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Turkish government moves for shortening compulsory military service

The Turkish government is pushing to shorten the mandatory military service of its male citizens, with both the military and the government on the verge of completing the necessary regulations.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the long-term service would be cut from 15 months to 12 for private soldiers, during a live interview on private broadcast A Haber late on Oct. 3.

“There is a draft, a study on the issue [of shortening military service],” Erdoğan said, stressing the General Staff and the Defense Ministry are already in consensus with the government over the reducing the period.

However, the duration of military service for reserve officers will remain at six months, he had added.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ said the legislation that will define the details of the shortening will be put into the Parliament’s agenda as soon as possible, supporting the prime minister’s remarks.

“General Staff and the Defense Ministry have followed through the studies up to certain point and these will be shared with the public,” he said, answering reporters’ questions in the Serbian capital of Belgrade on Oct. 4. Bozdağ said he hoped the Parliament would accept the law rapidly because of the heightened public expectation.

Even removal may be considered: Bağış

He also noted that neither the issue nor the change of plans were new, as the government has been working on it for the past few years.

Hailing the move as well, the European Union Minister Egemen Bağış, pointed to a further possibility by saying removal of military service all together would be considered as long as peace in the country was maintained.

“Look, how good it is that no new fallen soldier reports have emerged in the country for the past nine or 10 months. Terror has begun to be forgotten… As long as this peaceful environment persists, of course the shortening of the military service, shifting to professional army or the lift of mandatory military service in time can be considered,” he said.

Currently, conscription in Turkey is compulsory for every man of Turkish nationality over the age of 18. Men serve between six and 15 months in military posts to which they are appointed.
Schortening is good, we nee more professional soldiers than thousands of amateurs, but lifting not, ME is still a risky place.
Turkish General Staff confirms agreement to shorten compulsory military service

The Turkish General Staff has announced that an agreement has been reached with the government to shorten the compulsory military service of male citizens from 15 months to 12 months for private soldiers.

The statement comes only two days after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said a study was ongoing on the issue of shortening military service during an interview on private broadcaster A Haber.

The General Staff also said the duration of the short term military service, to which university students can apply, will remain six months.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ also commented on the issue on Oct. 4, confirming that legislation regarding the details of the shortening would be put on Parliament's agenda as soon as possible.

"The General Staff and the Defense Ministry have followed through the studies up to a certain point and these will be shared with the public," Bozdağ said.

For his part, EU Minister Egemen Bağış pointed to a further and more radical possibility of the future removal of compulsory military service.

Currently, conscription in Turkey is compulsory for every man of Turkish nationality over the age of 18. Men serve between six and 15 months, according to the level of their studies, in military posts to which they are appointed.

Turkish general staff confirms agreement to shorten compulsory military
BBC's article said:
Mr Erdogan said the law under which only parties which get 10% of the national vote can take up parliamentary seats could be replaced by a 5% threshold, or even abolished completely.
The 10%-threshold held the smaller nuts from entering the parliament, but hey - why don't we let every corner of it have its own clown? While we are at it, we can bring in some hens, cows and donkeys too - full-house circus ftw!

But the co-chair of the pro- Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Gulten Kısanak, said: "This package do not... fulfil Turkey's needs for democratisation."
Looks who's talking! Dafuq do you know about democratic values anyways you little turd? Your clothes still emit the smell of cavemen since the last time you handed out hugs to a number of them.

And BDP MP Sirri Sakik said the package did not address what were seen as judicial injustices. "The anti-terror courts are still working. Around 1,000 Kurds will not be released from prisons.
Oh noes! We aren't going to release convicted low-life terrorist scumbags from our prisons - cry me a river!

Mother tongue can only be thought at private schools? My language is God's gift to me, how can it be limited?"
Nobody is limiting you from speaking your language, but if you expect to get your salary paid by tax payers for speaking a language that the majority of the parliament/society doesn't understand, there will be problems.

Edit: sorry for my outrage, I've not taken my pills for the last two days...
Analysis: Turkey lifts generations-old ban on Islamic head scarf

Turkey lifted a ban on women wearing the Islamic head scarf in state institutions on Tuesday, ending a generations-old restriction as part of a package of reforms the government says are meant to improve democracy.

