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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

I can only smile at the futility of frustrated casteists harking back to their wonder years. Those years are gone for ever, never ever to return. It is remarkable how long the effects of your rice shortage and resultant inflation have lasted, but naturally, to you, this must remain a transient phenomenon. Since 98% of the Tamils think differently, it may be a long nightmare for you and others in the agraharam.

Your use of the catch phrase pseudo secular gives away your affiliation to the faction of religious bigots, while it serves you poorly in describing me: I have already explained in my reply to Roybot why we need to guard against the Congress, so your usual smear tactics of calling people opposed to your gangsters Congress supporters is quite inadequate. Presumably the reference to the media and its blatant lies is a reference to that excellent Iyengar Brahmin paper, The Hindu; why am I not surprised at your hysterical attitude towards it? It must hurt that the newspaper enjoys such credibility, when it has written so sharply against the exploitation of the Dalit. I do not trust other papers very much, but I do trust The Hindu. It is more honest, less repulsively retarded than the Organiser. I would also be delighted if you descend from the clouds and explain what part of my post has been taken from Wikipedia, a source that I have warned against again and again, and if you could also explain what the portentously named 'real facts' are, that I don't know. Do let us all enjoy more of your overflowing scholarship, rather than confine yourself to incoherent abuse.

What is your reference to cultural imperialism about, by the way? Did you just like the ring to those words, or did you have anything more tangible in mind? Your cryptic reference raises more questions than it answers.

You also need to explain what lies behind your other references to the West's lap, and its objectives in Hind (the country is not q bicycle, by the way, and it is better called India or Bharat, unless you are planning to rename it when you come to power). Talking of which, it is possible that I do not know about money power, and who has it, and who controls it, whose agenda is what, and why. The question is, do you know? And if so, do you have the courage to put it on record, or do you realize what a gale of laughter will result?

Finally, I do listen to the news, but it is usually leavened by the information that I have from my own friends and acquaintances; that is for current affairs, while I rely on formally recognized scholastic sources for my knowledge in depth. You state that knowledge without wisdom is futile; in response, you may like to consider that ideas without knowledge or wisdom are just prejudices.

Dravidians or people referred to as such, voted out the same glorious cultural revolution party within no time.

They kept voting for the congress regardless of what the DMk spoke and they won only because of a Rice shortage and resultant inflation.

Joe Shearer

You the archetypical naive pseudo secular who believes the media and its blatant lies and the fundamental notion behind such cultural imperialism.In fact you are the easy target that feel into the west's lap for achieving their objectives in the Hind.

it is so obvious from your wikipedia information and you miss the real facts,which obviously you dont know.

You dont who has the money,power.you dont know who controls the power,whose agenda is what and why? you just believe the mind numbing news in the channels and you pass it off as your own knowledge.

Knowledge can take you only so far and without wisdom you achieve nothing.
For the rest, these grandmother's tales are worth nothing. Recount historical facts with some substance and backing, and I, and everyone else, will listen with full attention.

Facts historical or otherwise helps those who are open minded, balanced and don't suffer from preconieved notions running on sigular track.

Talking of historical facts,I don't have to go any further than my own state of Odhisha where our most precious temples , Puri Jagannath temples,Korank temple , Lingaraj Temple and numerous other temples suffered unrelenting assult from muslim invaders bend on destroying hindu temples and the Jagannath culture of Odisha. Our Jagannath culture still survives and flourishes because of the sacrifies and great courage shown our people in the face of grave threat and torture.

Here is story of Kala Pahad , the barbaric invader which is known to every kid of Odisha.

Kala Pahad : A General of Bengal Governor Suleiman Kirrani, named Kalachand Roy or Kala Pahad fell in love with the daughter of kirrani and got married on the condition that he converted to Islam. But repentance came who wanted to come back to Hinduism. For this he came to Puri to convert himself again to Hinduism-but the orthodox pandas of Puri Jagannath temple refused him to accept as Hindu . In tune with the dictates of this new faith, he now believed that idol worship was a heathen activity, and went about destroying all Hindu idols in the region and embraced the new faith with the passion of the convert.

