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it's not exagerration or accusation. it's simply social engineering. today, it's "pkk is better than isil", tomorrow it's "pkk isn't that bad actually", the day after tomorrow "oh dude pkk is an angel". akp manipulated/manipulates public opinion like this since they came to power. remember ergenekon, balyoz, military espionage cases. all were staged to discredit army. same team is now doing oppposit for pkk.
and on isil, truck drivers came home unharmed and in good shape, aren't they? and actually, isil is not that unpredictable or crazy, that's just image they're trying to create. they're fuccking smart. in fact, that scares me more.
and lastly, i wasn't specifically referring to your post/s, it was general. i wrote

neyse, işi yokuşa sürmeye gerek yok kanımca :)
of course they are in good shape, they wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of Turkey as they are busy in Syria and Iraq now, i agree that they are smart. Syrian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkmen and other minority forces and civilians were less lucky and have been subjected to gruesome acts just because isil has the freedom to act like that. Hence my point about not preferring to let our soldiers fall in their hands, and with that i mean at times when Turkey has conflict with isil, as i wrote before. anyway, not worth to discuss about such a tasteless thing, so i will also stop here.
I cannot figure out your stance in this discussion. If that is a fact, then logically what i wrote before is also fact. if not, why? Because i showed my point and you agreed it. There is some confuison.

My personal belief has nothing to do with the reality and facts, therefore please do not Show me as reference point in your arguments and instead Show me some facts and arguments.

There was no KRG once, and then KRG was created by usa after golf war, now they have some part of Iraq. They have their own schools, flag etc. At this point you are asking me my personal belief over their aim of founding a country that covers some part of Turkey. Are you serious?

If Turkey backs up the isid enough, then they can defeat the KRG; The KRG is desperatly seeking help of USA and some other countries. The KRG has no serious war experience as The isid has.

The Taliban is different than the isid. The isid members are angry with usa, Maliki, and kurds. They want to found a sunni country that also covers North ıraq, so let them believe that dream comes true untill they defeat the peshmerge and pkk terrorists; and then you can take action against them. how? As i said they are angry due to discrimination in Syria and ıraq. Just give them some rights that used to be given before. they will cut that fight.

The KRG never wanted to separate from Iraq, they tried to work with Maliki but he refused, ISIL and Maliki separated Iraq. The KRG is seeking help because they are overloaded with refugees from the ISIL event and don't have the funds to support them all. I think Maliki's government stopped sending money to KRG or they threatened them that they would.

Destroying the KRG would mean the destruction of a relatively stable region in the Iraqi North, and would be bad for Turkey and Iraq. Turkey needs to work with the KRG to prevent ISIL from gaining more land.

Also the KRG autonomy, began with the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970 which failed in 1974. So, from what I know the Iraqi government created it. The United States only helped to re-establish the KRG in 1991.
The KRG never wanted to separate from Iraq, they tried to work with Maliki but he refused, ISIL and Maliki separated Iraq. The KRG is seeking help because they are overloaded with refugees from the ISIL event and don't have the funds to support them all. I think Maliki's government stopped sending money to KRG or they threatened them that they would.

Destroying the KRG would mean the destruction of a relatively stable region in the Iraqi North, and would be bad for Turkey and Iraq. Turkey needs to work with the KRG to prevent ISIL from gaining more land.

Also the KRG autonomy, began with the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970 which failed in 1974. So, from what I know the Iraqi government created it. The United States only helped to re-establish the KRG in 1991.
a stable krg is a stable safehaven for pkk terrorists who retreat to north iraq after carrying out terrorist attacks in Turkey. nor krg nor Iraq govt helped Turkey sufficiently in hunting down retreating pkk terrorists in north Iraq. I dont get why Turkish govt decided to invest a lot in north Iraq/krg as they are in bed with pkk and ypg too. imo Turkish govt should promote clashes between krg/pkk/ypg and isil through staying inactive or only interfering here and there with air strikes against isil if they become too much for krg and co in order to keep a balanced prolonged conflict between both terrorists. keep isil away from Turkish borders (through krg as buffer) and weaken the Kurdish factions. sounds cruel, but payback is payback for what pkk did against Turkey imo.
The KRG never wanted to separate from Iraq, they tried to work with Maliki but he refused, ISIL and Maliki separated Iraq. The KRG is seeking help because they are overloaded with refugees from the ISIL event and don't have the funds to support them all. I think Maliki's government stopped sending money to KRG or they threatened them that they would.

