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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

India is not a Hindu country .

Just a e.g. Turkey is a secular country with Muslim majority .. Pakistan is an Islamic country ..
Both countries are Muslim majority

If religion and governance is mixed all we get is underdevelopment , failed state

i dont understand,in which part of india under which empire did the religion when mixed with state caused underdevelopment?

why are Turkey and Pakistan relevant here?
OK chill guys.. as usual dufer hind and stupd mslims fighting over something a xtian has done.

This osmania univ has served beef for a loong time. now why this problem ? ask me... Jagan reddy (a xtian) congressman in sonias camp wants to create a rift in the telangana issue. in telengana there is a large mslim population and also a large hindu population. create a rift like this will weaken the telengana fight.. simple..

brits did it 200 yrs ago, their pillas are doing today. and we fools keep fighting.. thooo... just go home and work man
hermit the topic is here India & its draconian laws to ban beef, hurting millions of protien intake of minorities, lets stick to it if you really want to debate, if you really wish to wonder from the topic i can very well debate from my back side u know. pig which is avatar of vishnu ?

Beef isn't banned in India .
I have seen many restaurants especially 5 star hotels serving meat in Maharashtra .

I had eaten beef for the first and the last time in Kerala .
So even that state doesn't ban beef .

Can U people give a source which says Beef is banned in whole of India ..
There might be a ban on some states like alcohol is banned only in Gujarat
portraying any image of our Prophet PBUH is haram. It's forbidden, so any attempt to make or publish such things would be plain STUPID.

it isn't haram to be around people eating pork; it isn't haram to be in the presence of pork.....any observant Muslim who is secure and has strong faith would not care or resort to physical attacks on people if the earlier hypothetical (about pork being served @ Osmania college/uni)

you can't juxtapose the cartoons thing to this incident.....that's absurd thing to do

just like eating a cow is not harm for you publishing cartoons is not haram for me.
I am not talking about all that,i dont know how old you are but i am talking about the constitution bending for the politicians,who amend and abuse as they wish.

I am old enough to have seen enough summers (and winters and conflicts) on Planet Earth. Now going on, the laws have been changed but the essence of the Constitution has not changed. Have the part regarding the Fundamental Rights changed?
Otherwise change is inevitable, however favorably or unfavorably we may view it. Just as Society evolves its views on what it considers acceptable or not has changed over generations and laws reflect those changes. E.G.- the legal view on the IPC clause re homosexuality. When that was codified, the society of that time (British Victorian) mandated that law, is it the very same Society now that must now submit to that Law? So that part of Law is getting re-looked at, but is there any relevant part of the Constitution that is being re-scrutinised for this reason?

I am talking about an idealistic book which achieves zero in reality.

That may be your view. But that very "Idealistic Book" which has created the basic ethos on which the REPUBLIC OF INDIA is functioning. May be you have still not noticed it. But I am sure of it. Actually in a very indistinct and distantly related way that has contributed to my stature, not just in India but the various parts of the world that I have lived and worked in. So I do take that seriously.

I know very well about co existence but co existence already has an equilibrium.If you trying to upset it and stretch,then you are etaing into the other persons space and that's why they got attacked.

May be you do know about "co-existence", but only going by some of your utterances here; I am unconvinced that you have understood what that means.

I dont know if you know about the concept of Kabzaa and what you do when you have had a Kabzaa done on you?

If you did,then you have understood my post.

No. Never had any Kabzaa done on me, or on my thoughts, or on my beliefs or on my values of life.
The only Kabzaa that happenned to me was on my affections (many years ago)............but that would'nt count.

The law does bend and if you are denying,it find it funny to see all you armchair idealists feeling good about their own intellect.

You are free to believe in whatever you choose to and I will use all my intellect to defend your freedom; whether 'sitting in an armchair or standing tall'. :)
portraying any image of our Prophet PBUH is haram. It's forbidden, so any attempt to make or publish such things would be plain STUPID.

it isn't haram to be around people eating pork; it isn't haram to be in the presence of pork.....any observant Muslim who is secure and has strong faith would not care or resort to physical attacks on people if the earlier hypothetical (about pork being served @ Osmania college/uni)

you can't juxtapose the cartoons thing to this incident.....that's absurd thing to do

Its haram for you. Not for anyone else.

Others may go and sketch whoever they like. They would probably make a sketch when they read this. ;)

In India you kill Humans for the sake of Cows...end of.

You mean they become "wajib-ul-qatl"?

And killing them is actually considered an act of piety?

I don't know. I know of only one ideology where just being born in a particular sect can lead you to be "wajib-ul-qatl"!
India is a Hindu country.