He invaded Orissa in 1568 and marched up to Puri. Kaala Pahaad wanted to burn the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra, and in one of his attacks on the temple at Puri he did succeed in wrenching the idols from the temple. He threw the idols unceremoniously on the street and kicked them around a bit before carting them all the way to the banks of Hooghly and set fire to them. However, the ’brahmapinda’ or the core saligram stone (considered a sacred stone that is alive) had been removed from the idols beforehand by the priests who had anticipated the attack and had been hidden at Sonpur. When the priests of Lingaraj temple at Bhubaneswar apprehended his attack they filled the sanctum sanctorum with husk. Kala Pahad tried his best to take it out, but in the end set fire to the dump. After he left, the priests put the fire out, but by then the sivalingam had cracked and been disfigured.

Konark temple he broke most of the images in most of the Hindu temples in Orissa. Though it was impossible to break the Sun temple of Konark, the stone walls of which are of 20 to 25 feet thick he somehow managed to displace the Dadhinauti (Arch stone) and thus made a way for the temple to collapse. He also broke most of the images and other side temples of Konark. Due to displacement of the Dadhinauti, the temple gradually collapsed and the roof of the Mukasala also got damage due to the stroke of the stones falling down from the temple top.

Orissa came under the Muslim administration in 1568 and there were constant attempts to destroy the Hindu temples. The Pandas of Puri, to save the sanctity of the Puri temple, took away the Lord Jagannath from the Srimandir and kept the image in a secret place. Similarly, it is said that the Pandas of Konark took away the presiding deity of the Sun temple out of the temple and put under sand for some years. Latter on the said image was removed to Puri and kept in the temple of Indra in the compound of the Puri Jagannath temple. According to others, the Puja image of the Konark temple is yet to be discovered. But others hold the view that the Sun image now kept in the National Museum, Delhi was the presiding deity of the Konark Sun temple]

Your reference to my age, knowledge and experience is self-serving. Have you ever been swayed by reason and logic, and the application of such knowledge as I have? If not, using it to try and put me on a pedestal, and silence me, tells its own tale. Don't bother. Leave the crocodile tears for a more deserving beneficiary.

See your very insidious gibe toward that new member who may not be aware of your strong views was plain vulgar and wrong.

Mine was a polite request that considering the level of maturity and seniority you should refrain from it in future. And if don't like politeness next time you may miss it.

Yes,I'm usually not swayed by the "reason and logic, and knowledge " contained in the verbose posts of yours , simply because i don't agree with them as i feel they lack clarity of thought , are superficial and mere presentation of a show off rude man.
De sensitizing is required of everyone. Tamilians need to speak hindi, hindus should chill out on beef and muslims should sing vande mataram. This will automatically lead to less clashes.

I don't have a problem hindus taking the lead, but I can't fault someone who says expect the same sacrifice from everyone. Sure its good for India but India is not a Hindu country and hence ALL should compromise for India.

India is a Hindu country.
India is not a complete Hindu country but a secular one having Hindu as a majority. Complete Hindu country is Nepal

Dude,it is about majority people,our culture and our faiths.

It doesn't mean othe rfaiths dont/cant live in our country.

America is a christian country,even though they may say otherwise.Thats how it is and not other way around.Thats why others have to adjust for them,unlike India where the majority ahs to bend for the minority.

Says who? The "Constitution of Subramanian"???

common sense,

i find it so funny that we have heroes here talking about constitution when it is one book which is abused the most and every rule bent and bruised to the whims and fancies of the powerful.