In 25 march 2007 Mesut Barzani said on a Turkish tv NTV that Kurds have the right for independence, Turks, Arabs and iranians should get used to it.

In 29 December 2006 Neçirvan Barzani said on Zargos Tv in N.I. that It is our right to found an independent country, However, The current situation is not ok for that.

Destroying the KRG would mean the destruction of a relatively stable region in the Iraqi North, and would be bad for Turkey and Iraq. Turkey needs to work with the KRG to prevent ISIL from gaining more land.

It is very stable for the pkk terrorist organisation; so Turkey should change that and make it unstable for those terrorists. Besides The isil wants some part of Iraq and syria, so nothing for Turkey to worry about. Turkey should support the isil to fight against those pkk terrorists and their supporter Barzani peshmerge.

Also the KRG autonomy, began with the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970 which failed in 1974. So, from what I know the Iraqi government created it. The United States only helped to re-establish the KRG in 1991.

It was actually USA that sided with the Baas party and turned back on kurds about that agreement. The same usa slapped kurds after the first golf war. Your claim is therefore based on some misinformation.
a stable krg is a stable safehaven for pkk terrorists who retreat to north iraq after carrying out terrorist attacks in Turkey. nor krg nor Iraq govt helped Turkey sufficiently in hunting down retreating pkk terrorists in north Iraq. I dont get why Turkish govt decided to invest a lot in north Iraq/krg as they are in bed with pkk and ypg too. imo Turkish govt should promote clashes between krg/pkk/ypg and isil through staying inactive or only interfering here and there with air strikes against isil if they become too much for krg and co in order to keep a balanced prolonged conflict between both terrorists. keep isil away from Turkish borders (through krg as buffer) and weaken the Kurdish factions. sounds cruel, but payback is payback for what pkk did against Turkey imo.

The KRG doesn't support the PKK, where did you get that idea?
I have forgotten to mention each time that PKK terrorists flock into North Iraq towns to fight with Peshmerge against The Isil.

That means it is now official that Barzani and PKK terrorists are working together as before with a difference that it is official now.

It is the same Barzani that the Turkish FM Davutoğlu welcomed in red carpet and called him Big brother in kurdish. The Akp works together with PKK terrorists and Barzani. Now it is official. When that election is passed, the main topic will be that fact.
KRG Pashmergas and PKK terrorists, fights shoulder to shoulder against ISIS in Mahmur/Northern Iraq as we speak.

That doesn't necessarily mean they like each other, they just both hate ISIS

Bro, PKK has shelters in qandil mountains in KRG controlled region area. That's just tip of the iceberg of their relations.

From what I've been reading recently are denying giving the PKK safe haven but they aren't really attacking them much either. So, I can't say the KRG likes the PKK as you make it seem but I can't deny that they outright hate the PKK either.
Would US side with Terrorists while fighting other terrorists ?

The United States doesn't need to. However if I was in the same situation as the KRG I would prefer not to but since surrounding nations see them as a threat they don't really have many options when it comes to ISIS.
The United States doesn't need to. However if I was in the same situation as the KRG I would prefer not to but since surrounding nations see them as a threat they don't really have many options when it comes to ISIS.

Mate, 100-200 Mountain Geurillas will not make a difference...

Didn't made a difference in Sincar, didn't made difference in Mahmur....Kurdish fighters ran from ISIS. But i assure you, we won't forget Barzani is cooperating with PKK.
Mate, 100-200 Mountain Geurillas will not make a difference...

Didn't made a difference in Sincar, didn't made difference in Mahmur....Kurdish fighters ran from ISIS. But i assure you, we won't forget Barzani is cooperating with PKK.

Cooperating with or using the PKK? There is a difference you know. And when do you mean Kurdish fighters ran from ISIS, I can't find anything on that.
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