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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

There is a running around in circles here as something is allowed here, but not there, allowed in this context but not another.

Answer this

Beef is banned in some part of India?

Beef slaughter is banned in some parts of India?

Beef eating is taboo of in some parts of India?

Beef eating publicly is frowned upon in some parts of India?

Beef eating is physically disallowed in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Beef eating done solely to make a political point will be met by violence in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Wherever the answer is Yes, there is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.

No, its not a serious problem.

We have enough bigger problems to deal with.
a lot of Indians are vegetarians but large majority of those who are not are eat anything people.

And after 36 pages you still need to be told that beef eating is not alien to India.

Infact thats not true,

Few India people r strict veggies,most people eat chicken n mutton n very few eat beef n pork.

I meant that they are not partial towards beef.

you are answering a moronical question now,is it?
and you are the king of mindless verbosity,like most of your pals in JNU and Media.

Oh, and would you be able to elaborate?

It is interesting to know whom you consider to be hostile, btw. Not surprisingly, academicians and those who draw attention to the bigoted and backward head the list.
There is a running around in circles here as something is allowed here, but not there, allowed in this context but not another.

Answer this

Beef is banned in some part of India?

Beef slaughter is banned in some parts of India?

Beef eating is taboo of in some parts of India?

Beef eating publicly is frowned upon in some parts of India?

Beef eating is physically disallowed in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Beef eating done solely to make a political point will be met by violence in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Wherever the answer is Yes, there is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.

serious problem?

are you serious? seriously?

i would like to see your priorities list.
No, its not a serious problem.

We have enough bigger problems to deal with.

That is a cop out man, and a lame duck reply. If you are a god fearing man like me, you would be worried about what you would be answerable for. A person got stabbed - wrongfully. Your reply gives the impression that India agrees with that stabbing.
That is a cop out man, and a lame duck reply. If you are a god fearing man like me, you would be worried about what you would be answerable for. A person got stabbed - wrongfully. Your reply gives the impression that India agrees with that stabbing.

I love the divine. I don't fear it.

And I meant what I said. This is a minor issue and not worth the time.

There are bigger issues like improving health, education, poverty eradication, crime etc.

This doesn't even figure in the list of priorities.
There is a running around in circles here as something is allowed here, but not there, allowed in this context but not another.

Answer this

Beef is banned in some part of India?

Beef slaughter is banned in some parts of India?

Beef eating is taboo of in some parts of India?

Beef eating publicly is frowned upon in some parts of India?

Beef eating is physically disallowed in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

India has 35 states and union territories and a person of one state usually does not have detail knowledge of laws of another state.Usually you will have a variety of opinions.

Cow slaughter is banned in a lot of states but there is no ban on consumption of beef if most of the states.Beef eating is a taboo among orthodox Hindus and NO,you are not physically disallowed from eating beef by religious nutjobs most of the times.

But then the operative word in your post is "Some" and "some" needs an exhaustive argument be refuted.

Beef eating done solely to make a political point will be met by violence in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Well beef eating could be done for making political point and it is not met by violence by religious nutjobs as it is widely prevalent.

The trouble arises when some one deliberately try to instigate violence by throwing dead carcass of Cows in temples or that of pig in mosque.I remember an instance where muslims in bijnor had rioted fot 7 days after a pig carcass was found near a mosque during id.Also recently riots started in gorakhpur after someone found that that pages from quran were used as plates to serve samosas.

Even if one is supporter of beef eating,i don't know by which logic of jurisprudence should people who instigate riots with the full knowledge of the result of their actions be spared.Such people lie outside the ambit of even the most liberal interpretations of free speech.

Regarding this particular event.

This event took place in Osmania university which is centre of protest for creation of separate state of telengana because of which congress is haemorrhaging support in AP.This event was organised with the goal of dividing the ranks of Telengana movement.
Oh, and would you be able to elaborate?

It is interesting to know whom you consider to be hostile, btw. Not surprisingly, academicians and those who draw attention to the bigoted and backward head the list.

I personally feel the JNU,Most academics,anthropology researchers,Palaeontologists,Media, Indologists are heavily funded/tricked into feeling ashamed their own culture and are fed a false notion of their history and cultural values and essentially the last siege to finish common sense paganism off the face of India.

I have certain proof of this and i know people who have gone to USA,done research and the problems that comes when you try and defend ones own religious,philosophical thoughts.

The biggest example is how when Dharmic religions had a conflict they never used violence and rather debate to resolve their differences.

And secondly i find the contributions of Abrahamic religions which came with heavy violence,no ideas to be minimalistic and negative to the sub continent's people.

I feel they are further hell bent on using all kinds of methods to undermine dharmic faiths and trust me i have done my time rebelling,arguing,countering my parents and i have come a full circle.I have seen futility of this logic and reasoning debate,intuitve realisations go far and wide.

Now,i would rather make the right choice under force rather than screw myself of my own free will (which is obviously influenced by media and my circle).

I feel most idealistic notions serve no purpsoe in life as equality of x y z ll always be a dream and instead of feeding people bullshit we should rather give them a realistic picture.

The Ghazis tried to convert us by force and the Mlechchas tried it by propoganda.

We are just pawns in their number games and more and more excuses we find to justify our poor choices,the worse it gets.

Is the freedom of Indians not important in Hindu Majority regions?

No,not important.

it is not like people are making others starve,they are just asking them not eat one specific thing.

Honestly if there is demand,things ll automatically happen.

No need for statements.
Instead of running around in circles, the Indians first need to determine as to what's the law of the land in regards to eating Beef, the above two statements are in total contradiction, and every one in India seems to have their own version, assertion, belief and banter in this regard. Any wonder such diversity of legalities and moralities being shown here.

there is no law of the land,it is all local laws.

In Tamil Nadu,u wont get Beef in most parts whereas u might get it in a Muslim/christian locality.

Most TN hindus don't eat beef and thus,even restaurants owned by non Hindus wont serve beef.

it is the opposite in Kerala.

Like that many local things and preferences decide the availability.

But getting it is not easy in general.

My personal view,

U ll know it by now,no beef in India.Cow is our mother and gives milk and i dont knw anyone who ll kill their own mother and eat it.
For your digressing, all i would say is, unlike the juicy Beef steaks, i highly doubt there is any demand for that. !!
And who told you that?
Have you ever tasted German Pork Schnitzel?It's better than a steak of beef.

@Topic.It's stupid to fight for food.
Anyways beef or pork is all the same for me as I am an atheist.
The multi cultural and the multi religious Indian society is quite different from the multi cultural/religious societies that we see in western country. Which is why we shouldn't try and emulate the experiments in multiculturalism of the western democracies in the Indian context.

No one is an outsider(immingrant) in India. Hindu, Muslims Sikhs, Christians all are Indians and have lived together for centuries side by side, in the same villages, as neighbors. Here the majority doesn't need to go out of the way to make the minority feel at home, cause it is there home too! We know about each others sensitivities and we try and respect it as much as we can.

If people still want to consume beef they should feel free to consume it in the confines of their home or at a restaurant, but to expect it to be included in the hostel menu is pushing it a bit too much.
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