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Saudi Arabia accuses Ethiopia of posing threats to Sudan & Egypt

Ethiopia has no proven reserve of oil or minerals and it is ranked in last for countries with potential oil reserves.

The War is Africa is the reason Africa is rich in Oil-Gold-Dimonds Apart from other minerals. You should read the latest development proven Oil reserves have been found. Why do you think French and NATO went into Mali. Just google list of African Nations and you will get African lands being under French-UK occupation, what is there that is of interest to west.

Lets look at it till the last drop of oil is left the oil hungry nations would do anything to get their hands on it. It don't matter if they have Oil reserves for 10 Years, 10 Years is a alot.
I have known many syrians in New York and none of them are asking these questions quite frankly. What they are asking however is why does Iranian mullas consider Syria to be the 35th province of Iran? For what? "So that the thrones of these so called shia priests can remain safe??" like you mentioned. Why kill and murder Sunnies in places like Houla on Mass and drive out millions from their homes for what so your imaginable shia empire can be extended from sea(gulf) to sea(med)?

This what they are asking me. I don't know which Syrians you have been talking to but this what I am hearing.

Matter of fact our Masjid which was doing a clothing drive last year for Syrian refugees, the local people who came to our masjid showed us videos of refugees all whom were driven out by assad forces. When interviewed they clearly indicated unequivocally that Iran and their allies in the region have made them refugees. Which will no doubt hurt your superficial ranting of questions which does not fit in to the scenerio your are trying to posture.

You must be mingling with hizb tahrir type trolls otherwise no sane minded Syrian has an iota of sympahy for allah ho akbar chanting FSA terrorist, even though they do not approve of Assad either and only wish he would fall as soon as possible even if that comes at the hands of FSA but to hand over the country future to FSA is unacceptable. Therefore, expect to see Syrian Civil War 2.0 once Bashar is defeated!
Or perhaps something more strategic like fertile lands and fresh water reserves which can turn around Ethopian lives from relative poverty to a good standard due to rising demand of food security.

A lot of Saudi and GCC companies were involved in building commercial farms in Ethiopia at land-grab rates but then the Govt took notice and suddenly much strict regulations have come into force as well as hike in land prices.

Ethiopia has no proven reserve of oil or minerals and it is ranked in last for countries with potential oil reserves.

Oil exploration company Tullow Oil Plc (LON: TLW) discovered crude minerals along the Kenyan and Ethiopian borders along the Tertiary rift. There could be as much as 23 billion barrels of oil concentrated underneath two basins.Oil exploration company Tullow Oil Plc (LON: TLW) discovered crude minerals along the Kenyan and Ethiopian borders along the Tertiary rift.

Tullow was under a fair amount of pressure to discover more oil after a disappointing trading performance in January and a failure to find oil off the coast of French Guiana last year.

Tullow’s partners include Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO) and Africa Oil Corp. (TSX-V: AOI), and the oil find has been part of a vast project that covers Ethiopia and Kenya.

There could be as much as 23 billion barrels of oil concentrated underneath two basins, extending from southern Ethiopia to southwestern Kenya. This does not include two other unexplored basins.

You may be wondering why this is such big news, since oil in Africa is nothing new. Well, this is the first discovery where commercial production is truly possible.

Source: Energy & Capital
Oil exploration company Tullow Oil Plc (LON: TLW) discovered crude minerals along the Kenyan and Ethiopian borders along the Tertiary rift. There could be as much as 23 billion barrels of oil concentrated underneath two basins.Oil exploration company Tullow Oil Plc (LON: TLW) discovered crude minerals along the Kenyan and Ethiopian borders along the Tertiary rift.

Tullow was under a fair amount of pressure to discover more oil after a disappointing trading performance in January and a failure to find oil off the coast of French Guiana last year.

Tullow’s partners include Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO) and Africa Oil Corp. (TSX-V: AOI), and the oil find has been part of a vast project that covers Ethiopia and Kenya.

There could be as much as 23 billion barrels of oil concentrated underneath two basins, extending from southern Ethiopia to southwestern Kenya. This does not include two other unexplored basins.

You may be wondering why this is such big news, since oil in Africa is nothing new. Well, this is the first discovery where commercial production is truly possible.