FNOTW: Turkey lifts generations-old ban on Islamic head scarf

If you want to understand the problems Turkey faces during the akp term, you should read the past of Turkey starting 1910.

The problem is not Islam or head scarf; how could that be? 99% of Turks are muslims. The problem is people; Turkey is a muslim-dominated country, but Saudi Arabia and Iran are muslim-dominated countries as well; but i am sure you know Those two countries are way different than Turkey. Do you think why?

if you know why, then you can understand the worry of most people over akp and Erdoğan.
Turkey’s nuke hopes warrant homegrown atomic education

Around 200 Turkish students have studied nuclear power technology in Russia until now, however Turkey is in need of devising its own nuclear education ¬curriculum to be able to establish its future plants by itself, said Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant Vice President Rauf Kasumov yesterday.

“If Turkey wants to create a fairly developed nuclear program and to have four nuclear plants in the future, it should establish its own nuclear education curricullum,” he noted.

Around 200 Turkish students have received education in nuclear technology while in Russia until now, in accordance with an intergovernmental agreement between Turkey and Russia as part of Ankara’s plans to open a nuclear power plant in the country. In July 2010, the Turkish Parliament approved a deal with Russia for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the southern province of Akkuyu.

A total of 600 students will study nuclear power technology in Russia.

“There is only one nuclear engineering department in Turkey, at Hacettepe University in the capital Ankara, which accepts only 40 students. This is definitely not enough for Turkey,” he said.

Kasumov noted that they had planned a gradual education transfer to Turkey, yet the planned technology transfer would not be a simple project.

“We can only transfer such technologies to nuclear engineers, but not civil engineers or mechanic engineers. Before we can commence on our technology transfer to Turkey in this field, Turkey needs to develop some solid nuclear education, which must be meet the requirements of Turkey’s own dynamics,” he said, adding that Turkey also needed to have more than one R-D facility and center related to the field of nuclear technology.

He also added that they were willing to build a third and fourth nuclear plant in Turkey.

ENERGY - Turkey
Turkish jets intercept Russian military plane
ANKARA - Agence France-Presse

Turkish jets intercepted the plane off the port city of Ordu on the Black Sea coast and monitored its flight from the Georgian border in the east through to the Bulgarian border. DHA photo

Turkish fighter jets intercepted aRussian military plane in international airspace over the Black Sea, the military said Oct. 23, without elaborating further.

"Two F-16 jets were scrambled to prevent a potential violation of [Turkish] airspace," after the Ilyushin II-20 plane was detected flying in parallel to Turkish coast, the general staff said in a statement about the incident.

Turkish jets intercepted the plane off the port city of Ordu on the Black Sea coast and monitored its flight from the Georgian border in the east through to the Bulgarian border, it added.

It was not immediately clear why the Russian plane approached Turkish airspace. Such air incidents between the two countries are rare.

The speech was very impressive, most people got impressed at that speech. Bravo!

The full text of the speech of Istanbul deputy Şafak Pavey from CHP delivered in the Parliament on Oct. 31 :

I am delivering this speech to you at the general assembly where everything is banned… In this Parliament, where the average age is 50, we are working at a general assembly where even drinking water is banned. I’m talking about a general assembly where the rights of the elderly or the rights of patients are not considered.

I am speaking as a person who was obliged to wear a headscarf for years in geographies you would not even visit as a tourist, at Afghanistan, at Yemen, at Iran. I am speaking as a female deputy who was banned from wearing pants by a male deputy in Parliament. I am speaking as a person, whose non-existent leg has been turned into a political topic by men.

And now I think that it is high time the showcase non-headscarf-wearing deputies of the AKP return their deposited votes to their true owners. I believe that the true women who have carried the AKP to power have the right to take their place in the seats of the Parliament.

Indeed, I have enormous concerns about the future of secularism in my country. But my concern is not symbols caught in between red lipstick and a headscarf.

I was very surprised that while male police were accepted naturally in the democracy package, who shared the same ideology, but a headscarf-wearing female police was banned. Can there be a more serious gender discrimination? I would not be afraid of the headscarf at the head of the police; I would be afraid of the future of violence promised by the police.

