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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

While you have many great idea for India, we would love for you to start the charity at home.

Frankly, we think India is far more tolerant than almost any Islamic country. We may not be perfect but then we are not meant to be.

So appreciate you to try and improve conditions at home and other Islamic countries like Saudi. May be make them first start giving religious freedom and security to other Islamic sects and slowly increase it to non Muslims over a few centuries.

At this point, the credibility quotient is a bit less, even if the intentions were pure (which again is a big question). ;)

The problem I see is that Indian members have done this exact same thing when it comes to any Muslim country.
Any topic about a Muslim countries internal affair is crawling with Indians eager to peddle their unwanted opinions.
Like you said, Charity starts at home. If Indian members keep their unwanted opinions to themselves on threats about our internal affairs, we can do the same with yours.
The beef festival should be a national affair in India, it will help desensitize people to something as ridiculous as getting offended over some other person eating something.

Yeah lol I would like to see Pork fest organized in Pakistan:angel: You don't go around desensitizing people about pork, why desensitize about Beef?

Imagine if pork is included in the Hostel menu. Then you ll see the violence and outrage, this is still nothing compared to that. I personally eat anything and everything but if the majority doesn't want to eat Beef then people need to respect that.

There is absolutely no need for such shock treatment, people can survive without eating beef, its not a necessity.
There is absolutely no need for such shock treatment, people can survive without eating beef, its not a necessity.

It's just attention whoring mate. Osmania is famous for such stuff.

And right or wrong, all these idiots manage to do is to increase the right wing with their stupid antics.
A couple of thoughts for your consideration.

It might be worthwhile to concentrate on our own sensitisation, and leave Pakistanis to worry about their own. If we are sensitised, it improves our country. That is all that we need.

Does it not sound strange to say to someone, "I refuse to work hard and get rich, because I don't see you doing that"?

Yeah lol I would like to see Pork fest organized in Pakistan:angel: You don't go around desensitizing people about pork, why desensitize about Beef?

Imagine if pork is included in the Hostel menu. Then you ll see the violence and outrage, this is still nothing compared to that. I personally eat anything and everything but if the majority doesn't want to eat Beef then people need to respect that.

There is absolutely no need for such shock treatment, people can survive without eating beef, its not a necessity.
A couple of thoughts for your consideration.

It might be worthwhile to concentrate on our own sensitisation, and leave Pakistanis to worry about their own. If we are sensitised, it improves our country. That is all that we need.

Does it not sound strange to say to someone, "I refuse to work hard and get rich, because I don't see you doing that"?

I would just like to know the benefits of making beef readily available in India. And any such need for "desensitization". What exactly would that achieve?
The problem I see is that Indian members have done this exact same thing when it comes to any Muslim country.
Any topic about a Muslim countries internal affair is crawling with Indians eager to peddle their unwanted opinions.
Like you said, Charity starts at home. If Indian members keep their unwanted opinions to themselves on threats about our internal affairs, we can do the same with yours.

Broadly I agree with you.

I think we should understand the fine line between what is an "internal affair" and when it ceases to "internal".

E.g. % of Sindhis in Pak army is an internal affair. I don't care for it.

Restriction on pork or alcohol in an Islamic country (or any country) is internal. I won't worry about it.

The presence of Hafeez Saeed openly running terror camps and perpetrating 26/11 type atrocities ceases to be internal. So does hosting international terrorists like OBL in a military academy town.

Just some examples....
I would just like to know the benefits of making beef readily available in India. And any such need for "desensitization". What exactly would that achieve?

To remind ourselves that the Congress' disastrous formulation of all Indians possessing one identity has convulsed the country again and again.

To remind ourselves that it was only in 1961 that the Dravidians gave up their previous fissiparous inclinations.

To remind ourselves that we neglected the Sikh identity issue, until we had to wade through rivers of blood to set things right.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their distinct identity and drove the Nagas and the Mizos and the Kukis to arms, and have just managed to bring things under some degree of control. Trouble continues; my batch-mate, Col. J. S. Sandhu, former CO of the Bihar Regiment, was murdered by Karbi Anglong thugs in February this year.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their identity by the tribals of the forests of Central India, and drove them to the same state of armed rebellion as dupes of the Maoists.

To remind ourselves that the biggest identity group of all to remain dissatisfied, the group whose leader was betrayed and brought to submission by moral blackmail is now the elephant in the room. To ponder over the situation that the longer bringing them to parity with everyone else takes, the more trouble lies ahead for us.

These are some of the reasons I think sensitisation is needed. That you even had to ask shows how grave the situation is.
These are some of the reasons I think sensitisation is needed. That you even had to ask shows how grave the situation is.

Fair point, but I still don't understand how does making beef readily available is going to help?

Is eating beef necessary to be a True Muslim or a True Christian? Its not. When Hindus can be mindful of sensitivities of other religious groups in India, is it too much to expect the same back from them?

Do you see Muslims or others demanding for beef? No they don't, they can still get it if they want and they know where to get it from. Is there still a need to rub it in the face of people who are against it, by making it publicly available? Would you also support including pork in the hostel menu?

The Indian society is not ready yet for such openness, if it was you wouldn't be seeing these protests and violence. There is no point artificially imposing these ideas on the society when the current system is working just fine. You allow cow slaughter and next thing you know there will be d***heads slaughtering cows in front of temples and what not just to incite the other group and stir the pot. They day our society can get rid of such elements then we can go ahead with such plans, but not before that.