India is not a Hindu country.We are a secular country where majority of people are Hindu.I prefer it that way lest tomorrow a nutjob asks me to live like people in his imaginary utopia lived.

India is not a complete Hindu country but a secular one having Hindu as a majority. Complete Hindu country is Nepal

Nepal is also not a Hindu country either.It changed it's status in 2006.

Let me clear you dude here, if we are talking about religion. Our constitutional law does not interfere in religious laws. They will have check with whether the person belong to a particular minority is a culprit or not.
For example: Multiple marriage is against the Hindu law but not like that in Muslim one.
Another one, people from Sikh religion are allowed to have knife with them but others not.

I think you got my point. This is what known as Secularism.

Multiple marriages were allowed but not appreciated in Hindu traditions.They were outlawed in Hindu personal laws which were drafted by parliament in 1950's.Rajendra prashad who was a orthodox Hindu threatened to veto that law.

what does beef has that mutton doesn't have and when it is much easier to keep goats than beef?

(If Knowledge is what you need)
Mutton require more resources per capita than beef and globally mutton is consumed only where it is not possible to raise cattle.Also goats and sheep (Source of mutton) are more destructive to pastures as the consume grasses at their root.

This is the reason why majority sheep are kept in semi desert areas of Australian while cows in corn belt of USA.

If you are viewing the issue from religious angle than you should go vegetarian as both beef and mutton involves death of animals.

The beef festival should be a national affair in India, it will help desensitize people to something as ridiculous as getting offended over some other person eating something.

There are two dimensions to this issue.Should beef be allowed to be eaten in Indian?

Well it is allowed.A lot of people on this thread only have vouched for that.More including me know people who eats beef and do so openly.All of them agreeing that dietary preference is a personal issue and no-one has right to ban it.

The second issue is this festival?
I am for one not in favour of these kind of festivals being organised.What was the goal of these organisers?

This festival was organised by some students in osmania (Probably the most political university of India).I would have had no problems if such an festival would have been organised for cultural or even food tasting.But this festival was organised with the sole purpose of flaimbaiting and probably at the behest of some party to gain political goals.

Being an a$$hole is a right for everyone but there is a thin line between being an a$$hole and being criminal obstructionist.I am okay with slaughtering of cows but as Roybot has pointed out in another post,what if some nutjobs start doing it in front of some temple.Indians are not mature enough.

Would you like quran to be used as toilet paper?
People would be within their right of being an a$$hole if they do that.
naah,nobody eats beef,simple as that.

I know an Indian Punjabi Hindu (note not Sikh) exclusively eats Beef when hes with us, since its not made for him at home. He has tried all the expensive steakhouses in Dubai

I seriously doubt that nobody eats beef in India.
you are good at being verbose dude,i hope you are trying to confuse,otherwise it is just sad.

No. I am not as good at words that I would like to be, since I've neither been a Politician or a Priest ever in my life, just a kind of laborer. I am certainly not trying to confuse you, only you can do that to yourself.
Last of all I wish no sadness to any body; least of all to myself. That is the reason that I do try to see things as they are.
The second issue is this festival?
I am for one not in favour of these kind of festivals being organised.What was the goal of these organisers?

Why couldn't the goal be to say "In your face you bigots, I live in a free country and you can't do anything about it!"

That is a noble cause, I would say worth getting stabbed over.
I know an Indian Punjabi Hindu (note not Sikh) exclusively eats Beef when hes with us, since its not made for him at home. He has tried all the expensive steakhouses in Dubai

I seriously doubt that nobody eats beef in India.

If that were true, then India would be less a huge part of its population, as if those people do not exist. Don't believe such fiction. This is a real world with all kinds of people; good and bad, functional and dysfunctional.
I can only smile at the futility of frustrated casteists harking back to their wonder years.


I am not interested in what issues you have with him but i have noticed an anti upper caste edge in a lot of your comments.

It is true that a lot of dalits face discrimination even today but also true is the fact that they also gain a lot from affirmative actions.I have lived my whole life in a city and only discrimination i have seen is a reverse one.One get glimpses of hardship dalits face only if someone ventures into villages or small towns.

It has been 4-5 generations since institutionalised discriminations against dalits have ended and i for myself don't feel guilty of what my forefathers may have done.

It is a good time that people stop blaming upper castes for every evil afflicted upon dalits.They are more than empowered today to make a good life for themselves.
Why couldn't the goal be to say "In your face you bigots, I live in a free country and you can't do anything about it!"

That is a noble cause, I would say worth getting stabbed over.

Of course there are all kinds of "noble causes". Some to get stabbed over and some to get blown up over, with thousands of options in between. People are welcome to take their pick.
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