I am afraid of the mentality in Parliament that seeks a fatwa from the Religious Affairs Directory to open a cemevi. In other words, I am afraid of the mentality which couples the right to worship of one belief with the permission of another belief. I am afraid of the mentality that puts religion before law.

I am never afraid of women’s rights. I want to say that a life of freedom is achieved very slowly but can be shattered very quickly.

Exactly for this reason, I want to remind the young girl with her flower-printed headscarf and tight pants, who kisses her boyfriend in the hidden corners of Çamlıca Park, that she owes her freedom to Mustafa Kemal.

The relationship between the headscarf and freedom is like the edge of a knife. On one hand it represents the freedom of belief; on the other hand it represents the pressure of belief. While many women put on the headscarf because of their beliefs, some young girls are forced to wear the headscarf by family powers that control them.

Clinton said in 2007, “If women change, then the future will change.” Emine Erdoğan must have liked it so much that she used it in a speech of hers recently. Our social freedom fields are being destroyed one by one, stolen from our future. Let’s look at our girls who are covered at age 5 and married at 15. Our future is truly changing, over the state of our women, for the worse. We, as a culture, don’t ever prioritize it, but each freedom is at the same time a responsibility…

I have great expectations from our headscarf-wearing female deputies; for example, I am expecting them to explain why my country is at the 128th place in the world in the field of women’s rights. I expect them to explain why the average of the entire women’s rights in 57 Islamic countries cannot reach the level of Taiwan alone, which is not even a part of the United Nations. From now on, the safety of the one who was fired from her job because she wore a mini skirt, the one who was beaten because he had an earring on his left ear, the one who was lynched because her low-cut was not liked by the cabinet minister, who was killed because he did not observe the fast, those who changed their names to hide that they are Christian are entrusted to these female deputies more than anyone else.

Now, it is their responsibility to transform the headscarf from a violation of human rights to a human rights gain. The biggest assurance of freedom of belief is not controlling our future through religious guidance but is a flawless secularism. What I am trying to say will be best understood by those who were born in secular Norway and became deputies in my country. I hope that, if they believe in secularism, they will explain it to their supporters why law and secularism are essential. Please remember, our secular society was shining like a solitary diamond in the Middle East…

There is a detail I am very curious about. Can belief be used for show? Isn’t it ordered that it must be lived with a magnificent modesty born out of major soul cleansing? I scanned the speeches of the headscarf-wearing deputies before I came here and I did not come across even one word they used regarding the freedoms of others. I was not able to see the sensitivity they demonstrated for their own freedom of belief in those problematic fields of belief such as the Halki Seminary, minority schools, Cemevis and the declaration of a belief as filthy.

For example, I do not know their opinions on YÖK, which has handcuffed the freedom of science.
However, I have heard this insult in every news bulletin: “I will not be soiled again by uncovering my head.” In this case, those who do not wear the headscarf, are they soiled? Whose might is it to declare the other filthy through belief?

Apparently, our myth of cohabiting has collapsed. If you have been intoxicated by arrogance, how can you hear the cry of the one who is not like you? While one side is searching for ways to live together, and if the other side wants to intimidate, transform, destroy their freedoms one by one; then when you finally destroy us, who will you find to put in the next Olympics presentation? We are the ones torched at Sivas, shot at Gezi, whose houses were marked, who have been punished because of our lifestyles… But, for some reason, you are the chronic victims…

It is not sustainable that the minority suppresses the majority. However, it is sustainable that the majority suppresses the minority.

If you really intend to avoid dragging this country to a horrible fate, then you should very soon learn the difference between justice and revenge.

Why didn’t the Republic of Turkey’s most authoritarian government of all times make an amendment in internal regulations that would have taken only a few minutes in their time? Could it be that the political gain they imagined they would achieve by their plan show that turning into a fight was quite attractive? I cannot know that but as a lawmaker, I will never wear pants before the internal regulation is changed. I am emphasizing for those who expect confrontation from us: We are not clashing; we are resisting for our own existence.

If you take a look at history, you will see what is waiting for all of you. It is only our struggle to exist that would prevent your self-built radical monster to come and get you. I am leaving the rest to the wise

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