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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Beef isn't banned in India .
I have seen many restaurants especially 5 star hotels serving meat in Maharashtra .

I had eaten beef for the first and the last time in Kerala .
So even that state doesn't ban beef .

Can U people give a source which says Beef is banned in whole of India ..
There might be a ban on some states like alcohol is banned only in Gujarat


1.Do you mean to say 5 star hotels in mumbai serve beef ? Which one i'd like to know since i also work in Mumbai. I certainly hope its not the Taj or Rennaissance powai.

2. Cow slaugher/Beef is NOT banned all over India but only in northern states - J & K (since days of Dogra Maharaja's rule), H.P., Punjab,Haryana, Rajasthan, M.P., Gujarat and possibly Orissa.The Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Bill, 2010, is awaiting the Governor’s assent. The scope of the ban differs from state to state.

○ Tamil Nadu bans cow slaughter but not the consumption of beef.

○ In Punjab and Haryana, cow slaughter is a criminal offence. The sale of beef is banned but consumption is not penalised.

○ Maharashtra bans the killing of cows but bullocks, female buffaloes and calves can be killed on getting a fit-for-slaughter certificate.

○ West Bengal’s Animal Slaughter Control Act bans the slaughter of healthy cows with offences carrying jail terms of up to six months. There is no ban on the consumption of beef or slaughter if carried out in government or municipal slaughterhouses after a certificate from a veterinarian. The act exempts slaughter for religious purposes. The Supreme Court has said however that such exclusions are illegal.

○ Kerala, with a vast beef eating population, does not have a ban. Beef is sold at meat shops. None of the northeastern states has a ban on cow slaughter and beef is consumed widely.

3. Liquor is also officially banned in most NE states - Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal, Manipur at least. People in those parts will readily give their right hand for a bottle of liquor from the only source in those parts - army/paramilitary wet canteen.
Why couldn't the goal be to say "In your face you bigots, I live in a free country and you can't do anything about it!"

That is a noble cause, I would say worth getting stabbed over.

What noble cause does it serve?

If it is getting right for people to eat beef than it is futile as people already have it.The issues mostly in all states is slaughtering of cows.

The only goal of this festival was to make a religious statement.And probably serve design of congress to divide telengana movement which is centred around Osmania university.


Would you support Quran burning or use af Quran as toilet paper?Both these act are religious statements and have been done by people for that purpose only.
Of course there are all kinds of "noble causes". Some to get stabbed over and some to get blown up over, with thousands of options in between. People are welcome to take their pick.

People often compared this situation with the Satanic verses ban in Pakistan (it is also banned in India I believe).

In Pakistan we have fighters for everything, they even get killed for it but we continue to fight.

Blasphemy laws? I still openly condemn them despite seeing two major figures being killed for doing the same.
Hudood Ordinancce, Equal rights to minorities, Freedom of press, criticism to the military chiefs, criticism to the government, the intelligence. We stop at nothing and we get killed for it too.

Indians seem like they are super self conscious about putting up a harmonious image that they won't take up such noble causes even the easy ones like beef.
I know an Indian Punjabi Hindu (note not Sikh) exclusively eats Beef when hes with us, since its not made for him at home. He has tried all the expensive steakhouses in Dubai

I seriously doubt that nobody eats beef in India.

a lot of Indians are vegetarians but large majority of those who are not are eat anything people.

And after 36 pages you still need to be told that beef eating is not alien to India.
Beef is pretty much forbidden in India.It is called sasta meat and people eat it because it is cheap.

There is no problem of eating beef in india , i have it on every alternate days in fact there is a Huge chain of halal beef shops rightly located at the center of market in my town. only thing is that u cannot slaughter a cow in front of public for that we have halal slaughtering centers here or any other isolated location .

Instead of running around in circles, the Indians first need to determine as to what's the law of the land in regards to eating Beef, the above two statements are in total contradiction, and every one in India seems to have their own version, assertion, belief and banter in this regard. Any wonder such diversity of legalities and moralities being shown here.
Beef is not banned all over India. Infact, in my region, beef is pretty popular. It is upto the state governments to ban beef.
Instead of running around in circles, the Indians first need to determine as to what's the law of the land in regards to eating Beef, the above two statements are in total contradiction, and every one in India seems to have their own version, assertion, belief and banter in this regard. Any wonder such diversity of legalities and moralities being shown here.

opinions are like a$$ holes, every body has one ;)
Did you miss the part where I was the one refuting that beef is eaten by Indians where as the Indian said "nobody eats beef".

That person probably has never left his sheltered world.

Beef eating is not alien to India and beef is openly sole under the name of Bada in India though Slaughtering of cows is an issue in many states of India.

As i have stated in the post to which you were replying that a large majority of people in India are vegetarian but from among the meat eaters, lot of people are eat anything people.
People often compared this situation with the Satanic verses ban in Pakistan (it is also banned in India I believe).

In Pakistan we have fighters for everything, they even get killed for it but we continue to fight.

Blasphemy laws? I still openly condemn them despite seeing two major figures being killed for doing the same.
Hudood Ordinancce, Equal rights to minorities, Freedom of press, criticism to the military chiefs, criticism to the government, the intelligence. We stop at nothing and we get killed for it too.

Indians seem like they are super self conscious about putting up a harmonious image that they won't take up such noble causes even the easy ones like beef.

Yuo know best (as a citizen of you own country) your committments to the various issues in your country and what can be done to combat them, with what chances of eventual success. And if you wish to kill and be killed for it, its upto you.

Where the issues in India are concerned, there are enough motley characters who can and do employ themselves for such causes.

Let the imbeciles get stabbed or blown up for "noble causes" as you think.

I simply have more worth-while things to do, which is what I concentrate on.
There is a running around in circles here as something is allowed here, but not there, allowed in this context but not another.

Answer this

Beef is banned in some part of India?

Beef slaughter is banned in some parts of India?

Beef eating is taboo of in some parts of India?

Beef eating publicly is frowned upon in some parts of India?

Beef eating is physically disallowed in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Beef eating done solely to make a political point will be met by violence in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Wherever the answer is Yes, there is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.
There is a running around in circles here as something is allowed here, but not there, allowed in this context but not another.

Answer this

Beef is banned in some part of India?

Beef slaughter is banned in some parts of India?

Beef eating is taboo of in some parts of India?

Beef eating publicly is frowned upon in some parts of India?

Beef eating is physically disallowed in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?
Not sure how they do this.

Beef eating done solely to make a political point will be met by violence in some parts of India by religious nutjobs?

Wherever the answer is Yes, there is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.

There is no problem though. As beef eating is not allowed in hinduism, but their beliefs is not forced upon others who are allowed to eat beef. Only in hindu majority regions beef eating is banned or frowned upon.
That person probably has never left his sheltered world.

Beef eating is not alien to India and beef is openly sole under the name of Bada in India though Slaughtering of cows is an issue in many states of India.
As i have stated in the post to which you were replying that a large majority of people in India are vegetarian but from among the meat eaters, lot of people are eat anything people.

You need to understand---"Public slaughtering of cows/cattle is an issue" otherwise there are huge abattoirs, the one at Deonar is one of the largest in Asia. If you go to Bombay, find out where the supply of skins/hides for the leather industry comes from.

And India is one of the large exporters of this meat, esp to the ME. Check out the Al-Kabeer brand, one of the largest but not the only one.
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