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I do not believe God is inside of me, that is blasphemous to the very concept of God.

Any God if really a God would have to be all-merciful, all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. A human does not have even one said trait as an absolute let alone all.
And this is where the thinking diverges.
We believe - most Hindus - that a part of God is in each living thing. This is only understandable once you let go of the concept that God is only a physical being but think of it as Energy as well.

We meditate to achieve that connection/activate that part.

Once we achieve that via meditation. We become one with the God, with the Universe. We then do become all knowing/all merciful/all xyz.

Which is what Budha did. He achieved Enlightenment. And we believe that there are many Yogi's who are able to achieve that with meditation and yoga.
And this is where the thinking diverges.
We believe - most Hindus - that a part of God is in each living thing. This is only understandable once you let go of the concept that God is only a physical being but think of it as Energy as well.

We meditate to achieve that connection/activate that part.

Once we achieve that via meditation. We become one with the God, with the Universe. We then do become all knowing/all merciful/all xyz.

Which is what Budha did. He achieved Enlightenment. And we believe that there are many Yogi's who are able to achieve that.

Yes I know that is what you believe but my question is ok granted if you say God is in everything but what do you define God as, just an energy or an atom? Also what powers does this atom have because ultimately the very definition of God centers around a being that is more powerful, intelligent, insightful than the rest of us or no?

Also we also do meditation in the form of zikr although it differs from sect to sect as one is more likely to prescribe than another.
Yes I know that is what you believe but my question is ok granted if you say God is in everything but what do you define God as just an energy or an atom?
The answer to your question:
Are energy and mass interchangeable?
It does. God is infinite. It can take the form of energy or mass. It can be the Energy of the Universe.

Yes I agree but things in the universe such as man is finite hence God cannot be in us. Anyway we are getting nowhere so basically God is an energy that has created an illusion in which man thinks he is real but man is not instead man is God himself but according to offbeat this was done for a purpose that we do not know however we may find out if we achieve enlightenment?

o_O How then do you know the concept of enlightenment itself is not the greater illusion? Maybe Buddha thought he had found enlightenment but he had just fallen into another maya. :o:

Anyway since we are on the subject :P
Yes I agree but things in the universe such as man is finite hence God cannot be in us.
Yes. But man has the divine spark - so to speak. The soul is nothing but a part of the Ultimate.
He/She has the capacity to become infinite once he/she activates it. How s/he activates/communes with God, is upto him.

Anyway we are getting nowhere so basically God is an energy that has created an illusion in which man thinks he is real but man is not instead man is God himself but according to offbeat this was done for a purpose that we do not know however we may find out if we achieve enlightenment?
You mixed a couple of schools of thought there.

o_O How then do you know the concept of enlightenment itself is not the greater illusion? Maybe Buddha thought he had found enlightenment but he had just fallen into another maya. :o:
We donot know either ways.
Yes. But man has the divine spark - so to speak. The capacity to become infinite once he activates it. How he activates/communes with God, is upto him.

You mixed a couple of schools of thought there.

We donot know either ways.

Ok so enlightenment is what I mixed up? Anyway this divine spark you speak of may be similar to the Muslim concept of Humanity being the best of creation because we can overcome our deficiencies and hence one day join God in paradise. Although your end goal would be I guess communion with God literally. It is the same as one Sufi concept. They do not believe that God is in all of us but that ultimately we do unite with God.

I have come to the conclusion though that you guys think that because Muslims are from an Abrahamic tradition our beliefs are similar to Christian concepts but imho our beliefs are much more similar to Eastern concepts as Christianity and Islam are in total opposition in almost all things whereas I can see many things in Eastern tradition that has a counterpart in Islam.
Yeah because maya says there is no right or wrong in order to not have to explain it but then by the same logic you should not punish people for murder because such a thought is an illusion in of itself and will be carried out through another illusion which ultimately came from the Supreme being.
Also if this morality comes from the Supreme one than likewise the lack of morality found in some serial killers also comes ultimately from your Supreme being so is you Supreme Being both evil and good?
Both your questions above are similar....so I'm giving one answer.

Think of it like this....
Someone kills someone....that person's action is guided by God's will
I kill that person in retaliation.....my action is also guided by God's will
I go to court and the court punishes him....again, I acted according to God's will.
The bottomline is, whatever in happening in this universe is according to god's will......
Now, you asked a good question, why would god make the person kill in the first place, is he evil then?
The answer lies in our 'previous-life' concept.....
The crimes we've committed in our 'previous-life', we pay for it in this life..(the concept of Karma)
Probably, the person got killed by the killer did something wrong in his previous-life.......
What about the killer, did he do something wrong in his previous-life too......'cause he is also getting killed in retaliation or getting punished due to his action......the answer is YES i.e god did a check-mate....by punishing two criminals together...

From here, another question can be asked, which also has an answer(the concept of Eternity will come into play), let me see whether you can find that or not....:azn:
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Ok so enlightenment is what I mixed up?
The part about maya.
Anyway this divine spark you speak of may be similar to the Muslim concept of Humanity being the best of creation because we can overcome our deficiencies and hence one day join God in paradise. Although your end goal would be I guess communion with God literally. It is the same as one Sufi concept. They do not believe that God is in all of us but that ultimately we do unite with God.
Its not that we all have God in us. Literally the word we use is 'ansh' or 'part'. So we all have a 'part' of God in us. Our soul is a part of the supreme soul.

Once we achieve that Enlightenment or Communion or whatever it is that different people like to call it. We transcend mundane things like Right and Wrong, Truth or Lie. We become one with God and become omniscient/omnipotent/omni xyz.

I have come to the conclusion though that you guys think that because Muslims are from an Abrahamic tradition our beliefs are similar to Christian concepts but imho our beliefs are much more similar to Eastern concepts as Christianity and Islam are in total opposition in almost all things whereas I can see many things in Eastern tradition that has a counterpart in Islam.
We believe - all rivers lead to the same ocean. Though you are in one river and see only one part of the ocean.
One can achieve what we may/maynot achieve in Hinduism by Christianity, Islam, Budhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc or by being an Atheist.

The only thing that Dharmic religions truly differ from with Abrahamic religions is that all 3 Abrahamic religions say they are the 'one true religion'. And that anyone not following 'the one true religion' will go to hell.

Here, we believe that Actions of humans will take him to hell or heaven, not what his religion is. If he has followed a life of Dharma (righteousness, truth, justice, magnanimity, compassion, etc, etc) he will go to heaven whether he followed Islam or Judaism or was an Atheist. Regardless of whether he prayed 5 times a day or none at all.

And if he followed a life of Adharma, then he will go to hell whether he followed any religion or no religion.
Isn't that is the main point ?
To let people decide what they want.

Let the Saudis do what they want. Its their country, their rules. If Saudis do get offended by these idiotic legislation, they can rise up like the Syrians.

Personally it makes me really glad that as a Muslim that I live in the West where I have freedom and democracy.
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