Source: Energy & Capital

23 Billion barrels is not a commercially viable quantity it would hardly fullfill Ethiopia's own domestic demands!
Its time to dehyphen religion and arabia and shove both into some dark cave. This isnt 7th century anymore.!

Its the time to kick your ilk from Arabia pack up go back home or you can go to Ethiopia there you can preach Secularism Rafdiasim/Shiasim/Khoamisim/hinduism... etc certainly not In Arabia.

@topic KSA will not allow that little zionist tool to control over Egypt and Sudan. Such matter must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties. The accusation came from the deputy minister of defense Prince Khalid enough and strong message to whomever behind Ethiopia pushing Egypt and Sudan in a corner considering their circumstances and the difficulties both facing as we speak. Souther Sudan and Ethiopia should behave or will get taught how to.
This project does have something to do with high levels of investment by KSA in Sudan. I remember back when India were planning a dam in Kashmir it did have an adverse effect on Pakistan during the flood season. Same way Turkey probably will go ahead with their planned dam in southern turkey which will most likely effect the marshes in Iraq.

It's really a tragedy that such overseas non native individuals can be allowed to stay in a guest nation which happens to be according this individual the center of "Waahaabi sunnies" and show such obvious hate for them in all matters big or small. Yet they talk about unity and exterminating extremism. I don't know how more extreme can you get that, you reap the benefits of your enemy in their own country while call for their deaths on the internet and support extremist govts like syria and iran who openly kill them. What a world we live in.

If only we had more Leaders in our present time like Omar bin Al-Kattab(May Allah be pleased with him).
no sane minded Syrian has an iota of sympahy for allah ho akbar chanting FSA terrorist, even though they do not approve of Assad either and only wish he would fall as soon as possible even if that comes at the hands of FSA

I really wish you don't type before you think because knowledge comes before speaking in this case typing, which is the case in Islam atleast. So no Syrian has "sympahy" for FSA, but they would like Assad to fall even at the hands of FSA. Wouldn't this allow some sort of "sympahy" atleast on part of Syrians for FSA. Let's not be this extreme in our attitude.

Unless you think Syrian people would like both Assad rapists and FSA to finish themselves off and then allow a whole new army from the blue clouds to come for a New Syria.
Unless you think Syrian people would like both Assad rapists and FSA to finish themselves off and then allow a whole new army from the blue clouds to come for a New Syria.

you talk about Assad rapists but interestingly we here of Fatwas from some esteemed sheiks from the country you knew which that its allowed for mercenaries in FSA (Foreign Sharia Army) and Al-Qaeda tugs to rape Syrian girls to increase their morals and vent out some tension .
"topic KSA will not allow that little zionist tool to control over Egypt and Sudan. Such matter must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties. The accusation came from the deputyminister of defense[/U] Prince Khalid enough and strong message to whomever behind Ethiopia pushing Egypt and Sudan in a corner considering their circumstances and the difficulties both facing as we speak. Souther Sudan and Ethiopia should behave or will get taught how to"

whos gonna teach us?.....i hope you dont think the saudi army can challange us..... u couldnt even defend your self from sadam in the 90s america had to save your *** with all your modern weapons.. the saudi arabian army is an expensive joke.
"topic KSA will not allow that little zionist tool to control over Egypt and Sudan. Such matter must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties. The accusation came from the deputyminister of defense[/U] Prince Khalid enough and strong message to whomever behind Ethiopia pushing Egypt and Sudan in a corner considering their circumstances and the difficulties both facing as we speak. Souther Sudan and Ethiopia should behave or will get taught how to"

whos gonna teach us?.....i hope you dont think the saudi army can challange us..... u couldnt even defend your self from sadam in the 90s america had to save your *** with all your modern weapons.. the saudi arabian army is an expensive joke.

Sorry, I couldn't hold myself. KSA army nowadays is too different my friend, their air force is the fourth strongest in the world right now. You are talking about a war that happened 23 years ago with Iraqi army which was the fifth strongest at the time. However, I am not aware of the issue in details to discuss it with you but hope Ethiopia reaches an agreement with Egypt and Sudan.
you talk about Assad rapists but interestingly we here of Fatwas from some esteemed sheiks from the country you knew which that its allowed for mercenaries in FSA (Foreign Sharia Army) and Al-Qaeda tugs to rape Syrian girls to increase their morals and vent out some tension .