I still see brave tears for the book.

well i am signing off guys,

i guess the process is complete now.Instead of making the right choice we have folks here telling us world is flat level theories.

i would be glad when you all think of my name when your fancy little marxist world breaks apart.
The beef festival should be a national affair in India, it will help desensitize people to something as ridiculous as getting offended over some other person eating something.
probably we should have an annual cartoon festival in pakistan so that children are desensitised over something as ridiculous as mslims killing others for drawing religous cartoons .. eh?
i am neutral to the beef being a vegetarian. but your post is ridiculing peoples beliefs. if you dont mind others ridiculing yours then be my gues.. and taling about being an a-hole you guys have time and again excercised that right.
Facts historical or otherwise helps those who are open minded, balanced and don't suffer from preconieved notions running on sigular track.

With your statement, we have achieved symmetry of views of a sort; we each believe that there is no point in quoting facts to the other, given the absence of an open-minded and balanced attitude. Good. Let us congratulate each other and be done with it.

Answers to the other issues raised by you and your presentation of facts follow.
Dude,it is about majority people,our culture and our faiths.

It doesn't mean othe rfaiths dont/cant live in our country.

America is a christian country,even though they may say otherwise.Thats how it is and not other way around.Thats why others have to adjust for them,unlike India where the majority ahs to bend for the minority.

Let me clear you dude here, if we are talking about religion. Our constitutional law does not interfere in religious laws. They will have check with whether the person belong to a particular minority is a culprit or not.
For example: Multiple marriage is against the Hindu law but not like that in Muslim one.
Another one, people from Sikh religion are allowed to have knife with them but others not.

I think you got my point. This is what known as Secularism.
De sensitizing is required of everyone. Tamilians need to speak hindi, hindus should chill out on beef and muslims should sing vande mataram. This will automatically lead to less clashes.

I don't have a problem hindus taking the lead, but I can't fault someone who says expect the same sacrifice from everyone. Sure its good for India but India is not a Hindu country and hence ALL should compromise for India.

Who on earth said you Muslims don't sing Vande Mataram ??
Dude,it is about majority people,our culture and our faiths.

It doesn't mean othe rfaiths dont/cant live in our country.

America is a christian country,even though they may say otherwise.Thats how it is and not other way around.Thats why others have to adjust for them,unlike India where the majority ahs to bend for the minority.

common sense,

i find it so funny that we have heroes here talking about constitution when it is one book which is abused the most and every rule bent and bruised to the whims and fancies of the powerful.

I still see brave tears for the book.

No, junior. Its not about the majority or minority. Its simply about the Law as stated. The Law cannot bend to either the majority or minority.

About bending for anybody, that is a fact of life when people have to live with each other, though your connotation of "bending for" is different and I know that too.

But otherwise, even your parents had to bend for each other to run a family. Just as you are bending for your boss to keep a job or bending for your wife (if you have one) just to keep some domestic peace.

So save your "political interpretation" of "bending for" anyone for yourself. When (rather If) the Constituional Framework in India changes, your argument will get a leg to stand on.

Till then...........................
No, junior. Its not about the majority or minority. Its simply about the Law as stated. The Law cannot bend to either the majority or minority.

About bending for anybody, that is a fact of life when people have to live with each other, though your connotation of "bending for" is different and I know that too.

But otherwise, even your parents had to bend for each other to run a family. Just as you are bending for your boss to keep a job or bending for your wife (if you have one) just to keep some domestic peace.

So save your "political interpretation" of "bending for" anyone for yourself. When (rather If) the Constituional Framework in India changes, your argument will get a leg to stand on.

Till then...........................

I am not talking about all that,i dont know how old you are but i am talking about the constitution bending for the politicians,who amend and abuse as they wish.

I am talking about an idealistic book which achieves zero in reality.

I know very well about co existence but co existence already has an equilibrium.If you trying to upset it and stretch,then you are etaing into the other persons space and that's why they got attacked.

I dont know if you know about the concept of Kabzaa and what you do when you have had a Kabzaa done on you?

If you did,then you have understood my post.

The law does bend and if you are denying,it find it funny to see all you armchair idealists feeling good about their own intellect.
And stop making this thread as a Muslims vs Hindu thread ..

This festival was organized by dalits and not by Muslims
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