coastal cities, since the Mediterranean Sea level is currently rising 1 to 2 centimeters (0.4-0.8 inches) per year, while the Delta areas in Egypt are sliding 1 to 3 mm (0.04-0.12 inches) per year and are expected to further recede as the Nile water levels drop.

For his part, Alaa Yassin, adviser to Egypt’s minister of irrigation for dams and the Nile Basin, told Al-Monitor that Egypt consumes its entire Nile water quota of 55.5 billion cubic meters (14.7 trillion gallons) and reuses agricultural drainage water more than once — and still has an annual water deficit of up to 11 billion cubic meters.

I have had it up to here with you idiots who think this is ok.

You referred to them and myself now as 'idiots'.

'We were doing just fine without the dam', of course, because we are known for being on parr with the USA and having the same HDI as the Scandinavian countries, lol.

Ignoring all that, what I don't understand is why you are still going on and on as if you are 100% sure it will affect Egypt. Our government has said it won't and will try make it benefit Egypt. The statements you provided are just from your behalf.

We can build a dam on the Blue Nile without harming you guys, the Blue Nile isn't just there piece of decoration in Ethiopia lol. You are unnecessarily being paranoid.
You referred to them and myself now as 'idiots'.

If you actually believe in the bull your government spews then yes.

Ignoring all that, what I don't understand is why you are still going on and on as if you are 100% sure it will affect Egypt. Our government has said it won't and will try make it benefit Egypt. The statements you provided are just from your behalf.

??? Did you even read my sources?

We can build a dam on the Blue Nile without harming you guys


Check my sites again and stop pretending to be ignorant.


“Our President told the Egyptians that we are ready to stand with them against any threat from Ethiopia, the region or even beyond, we cannot compromise on such issues of close relations” Said Peter Garang Malual an Advisor at the ministry of Irrigation.

According to various media sources South Sudan and Egypt agreed to take several measure against Ethiopia if it does not recognize Egypt rights to access full Nile Waters, the action would include indirect support to Ethiopian armed opposition, opening a rebel training base inside South Sudan and covert support to cause popular uprisings and instability as a means to sabotage the building of the Renaissance Dam.

Garang Malual said the blame for any regional instability would be put squarely on the Ethiopian government.

“Any blame will have to be put on them…… ‘Ethiopian’, they need to admit their mistakes, they are the ones who start this misunderstandings due to lack of consultations by their government, they did not get the permission” A smiling Malual concluded.

If you actually believe in the bull your government spews then yes.

??? Did you even read my sources?


Check my sites again and stop pretending to be ignorant.


“Our President told the Egyptians that we are ready to stand with them against any threat from Ethiopia, the region or even beyond, we cannot compromise on such issues of close relations” Said Peter Garang Malual an Advisor at the ministry of Irrigation.

According to various media sources South Sudan and Egypt agreed to take several measure against Ethiopia if it does not recognize Egypt rights to access full Nile Waters, the action would include indirect support to Ethiopian armed opposition, opening a rebel training base inside South Sudan and covert support to cause popular uprisings and instability as a means to sabotage the building of the Renaissance Dam.
Okay then, we are the idiots for building this dam lol.

This was the time Ethiopia and South Sudanese diplomacy apparently fell and they sent a warning to us, 1 week later we discovered nothing was going on between the 2 country's lol.

Until the dam is finished, articles like 'CONTROVERSIAL DAM _______' will keep on coming, no facts, just to get viewers, I'm sure you know how journalism works.

Can you answer this, will you be unsatisfied if the dam doesn't affect Egypt?
This was the time Ethiopia and South Sudanese diplomacy apparently fell and they sent a warning to us, 1 week later we discovered nothing was going on between the 2 country's lol.

Until the dam is finished, articles like 'CONTROVERSIAL DAM _______' will keep on coming, no facts, just to get viewers, I'm sure you know how journalism works.

Can you answer this, will you be unsatisfied if the dam doesn't affect Egypt?

So ignoring the facts... OK

If you refuse to accept the truth then I will leave it at here. I don't deal with people who cover their ears instead of accepting facts.
So ignoring the facts... OK

If you refuse to accept the truth then I will leave it at here. I don't deal with people who cover their ears instead of accepting facts.

Listen, we will see how 'bad' this dam is once it's completed. As I said a few pages back, you definitely do sound like you want it to be bad for Egypto_O.....

The dam can do a lot of good.
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@EgyptianAmerican This is what I mean by fake news, it's literally a play-on on another article:woot: I can't post links btw so I have to copy and paste..
Sudan and Ethiopia on alert for Egyptian military strike
Sudanese and Ethiopian forces operating on the border between the two countries are in place to prepare for any offensive that Egypt might launch against Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam on the River Nile, intelligence and security sources in Khartoum have revealed to MEMO.

The two armies have been alerted that the Egyptian air force now has the capability to strike the dam at a distance of up to 1,500 kilometres, following the purchase of 24 Rafale fighter jets from France. The Ethiopians have deployed long-range missiles around the dam as a precautionary measure and Sudan’s forces have been placed on standby.

The Renaissance Dam is being built to fulfil Ethiopia’s energy needs; it is on the Nile in the Benishagul Gumuz region. The project is opposed by Egypt, which believes that it will affect the flow of the great river and cause water shortages. The scheme is set to be the eighth largest dam in the world and has caused a major diplomatic row between the Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. After initial objections, Sudan supports the building of the reservoir behind the dam.

Relations between Egypt and Ethiopia hit a low point in 2013 when Egyptian politicians inadvertently discussed sabotaging the dam in a live broadcast on state-owned television. A declaration of principles signed by the governments in Cairo, Khartoum and Addis Ababa has not helped to ease the tension. It is unclear whether the agreement will actually have any significant impact on the situation.

Reports published last week by Sudanese newspapers quoted members of an Eritrean opposition group who suggested that Egypt has made a secret deal to open a new naval base on Nora Island in the Red Sea off the coast of Eritrea, Ethiopia’s northern neighbour. The move has angered Addis Ababa, even though Egyptian military sources have denied any such plan.
@Saho and @wedi

Can you guys tell me something about the Rashaida in Eritrea and Ethiopia (are there any left there?)?

They have lived in the Horn of Africa for quite a while and some have obviously intermarried with locals but how integrated are they? Do they still reside near the coast?

I met a stunningly beautiful Rashaida girl from Eritrea in London last summer. She was studying medicine and I could speak in Hijazi Arabic (dialect) with her without problem and she understood everything and I understood her. We never had to switch to fus7a.
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Ethiopia should go on with this project, it's in their interests and within their country.
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