We also "here" of PressTV winning international awards in best Actors and Actresses and Play writing. Literally. Such thinking of raping girls to increase moral and steam out tension can only stem from individuals who partake in it already on a daily bases through religious ritual obligations like Mut'3a and on other high holy days in their religion.

As for this high ranking shaykh who goes by the name Muhammad Al-Arifi (who actually is not high ranking at all, he is only popular out side of Saudi Arabia). He has already denied this report. This is already on the Internet and by the way also on his Tweeter account and Facebook.:cheesy: If only you could read arabic.

" Sheikh Al-Arifi has issued a denial via his Facebook page. Over the next few days, the various websites and media outlets that spread the story will no doubt issue their retractions. But the story also raises many questions. For starters, where did it come from? AlterNet inadvertently picked it up from the overtly anti-Islamic Clarion Fund site. Others pointed to the Iranian regime backed Press TV as the primary source on December 31 2012. But the earliest English language reporting comes on December 29 from an obscure YouTube news site called Eretz Zen, tagged as a YouTube channel by a “secular Syrian opposed to having [his] country turned into a Taliban-like state.”"
"topic KSA will not allow that little zionist tool to control over Egypt and Sudan. Such matter must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties. The accusation came from the deputyminister of defense[/U] Prince Khalid enough and strong message to whomever behind Ethiopia pushing Egypt and Sudan in a corner considering their circumstances and the difficulties both facing as we speak. Souther Sudan and Ethiopia should behave or will get taught how to"

whos gonna teach us?.....i hope you dont think the saudi army can challange us..... u couldnt even defend your self from sadam in the 90s america had to save your *** with all your modern weapons.. the saudi arabian army is an expensive joke.

KSA will mop the floor back and fourth with your backward nation takes you even way back to early stone ages far away from the one you live in right now. You should realize that the announcement was made by DM of defense a message with a sharp edges economically,politically and militarily. You heard the man. Who is Ethiopia a failed state and corrupted army! it was assigned lately to be another Zion arm in the region along with south Sudan to further weaken Egypt and Sudan!

Do you really call that an army? 120k personnel with 200 million defense budget and soviet junks!
Its the time to kick your ilk from Arabia pack up go back home or you can go to Ethiopia there you can preach Secularism Rafdiasim/Shiasim/Khoamisim/hinduism... etc certainly not In Arabia.

KSA is embarking on an impressive political reform drive which is intended to limit influence of pan-islamism and pan-arabism on state politics. They are now geared toward adapting a sane headed European style approach to national politics and build strong regional alliance among GCC countries. So I am sure there is little extra place in the cave for your esteemed highness as well!

@topic KSA will not allow that little zionist tool to control over Egypt and Sudan. Such matter must be discussed and agreed upon by all parties. The accusation came from the deputy minister of defense Prince Khalid enough and strong message to whomever behind Ethiopia pushing Egypt and Sudan in a corner considering their circumstances and the difficulties both facing as we speak. Souther Sudan and Ethiopia should behave or will get taught how to.

FOA, KSA has invested heavily in Ethiopian agri sector to ensure its own food security therefore considerable amount of Saudi and GCC investment is at stake if any action against Ethiopia is to ensue and not to mention this agriculture investment drive is a motivational factor behind the dam.

Saudi Billionaire to Invest $3.4 Billion in Ethiopia Over Next Five Years - Bloomberg

Saudi Billionaire to Invest $600 Million in Ethiopia Cooking Oil - Businessweek

Saudi investors to put $100 mln into Ethiopia farm | Reuters

Saudi-Ethiopian trade climbs to SR 849 m | ArabNews

Secondly, KSA provided full support to peaceful settlement of South Sudan dispute and extended full diplomatic recognition to South Sudan. The root of Sudan vs South Sudan conflict lies in the same state level identity crisis we see affecting a number if Islamic countries.

KSA will mop the floor back and fourth with your backward nation takes you even way back to early stone ages far away from the one you live in right now. You should realize that the announcement was made by DM of defense a message with a sharp edges economically,politically and militarily. You heard the man. Who is Ethiopia a failed state and corrupted army! it was assigned lately to be another Zion arm in the region along with south Sudan to further weaken Egypt and Sudan!