Does this stance make me a right wing fanatic?

I see myself as a "secular Hindu" and not a secular "non religious person". I think majority of Indians are like that. Mutual respect for each others religion is the key, being a Secular Hindu, Secular Muslim and Secular Christian is the key, you do your own religious thing and be mindful that you are not offending other groups. Thats my idea of a Secular India and thats what Indian society needs to perfect.

Becoming a non religious society won't work in our case, specially when its just the Hindus who are expected to become non religious with such "desensitization".
This is a nonsensical example to say the least, from what i understand, unlike the likes of Satanic Verses in Pakistan, Beef is not exactly forbidden in India. People are allowed to consume Beef but at their own risk....it's like saying, you can have my car, but i am not giving it to you. Bottom line is, you are not only being hypocrite to your own society but foolishly suggesting on to the others as well.

India tells West to stop eating beef - Telegraph

Beef is pretty much forbidden in India.It is called sasta meat and people eat it because it is cheap.

I would just like to know the benefits of making beef readily available in India. And any such need for "desensitization". What exactly would that achieve?

what does beef has that mutton doesn't have and when it is much easier to keep goats than beef?
To remind ourselves that the Congress' disastrous formulation of all Indians possessing one identity has convulsed the country again and again.

To remind ourselves that it was only in 1961 that the Dravidians gave up their previous fissiparous inclinations.

To remind ourselves that we neglected the Sikh identity issue, until we had to wade through rivers of blood to set things right.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their distinct identity and drove the Nagas and the Mizos and the Kukis to arms, and have just managed to bring things under some degree of control. Trouble continues; my batch-mate, Col. J. S. Sandhu, former CO of the Bihar Regiment, was murdered by Karbi Anglong thugs in February this year.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their identity by the tribals of the forests of Central India, and drove them to the same state of armed rebellion as dupes of the Maoists.

To remind ourselves that the biggest identity group of all to remain dissatisfied, the group whose leader was betrayed and brought to submission by moral blackmail is now the elephant in the room. To ponder over the situation that the longer bringing them to parity with everyone else takes, the more trouble lies ahead for us.

These are some of the reasons I think sensitisation is needed. That you even had to ask shows how grave the situation is.

Good points, but the question is will all these points be solved, or were solved by selling beef ?

I still dont understand how beef and its availability has got to do with the above mentioned issues.

Also since you quoted the Sikh identity issue and the Tamil issue - both having to do with not respecting their sentiments - how does trying to antaganize the religious sentiments of largest religion in India help in any of the issues ? If not doesn't it drive a wedge between them and the communities that "assume" eating beef is an integral part of their religious expression ?

Please note that for desensitization to happen this is not some lota issue practised by few people, but a cherished sentiment of tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people practised over the centuries. Some things are better left untouched and maintaining the status-quo rather than stirring the nest and getting stung.

Live and let live should be the motto. If that sounds too idealistic then, "you scratch my back, I will,yours" should be the motto atleast regarding each group respecting other's sentiments.

Becoming a non religious society won't work in our case, specially when its just the Hindus who are expected to become non religious with such "desensitization".

You hit the nail on the head.

And for every one such antic by these attention seekers, one "secular" hindu moves into the right wing fold. True story.
To remind ourselves that the Congress' disastrous formulation of all Indians possessing one identity has convulsed the country again and again.

To remind ourselves that it was only in 1961 that the Dravidians gave up their previous fissiparous inclinations.

To remind ourselves that we neglected the Sikh identity issue, until we had to wade through rivers of blood to set things right.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their distinct identity and drove the Nagas and the Mizos and the Kukis to arms, and have just managed to bring things under some degree of control. Trouble continues; my batch-mate, Col. J. S. Sandhu, former CO of the Bihar Regiment, was murdered by Karbi Anglong thugs in February this year.

To remind ourselves that we ignored the demand for recognition of their identity by the tribals of the forests of Central India, and drove them to the same state of armed rebellion as dupes of the Maoists.

To remind ourselves that the biggest identity group of all to remain dissatisfied, the group whose leader was betrayed and brought to submission by moral blackmail is now the elephant in the room. To ponder over the situation that the longer bringing them to parity with everyone else takes, the more trouble lies ahead for us.

These are some of the reasons I think sensitisation is needed. That you even had to ask shows how grave the situation is.

Dravidians or people referred to as such, voted out the same glorious cultural revolution party within no time.

They kept voting for the congress regardless of what the DMk spoke and they won only because of a Rice shortage and resultant inflation.

Joe Shearer

You the archetypical naive pseudo secular who believes the media and its blatant lies and the fundamental notion behind such cultural imperialism.In fact you are the easy target that feel into the west's lap for achieving their objectives in the Hind.

it is so obvious from your wikipedia information and you miss the real facts,which obviously you dont know.

You dont who has the money,power.you dont know who controls the power,whose agenda is what and why? you just believe the mind numbing news in the channels and you pass it off as your own knowledge.

Knowledge can take you only so far and without wisdom you achieve nothing.
De sensitizing is required of everyone. Tamilians need to speak hindi, hindus should chill out on beef and muslims should sing vande mataram. This will automatically lead to less clashes.

I don't have a problem hindus taking the lead, but I can't fault someone who says expect the same sacrifice from everyone. Sure its good for India but India is not a Hindu country and hence ALL should compromise for India.
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