Do you really call that an army? 120k personnel with 200 million defense budget and soviet junks!

Easy dude, no place for such imperialist and expansionist attitudes in modern world!

Last time Omar al Bashir tried to mop the floor with some poor backward Africans and ended up losing the most vital resource rich region of his country!

The personal strength of Ethiopian Army is 400,000 Personals and it is considered a battle hardened army having taken parts in many conflicts at home and abroad.

Now seriously - what does Egypt and Sudan has got to offer? One is ruled by forefathers of Al Quaida and the second has just lost the most significant resource rich part of his country and has a bounty on his head for war crimes!!!

Now on topic about the dam!

Cost and financing

The Ethiopian government has stated that it intends to fund the entire cost of the dam by itself. It has issued a bond targeted at Ethiopians in the country and abroad to that end.[6] The turbines and associated electrical equipment of the hydropower plants costing about US$1.8 billion are reportedly financed by Chinese banks. This would leave US$3 billion to be financed by the Ethiopian government through other means.[13] The estimated US$4.8 billion construction cost, apparently excluding the cost of power transmission lines, corresponds to more than 15% of Ethiopia’s Gross Domestic Product of US$31 billion in 2009.

The Chinese will not be happy about anyone meddling in their business.

Impact on Sudan and Egypt
The precise impact of the dam on the downstream countries is not known. Egypt and Sudan fear a temporary reduction of water availability due to the filling of the dam and a permanent reduction because of evaporation from the reservoir. The reservoir volume is about equivalent to the annual flow of the Nile at the Sudanese-Egyptian border (65.5 billion cubic meter). This loss to downstream countries would most likely be spread over several years.

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan are in the process of establishing an International Panel of Experts to review and assess the study reports of the Ethiopian Great Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile. The panel will consist of 10 members; 6 from the three countries and 4 international in the fields of Water Resources and Hydrologic modelling, Dam Engineering, Socioeconomic, and Environmental. The dam would retain silt. It would thus increase the useful lifetime of dams in Sudan – such as the Roseires Dam, the Sennar Dam and the Merowe Dam – and of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The beneficial and harmful effects of flood control would affect the Sudanese portion of the Blue Nile, just as it would affect the Ethiopian part of the Blue Nile valley downstream of the dam.[21] Nevertheless, Sudan and Egypt have serious concerns about the project; Egypt has requested that it be allowed to inspect the design and the studies of the dam, in order to allay its fears, but Ethiopia has denied the request unless Egypt relinquishes its veto on water allocation.[22]

There is no international treaty for the sharing of the waters of the Blue Nile between Ethiopia on the one hand and Sudan and Egypt on the other hand. A 1959 Nile treaty between Egypt and Sudan does not include Ethiopia. A Nile treaty signed by the upper riparian states in 2010, the Cooperative Framework Agreement, has not been signed by either Egypt or Sudan.[23] The Nile Basin Initiative provides a framework for dialogue among all Nile riparian countries.

And now some News:

Ethiopia outraged over Saudi official

Sorry, I couldn't hold myself. KSA army nowadays is too different my friend, their air force is the fourth strongest in the world right now. You are talking about a war that happened 23 years ago with Iraqi army which was the fifth strongest at the time. However, I am not aware of the issue in details to discuss it with you but hope Ethiopia reaches an agreement with Egypt and Sudan.

Three elements make for a successful air force.

1. Quality
2. Quantity
3 Battle experience.

The Saudi have the first two but almost next to nothing when it comes to real air-2-air combat experience. Same was true about Saddam and same was true about Arabs when they all ganged up on Israel and got spanked until red. Its all about the man in the machine not the quality and quantity of weapons and ammo on the ground!
:raise:Al Waleed Bin Talal is a Saudi Arabian business tycoon :omghaha: and investor. He is a member of the Saudi royal family.:astagh:

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire | October 10, 2002 | Copyright
(From InfoProd)
According to Al-Watan newspaper (October 9, 2002), the Chairman of the Board of the Saudi Kingdom Holding Company, Emir Al-Waleed Bin Talal, said that he is considering investing in Ethiopia. The Emir Bin Talal added that he is considering investing in the Ethiopian tourism sector through participating in a local hotel developing project. Bin Talal will shortly send his hotel advisors to Ethiopia for that purpose.
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